Veeky Forums Food Thread

Veeky Forums Food Thread

is it safe to oven all that shit on the same tray?

Yes don't be a pussy

Shit, I didn't do the thread right. And yeah, it's all getting roasted for half an hour, no salmonella risk.

More or less...
I doubt you'll get food poisoning.
Putting it in at the same time is kind of shit though and things won't finish at the same time.

The heat without any oil and the slowly dissolving fat from the ham will make that tray release carcinogenic chemicals. Also your veggies will lose all their vitamins but that's not really an issue when you get cancer.


not fit approved.

processed meat, a big leading factor in colon cancer development, heart disease, and diabetes
>chicken breast
leads to gyno, heart disease, and stroke

replace that shit with some beans, tofu, and brown rice and it's 10/10 top tier healthy

Nah, it's all being cooked the same way so any cross contamination shouldn't matter, if you can kill the bacteria in the chicken you can kill it elsewhere as well. Might fuck up the taste though.

fucking lol

Am OP, never posted on mobile so I fucked up the thread.
Post Veeky Forums Foods here. Pic in OP is Carrots seasoned with pepper, asparagus tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper, and bacon-wrapped chicken seasoned with chili powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Took me 5 minutes to prep the whole tray, and 30 minutes in oven at 350 leaves me with a decent meal with excellent proton content.

Chicken breast, carrots cut to that size, and thick asparagus will all finish in 25-30 minutes. Tastes alright.

Almost done. I put some cheese on top to fuck with /fit's/ sensibilities so we'll see how it turns out.

that is some bullshit

the oven is likely set high enough to kill any salmonella on the chicken. Veggies like asparagus and carrots can def handle the heat as well without becoming shit


Tfw everything gives you cancer

Out of the oven with some cheese I put on 5 minutes ago. Looking good!

Last post. This chicken is the shit.

Having this every day. Chicken breast cooked on iron skillet then finished in the oven for 20 mins combined with a salad and my own guilty pleasure, nandos hot sauce. It's a winner and can be eaten cold the next day at work.


Buffalo burgers with caramelized onions, jack cheese, and chipotle mayo

~61g proton 52g fat 12g carb

Little higher in fat than I wanted but was really feelin some cheese

Looks good user, I need to get some quality cast iron shit, that stuff is great to cook with.

i get why people eat it, but i gave it up awhile ago
looks fuccin delicious user

r8 this fresh atlantic salmon, jasmine rice, onions pepper and jales

damnit i failed posting this..

This is ribeye cooked medium rare again on iron skillet with a poached egg, beans and some supergrains. Cook time is 10 mins. Disappointed with the cut of meat, this was from the wholesaler makro , 4 for a tenner. Not worth it imo

Can't go wrong with salmon and rice although can be a bit bland. This looks good though, and as a fan of anything hot, jalapeƱo's are a good call user.