Explain this

Explain this

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Masculinity is bad in the eyes of leftists, thus they do everything in their power to be immasculinated


>people that value traits like physical strength typically fron cultures that hold right-wing beliefs

There's nothing about getting strong that makes you vote for Donald Trump.

Go back to /pol/, this board is for the discussion of fitness not rambling about your incoherent political views.


>Nassim Nicholas Taleb

just read his books dumbass

Taleb is creeping around the gym again.

#SwoleLeft tho



>There's nothing about getting strong that makes you vote for Donald Trump.


Tell me how he isn't.

taleb is a statistician

maybe in the faggot West, but not in the East. Well Eastern Europe is harsh so yeah.

>he follows Starting Strength on Twitter

epic :DDD

>tfw body and brain gains
>tfw I know if Trump were able to fully implement his economic plans the econony will crash

Never get an economics degree, it makes you hate everybody.

Guess my gains would come in handy if I had to go Mad Max though.

what are some of your works, bro? Interested in seeing a decent critique of taleb

Holy shit dudes we have an economic expert gracing us with our presence. He probably knows way more than trump too

wtf dude i hate trump now

not him, but he is insecure. His aggressive attitude and manners that obvious are sight of some sort of insecurity.

>Never get an economics degree, it makes you hate everybody.
this so much

>economy is something to be learned in university in 2017
Spotted the brainlet
Please die

Taleb is a fucking poser. Anti-fragile is pseudoscience at its worst.

>hey I'm gonna stab you with this knife
>No, that's bad for me, fuck off
>what, are you insecure?

>Never get an economics degree, it makes you hate everybody.
Can confirm
hearing my government talking about how we need migrants or the economy stops is given a whole new meaning when you find out they have a less than 50% employment rate, in some cases as bad as 25% and then hearing people scream and protest wanting to bring more of the same type of people in

Turns a good day into a shitty one

He's an unshelled lobster, a mewling, overgrown toddler of a single mother.



Wtf I hate Trump now

Thanks 21 year old nerd expert!

He's not an actual statistician. He's a financial engineer who decided to write a bunch of crappy books about concepts that are completely trivial to actual statisticians. His academic work is not taken seriously by actual researchers.

Wot? We Eastern Euros hate socialists and leftists due to getting buttfucked by communism for 50 years.

This is an analogy of what, exactly? Trump and the media? Trump and facts? Trump and his own ego?

The harder I started working in life and in the gym, the more right I started leaning
Same with lots of my buddies
Once you realize that it's satisfying to be rewarded according to your work and how annoying it is for your hard work to be stolen and undermined by those who don't put in effort themselves, the more right and down you'll be on that political compass thing

Statistics is a joke science anyway.

>being high T doesn't make you right wing
hmmmm ok

How on earth did you come to this conclusion? Are you for real?

Yeah but he is richer and smarter then most of them. So yeah they can get fucked I guess.

How is your crossfit class going?

>There's nothing about getting strong that makes you vote for Donald Trump.

Not directly, no. It's more about the general concept of taking personal responsibility for your actions.

There are plenty of fatties on both sides. This isn't about "which party is fatter". But how you respond to it is a good indicator of your leanings:

Do you say, "well, it's my own goddamn fault I'm fat, I guess I better get my ass to the gym"? This is a right-wing response.

Or do you say, "I'm beautiful just the way I am, I don't need to change, this isn't my fault"? This is a left-wing response.

So now that you've got your baseless insults out of the way, mind answering the question?

The "insecure" fallacy
It's what people back in HS used to tell about the typical Chad to cope about the fact he did better socially.
Under this mentality, every great leader in the entire history was "insecure"

based user speaks the truth
Look at most feminists arguing, they want more female STEM majors but what do they themselves study? Most of em got gender studies degrees


They aren't baseless. I based them on the mighty foundation of Trump's overweening self-image.

Once again, they're baseless because they don't actually apply nor have any purpose, and they don't answer the question

memes aside, the left is not like the West left, it is more based on economic views and geopolitics.

>implying the left has high enough T for real gains

Trump responds personally to any and all slights directed at him on social media with petty insults and self-aggrandizing counter-statements. That doesn't smack of a little insecurity?

Posting shirtless images of yourself on an anonymous frying pan seasoning board fishing fir compliments doesn't smack of insecurity?

They apply directly to Trump's manicured forehead.

Our left is basically pro-Russia so fuck that shit. I'm the EU's biggest fan but that's even worse.

He responds back becouse people make basless acusatoins and after looking at how tgose fucked previouse canidites he decides to fight back.

t. swole left

go back to /pol/ and kill yourselves

There are those pointless insults again. Tell me, how is he insecure again?

Angry leddit user detected

>Posting shirtless images of yourself on an anonymous frying pan seasoning board fishing fir compliments doesn't smack of insecurity?
No, getting mad and finding excuses to mock someone because he posted pictute of himself in an anonymous gorilla gardening forum and got compliments for it while you can't due to your shit body is insecure. Zyzz was right and ur mad bro

>His academic work is not taken seriously by actual researchers.
Citation required.
He is respected by many academics like Mandelbrot, Kahneman etc. He was in the Nobel Council and refuses to accept any awards. Plus his work is very anti-academia and against experts

t. Shill for Hill


t. angry libcuck dyel

*blocks your path*

Thick, solid, tight.

U right I mad

Not necessarily. It's good to hear things directly from the president instead of filtered versions from the media or from handlers.

Consider this: Unless you actually know Donald Trump (or any politician, for that matter) PERSONALLY, as in, you are on a first name basis with them, hang out with them as friends, etc. then literally EVERYTHING you know (and don't know) about them has been cherry picked for you by people with their own agenda. This is why you ONLY ever hear bad things about Trump, and ONLY ever heard good things (or usually just nothing at all, because let's face it, there's just nothing good to say) about Hillary.

>a bunch of crappy books about concepts that are completely trivial to actual statisticians
his books aren't about statistics. they're more about the nature of knowledge. if you think they are crap then i say "no u"

Not that user, but I would point to the fact that as soon as anyone slights him, he will go on Twitter and post about it.

Also the constant insistence that everything is going exactly as planned, no matter if it's true or not, just makes you look insecure.

He paid a tabloid to write an article on the size of his penis and his sexual prowess.

My dude.

>Standing up for yourself is insecure
>You should just let people bad mouth you with fake information and bend over to the global media powers



Taking responsibility for your own body, your own life and swimming upstream against a culture of physical and intellectual laziness is naturally going to make you hostile towards modern liberal ideals that are explicitly against individual autonomy and anyone who doesn't bend to their view.

The problem is when the unfiltered version of the president looks like an even bigger fucking idiot than he does in media appearances.

I mean, at the VERY least he comes off as quite crass and ineloquent.

>hurry it doesn't matter, he speaks his mind

He's supposed to be the leader of the fucking free world, I think it's fair to expect some grace/decorum.

>be ostensibly the most powerful person on the planet
>still find it necessary to correct the record when some random nobody in twitter makes a comment about your hairpiece


He responds directly to people and while he is petty sometimes its kind of fun to see a person in power who prefers to communicate directly to people instead of only talking to the media and their own inner circle

He has been slammed by the media so many times its no wonder he goes on the offensive, im betting you wouldnt like it if the media started spreading lies about you and tried to ruin your life

Economics is 99.9999% bullshit

t. Dilbert Man

Haha who gives a fuck how he looks? Seriously you libcuck retards care more about appearances than results. Obama was a shit tier president but because he had decorum the pussies on the left loved him.

Grow up faggot

>Obama was a shit tier president

prove it

mods pls

>slowest economic recovery ever
>never a year with above 2% GDP growth
>failed stimulus package
>the ACA is a fucking mess
>giving Iran a shitload of money so they can fund terrorists
>pretend the Iran deal will do anything
>couldn't stop a bunch of retards in the desert with 70s era weaponry
>basically his whole legacy was wiped out by executive orders month one

He did nothing beneficial and made almost everything worse. Literal shit tier. Jimmy Carter is his biggest fan because now that peanut farming fool doesn't look so bad.

Nice logical fallacy, faggot.

An American media conglomerate calling upon society and Congress to declare the president of the United States a traitor and a liar is definitely the same as Libcuck McFagstein saying mean things on Twitter.

Based Taleb is based. Takes serious balls to calmly calculate and examine the statistical proof that the left will fuck everyone and themselves over when you have spent half your childhood in the basement getting shelled by mudslimes that those same left are so keen on importing.

And his antifragility theory pans out, both financially and in relation to physical health.

He's also /plg/ and swole AF himself, and gives good justification for going SS in one of his books: it's just what swole bodyguard dudes do to be swole.

These anons have the right idea. I can say the same for myself, except it was earning a living for myself that gave me the appreciation of the effort and reward cycle and made me lean right in the first place.

The fact that his party has been utterly wiped out. The fact that he had the lowest labour participation rate. He is also the only president in recent history to have not had a aingle year of 3% or above gdp growth.