Like or not, this is what peak performance looks like

Like or not, this is what peak performance looks like.

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d-does it have a penis

what gender is this

what mode is this and how do i achieve


Would do from the phone up.


F-feelin fit buddy?



This shit has such a disgusting visual image

looks like me except i'm hairy and have big shoulders

1 meal a day for the next 3 years working out is a big no no

Is this the white man's natty limit?



This is what happens when we remove bullying from schools.

Also this goes to show how fucked up the current state of women is in modern western society because we are so used to them painting on fake faces that I identify this guys painted on eyebrows as female which is why the whole thing because 'strange' to look at because the rest of him is obviously male.

>which is why the whole thing because 'strange'
becomes* strange

Genuinely confused at what I'm looking at

>put work into my body to make it trap as fuck
>see this fucking freak

i'm angry

>This is what happens when we remove bullying from schools.
Except that bullies are ironically enough even bigger insecure faggots/pussies/cowards/losers than who they're bullying, which is why they're bullies.
>Still acting like primitive cavemen
>Being this much of a throwback
They're literally holding back the evolution of humankind. That, and all the godfags everywhere.
>Killing people because their Book of the Invisible Sky-God has different words in it than your Book of the Invisible Sky-God
>Throwing acid in little girls' faces because they DARE to learn to read and write, when your (fictional) Book of the Invisible Sky-God says they shouldn't (or so your Interpreter of the Book of the Invisible Sky-God says it does -- or so he claims)

When a troupe of chimpanzees acts more 'civilized' on average than so-called 'human civilization' does, don't you think there's something seriously wrong?

Im on my phone and dont have fedora pictures saved on it

i gotcha bro


Fat shaming is not cool bro.

Oh, you're on your phone? Good. SHOVE YOUR PHONE UP YOUR ASS, FAGGOT, the whole thing should fit nicely, right next to your faggot buttplug AND MY GODDAMNED BOOT WHEN I STOMP A MUD PUDDLE IN IT.

Goddamned moterfucking primitives. They want bullying? I'll give you some goddamned bullying.

I'm the guy you responded to. I grew up being bullied, skinny with ginger hair.

Only telling to explain I'd have a bias towards bullies.

There's studies that show bullies tend to have more confidence than people assume (they pick on others because they need to feel better about themselves). I'm not denying that's not the case sometimes.

Study: Bullies have higher self-esteem, social status and lower levels of depression


Except that in our modern victim culture criticism=bullying and faggotry is a special kind of untouchable while masculinity and aggression are systematically stamped out. Religion is bullshit but it is (and always has been since the dawn of time) central to the culture of any society. Without it we're lost. We don't believe in our God, so we don't believe in ourselves. Now we're becoming a land of weak androgynous cowards too afraid to criticize bad ideas and bad people.

Islam will dominate Europe in my lifetime. And its because of faggots like you.

t. Stockholm Syndrome

>believing some bullshit from some TV morning show
It's called 'bravado' and their parents are clueless.

You can criticize people without being a fucking asshole about it.
You can 'beat' someone at something without being a total dick; it's called 'sportsmanlike conduct' and 'being a good winner'.
You can have a competition at almost anything without acting like a goddamned primitive.
This is REAL civilization I'm talking about, not the bullshit fake 'civilization' we keep seeing more of these days.
We need to grow the fuck up AS A RACE.

actually this is what happens when you remove HAZING from school. Sure, hazing seemed very much like bullying and it was embarrassing to experience but when you realize that it's an initiation ritual your opinion changes. People you are hazed with and the people hazing you become your friends and you realize the importance of going through difficult situations with people and the bonds they create.


Yeah, we should teach our children to behave with sportsmanship and be gracious in both victory and defeat. Instead of fostering an atmosphere in which competition itself is frowned upon and everyone wins. Or in which success is viewed as oppressive and failure is celebrated.

>literally tumblr

Gert the fuck off Veeky Forums

Go look Up the Dunning-kruger curve. Yos thinktank younknow a los But you dont know shit

you sound like a very angry individual, maybe that's why you were bullied.

If it's this easy to get you angry then I would DEFINITELY mess with you in real life; this is a priceless reaction

>believing some bullshit from some TV morning show
>study by researchers at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada

It's a television website quoting a study from a university. That was in the very first paragraph of the article.

This guy is so against religion but hasn't removed phrases like 'goddman' from his vocabulary.

Nice conditioning, you might break it one day bud. We can see you are fighting hard against right now. Good luck with process and don't herniate yourself in the process.

I would LOVE to see what you look like and know how old you are. Would give a lot of context to this conversation. That's the problem with these anonymous boards.

Imagine different scenario of a fat person being against fat hate speech on this board, but you can't see they are some hamplanet. In real life you can see why they have an obvious bias towards the subject.