/FPH/ how did this one skip Veeky Forums's attention



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This makes me want to RRRRREEEEEEEEEE


>I am so lazy that I dont even want to change my lifestyle for the better, I will just force everyone else to conform around my fat rolls... hopefully there are enough people to reach all the way around


Damn, that guy must be devastated.


>why cant i go back to my old habits after i lose the weight?
>it's not my fault my weight and body composition is a continuous distribution of my lifestyle


Why are fat women always interested in belly dancing? What have we done to deserve such punishment?


>literally evolution


Do obese people not realize that anorexics hate them the way that /pol/ hates racial minorities?

>poses physically impossible
>they do the poses


because each time they move their belly dances, therefore they figure they already professionals in the art

because normal dancing hurts their knees

Why do fat people pride themselves on drinking tea? Like tea is so healthy? I mean, it's a fine beverage and the green kind has antioxidants, but drinking tea doesn't make you healthy, this makes no sense to me.

They just try to act as if the wouldnt drink soda all day.

Because tea is a stereotypical 'healthy' thing and they love to prie themselves on typical 'healthy' stuff. Like running a lot. They lie, of course.


Its like a guy in a bar talking about his old highschool football career. For a brief moment in time they felt a glimmer of hope and glory. Now they want to recapture an echo of that moment by bragging about some shit that only they care about.

Idk if you know any car guys but that probably made his fucking day, lmao

also, they probably think that dumping loads of sugar into it doesn't count

I've seen some shit man

Idk if you know about being sarcastic but that post was

>dating is way easier
Yeah okay

I am aware you were being sarcastic and was agreeing with you

That's funny

Fat logic

This one got me


>if you don't calorie count, you'll be fat
>if you don't stress about what you eat, you'll be fat
what kind of logic is this. it's like these people think that maintaining a slim body involves some sort of boring, insufferable life, when, to me, it's actually the other way around
>that much rationalisation
jesus christ I didn't thought that was possible

Probably my favorite FPH gif I've ever seen

>complaining about unrealistic things
>on super hero comics

>lost 10lbs in less than 4 weeks
It's just weak people making excuses for their weakness

>even their chairs are spoons

funny though that when boys see super heroes, they get inspired and wanna become one themselves but chicks just gonna bitch

in my days I've seen topless or scantily clad batman more often than wonder woman etc, or maybe I wasn't paying to much attention to that because I was fucking 10 years old

Well, the group with the highest percentage of horribly fat people are the nig nogs anyway

I thought it was latinos and middle eastern women over 35

Holy shit I'm dying here

Turk here, I almost never see horribly obese people in public, like 1 in every 3-4 times I go out

Alright I never participate in these threads because I don't give a shit about these people but that got me triggered hatd

Ever wonder why Mississippi in particular had been the fattest state in the Union for so many years?

in actual turkey they aren't, but once they cross the bosporus they suddenly wear head-scarfs, refuse to learn german and get a fat ass


>If you don't want to fuck me, you must be stupid


by ruining everything good in their country for them while theyre just trying to live?

not sure about that comparison


Based Mexico

This desu

I'm a racist btw

You've obviously never been to a comic con. Fat guys everywhere, all dressed as comic villains and heroes. Then you get some skelly batmans, and the like. Men who are comic fans are disgusting and are not inspired to get any better.

>comics use exaggerated poses, and ripped bodies
>muh realistic standards

Classic excuse for woman to justify their fat tendencies by trying to do impossible poses on stylized bodies.

Great edit, fuckin saved

>"muh negative depiction of marginalized groups of people!"
>doesnt use a black person to mimic storm

I said boys, not men
Comic cons are obviously aspie fests that no adult over 25 with a well adjusted mindset would attend (unless it's their jobs)
It used to be for kids, collectors and comic book vendors but these days are long gone ma man

Mirin dem quads what do you think her routine is like?


I think you mean the USA.


> it is not unusual to find sweet tea with a sugar level as high as 22 brix (percent weight sucrose in water), twice that of Coca-Cola

holy fuck merrica, get your shit together

Not even in the top ten anymore. Rest of the world caught up.

>tfw my home boards are Veeky Forums and /co/

What does that make me?

Probably a fag.

Yeah, the first time I got sweet tea at a restaurant I gagged, the stuff we make at home is a little sweet but the restaurant stuff is like pure corn syrup.

>using comics to justify your shitty lifestyle choices

The exact same reason they say they often claim they're vegetarians/vegans. It's a false image they've constructed to handwave diet criticism even though some of the more commonly unhealthy shit in grocery stores are vegetarian or vegan (chips, candies, pastries, sodas)

To be fair, a glass of sweet tea during summer heat in the the American south (where this stuff is primarily consumed) is pretty goddamn refreshing if it's not the kind that will set your teeth on edge. Unfortunately that's usually the only kind sold in restaurants and fast food places, so shit is fucked.

Imma need the sauce, my man

Nevermind, found it.

ok those women are retarded but that first comic does look kinda weird the longer you stare at it

My mother drinks this stuff all the time, and it's a big thing in the american south.

I don't understand it, the shit is DISGUSTINGLY sweet.

We need to introduce laws to ban obestiality, guys keep fucking these fat monstrosities and inflating their egos and the egos of their prettier friends, it drags the entire male population down. Look at this shit! How can this guy look himself in the mirror every day without wanting to eat a bullet? He'd need fucking scuba gear to go down on her

Some of the poses are anatomically impossible but the figures of the characters aren't. At least in the general sense.

>Can't even fit on the couch and looks like she's sliding off.

obligatory black, sassy lgbt person against the white male

>fatties try to mimic fit and slim comic characters


the second pair of censored tits

Everything in this comic pisses me off, let's go through some highlights.
>being fat =/= unhealthy
try saying that shit in 20 years when you can't go up stairs and have to use a scooter to shop
>but if I did choose to be unhealthy that would be my business
I guaran-fucking-tee you that this person is a liberal democrat who supports universal healthcare, all of these Fat Acceptance people are. Yep, just checked her twitter, she is. Unbelievable.
>I find people who aren't locked into the narrow view of beauty the media perpetuates to be more open minded, confident, and more intelligent individuals
Yeah that's why your cutesy cartoon has a thigh gap and a visible neck.

that running form 1/wholefoods

>Society's standards should be lowered and fat fucks perceived as healthy because I'm too lazy to slim down!!!11!!1

The "artist" looks like a mutant sesame street character

>implying anorexics eat McDonald's


This makes me want to be an architect just so I can design buildings that fat people can't get into.

>trying to copy a comic book pose

The point being that their hate is intense and deeply rooted and that they paint with broad strokes.

Laughed so loud my roommate came downstairs to ask what I was laughing at.

They all claim to be anorexics because it's the most convenient way to make YOU the bad guy for telling them to eat less. Some of them probably do feel bad about overeating, but they don't stop so it's a little ridiculous to call them anorexic.

This family guy clip comes to mind


Well the horse isn't fat.

>eternally running into pies as you try to waddle down the up escalator
holy shit that clown really seized the initiative

>Huff Huff huff
Hey guys, sorry I'm late to the FPH thread.

GOOD FUCKING GOD. So this ham-planet is justifying her health-destroying obesity by saying that it is a Litmus test to ward off people she wouldn't want to date. That is god-tier fat-logic right there.

Also I am so sick of "Being fat is not anyone's business but my own." That is fucking horseshit.

Food addiction takes a horrific toll on everyone around you. It strains relationships, strains resources, and is just as bad as drug, alcohol, gambling, and sex addiction.

Being a fat fuck is a litmus test for everyone else who can see right up front how selfish you are. Every single obese whale guy or girl I've known are selfish, condescending, and put out a bad example for kids growing up that being an out of shape lard ass is perfectly fine. Its a health crisis and why I can't fucking stand Obese people who preach fat-positivity.


Incline tumblr posting x F

If you pay a tailor enough money they will tailor you a fucking suit for your body. Fat or fucking skinny. Nobody made this horse a suit for free. Ffs