The Holocaust Never Happened

>Jews were deported to Israel
>"""Death Camps""" were a massive conspiracy by the allies to get America involved in the war
>Most Jews died from typhus or starvation caused by the allies destroying crucial supply lines that fed labor camps
>There wasn't even 6 million jews in europe at the time
>The NSDAP only held jews in ghettos until they could get them passports to Israel unlike the savage internment of Japanese-Americans by the Americans
>Red Cross records state that only 300,000 Jews died all of which were caused by starvation, disease or allied aggression
>All photos of supposed "crematoriums" were either doctored or had they were built after the war
>you can't burn 6 million bodies in the span of a couple decades let alone a few years
>It's illegal to research how many people actually died in the "Holocaust"
And yet, somehow, people fall for the Holocaust myth.

inb4 poltard

Fuck off back to /pol/

You forgot
>Hilter loved the Jews and never harbored any sort of hatred or animosity towards them

Dresden never happened. All the people involved in it were krauts and therefore can’t be trusted. It was nothing more than a way for the krauts tk draw attention away from their own heinous crimes. All “proof” of Dresden is actually fabricated.

Nice argument and sources you've got there, user.

I've asked Germans to name me at least 10 victims of Dresden, they couldn't even name me 3.

Prove to me that Dresden was real and I’ll give you all the sources you want

Dresden never happened but it should have.

>the Holocaust had anything to do with the US involvement.

This is what brainlets actually believe.

Danzig massacre never happened but it should have

This is literally the weakest """argument""".

>>Jews were deported to Israel
Israel had no more than 590,000 inhabitants at its foundation in 1947.

>>"""Death Camps""" were a massive conspiracy by the allies to get America involved in the war
The Holocaust had nothing to do with the American decision to enter WWII.

>>Most Jews died from typhus or starvation caused by the allies destroying crucial supply lines that fed labor camps
Yes, those evil Allied bomber crews ran around Europe massacring entire villages.

>>There wasn't even 6 million jews in europe at the time
Yes there was. The Wannsee Protocol from 1942 said that there were 11 million Jews in Europe, of which roughly 6 million were living in German-controlled territories (as the Third Reich was at its peak by 1942).

>>The NSDAP only held jews in ghettos until they could get them passports to Israel unlike the savage internment of Japanese-Americans by the Americans
Do you like having autism?

>>All photos of supposed "crematoriums" were either doctored or had they were built after the war
Both wrong.

>>you can't burn 6 million bodies in the span of a couple decades let alone a few years
Yes, you can. And no historian claims that 6 million bodies were cremated.

>>It's illegal to research how many people actually died in the "Holocaust"
No it isn't. Denying the Holocaust is, in some countries.

Now fuck off back to /pol/.

imagine being this dense

You can point aneonazi a million times to Nazi numbers that count more than 11 million jews and the very next thread he will repeat that there weren't 6 million jews in europe

You never presented any argument or sources to begin with.


Gross. /pol/ is leaking again

>you can't burn 6 million bodies in the span of a couple decades let alone a few years
this isn't the claim idiot
>"""Death Camps""" were a massive conspiracy by the allies to get America involved in the war
germany declared war on the us of a
>The NSDAP only held jews in ghettos until they could get them passports to Israel unlike the savage internment of Japanese-Americans by the Americans
the modern nation of israel was founded in 1948
>Jews were deported to Israel
what route could germany have taken to get there? If there is a route the allies couldn't interfere with, why bother?
>Most Jews died from typhus or starvation caused by the allies destroying crucial supply lines that fed labor camps
but you said they were passport camps. Besides, wouldn't the gaurds have died as well if it was from typhus?

Oh boy another Holocaust thread that's gonna get 300 replies despite the fact it's obvious bait

If you've hung around the Holocaust denial echo chamber threads on /pol/ you'll know that /pol/ tards genuinely believe these things.

>There wasn't even 6 million jews in europe at the time
Nigga there was 9.5 million Jews in Europe in 1939.

Some do but the points here have been debunked for so long here it shouldn't be so out-of-reach to assume that some are doing it just for the (you)s/shitfest that it causes. Maybe I'm wrong and OP is serious, could go either way.

Stop replying to him

damn beat me to it

Don't listen to all these blue-pilled faggots OP, Hitler did nothing wrong except for not actually gassing the Jews

good goy Hitler

Hitler made Israel home for the jews, so we can claim, that Hitler was active founder of Zionism after Hertzl

>the Nazis had gas chamb_

>the holocaust actually happ_

germans aren't as good at constructing things as americans

I can see only 20

>the holocaust was well documen_

>the Nazis really did do atrocious things to the je_

We should be very skeptical about anecdotal evidence. Most evidence for the holocaust come from testimonials. Not to mention the conflict of interest that exists in this sort of research.

>he didn’t post the source about the Nazis ordering air tight doors.

Icht nan Hans

none of those things were ever claimed by any historians since 1950's

>typhus never hap_
Those so-called "gas chambers" were delousing stations.

no one ever claimed that there was no typhus, most historians or survivors even mention it.

>hydrocyanic gas was used for “delousing”
>hydrocyanic gas is many times more toxic to humans than lice

What did stormfags mean by this? That Jews were the actual lice?

>picture of hitler with a kitten means the holocaust didnt happen

please no more soyboy threads, pol is just a click away cuck


Burgers can't compete with superior german technology.

Hilberg didn't say that there were orders but that people told him there were. This later debunked to he changed the books. Acknowledging basic empircal facts and changing your writing accordingly is one of the basic concepts of what experts call "science".

>a gas chamber for the legally prescribed execution of one convicted criminal, inside a prison, with many other prisoners, guards, medical staff present, is different to a gas chamber for the clandestine mass killing of dozens of people at once in a separate building with no regard for the safety of those doing the cleanup

Really activates the old almonds.


Why does this read like a high schooler attempting to pad out a word count with irrelevant information?

>his story

So some guy retelling rumours he heard?

Can someone debunk this point by point? Because they seem like good questions.


>holohoax logic

I'm not a holohoaxer, but where is the 13th question?
