How do i into this mode?

how do i into this mode?

Cut to 15% bf and never lift ever.

Chest training - arms and a bit shoulder.
You have to run too, because pic related is mostly all about bodyfat which is not easy to maintain if you want to build muscle.

I wouldn't even say chest. Given his body comp and the way that his chest is very round, I'd say he's got mild gyno.

Be half Filipino

Your chest insertions don't look like that, so you will never get that mode.

>not lincoln

never gonna make it

Px90 + pistol.

Be a curl bro who does lateral raises, also have a low bodyfat so sprint.

Bodyweight + Cardio (for low BF) for 3 months

this 100% cant believe no one else has said that

1/2/x/x and then cut to 13-15% body fat and maintain

Sorry what does the first thing you wrote mean??
Im not even OP , i just see it a lot and dont really understand

Don't squat or diddly, just need 1pl8 the press™ and 2pl8 bench

Classic 1990s "heartthrob training", which is:
The rest is genetics.

Is it really that easy to get a body like that as long as you're consistent? Fuck my gym membership I'll just use my barbell to do ohp and curls

Yeah you don't need to go to a gym to get a good body

do ten pushups daily and eat 1500 calories daily

is there people that actually believe this? did you miss the skeleton rising a couple days ago? thi guy has arms 4 times thicker than most of us


that guy definitely does curls and pushups

c'mon dude, you can see his nipples obviously aren't gyno nips. Also for gyno to be responsible for that level of chest size/shape it would have to be pretty sizable for gyno, which would give him hella noticable gyno nips

Christ. Having nipples is not gyno, you fucking newshitter.