Do ab exercises cut belly fat?


pls leave

read the sticky

just do squats man


leave and never come back faggot

stop namefagging

>ctrl + f 'ab'
>ctrl + f 'abs'
nothing in the sticky about it


However the 'abs are made in the kitchen' saying isn't 100% true. If you want big ab muscles, you need to work your abs with heavy weights. So that's ab machines, squats, and maybe deadlifts? not sure about that one.

Point is, fat loss is constant over your body, and comes down to Calories in, calories out.

If you want abs, you need both low body fat % and bigger ab muscles, which comes from lifting with weight (5x5 is typically best I think).

this is so wrong

the way to abs is 1000 sit ups a day

doing work->burns calories->calories come from fat if eating calorie deficit->losing fat->some of the fat lost is from stomach

you are a dumbass. click the links

>"not sure about that one"
>giving advice
stop giving advice if you don't even know what you're talking about

Was what I said true?

I'll save you the trouble of reading the sticky

You have to do very specific ab exercises to cut belly flab
Best one is the classic crunch, make sure you look up a form vid and gradually add weight
Second best is bridges. Not the forearm bridges but the full extended arm ones kinda like a push up stalled in the up position
Build up to L-sits and you'll lose all your belly fat in no time user
See you on the other side when you make it

Oh and remember to down a musclemilk premade protein shake exactly 20 mins after your workout or else you'll miss the anabolic window to break down the fat and turn it into muscle
y-your gonna make it brah

sweetie, that's what i did
ctrl + f'd both articles

makes sense. Is running on a treadmill for 30 minutes sufficient?

Honest to Zyzz, I did not find ab exercises in the sticky

Appreciate the advice though!

regardless of what all of the dyel retards in this thread are saying who think squats and deadlifts are "enough" for your abs, you do need to train your abs.

>Do ab exercises cut belly fat?
Yes, but only if you do them in a ridiculous rep range. Serge Nubret did 2000 sit ups every day and look at him.

Quality shitpost

Jesus Christ look what you've gone and done


Yes, the body definitely only uses the fat in the general area of the muscle being used. If you're all out of belly fat, and you do belly crunches, you'll die, as the body has no more energy to go on, no matter if the rest of your body is gluttenous as all hell,

> want to find info about apples
> search for bananas
Being this retarded

Dude you gotta do crunches at least four times a day to effectively spot reduce stomach fat.
I did this routine and got abs in no time: four times a day, you do 20 crunches.
Also make sure to throw in some pushupd once in a while, so your biceps won't be lacking.

If you really care about legs (lol) do a 10 min biking session a day, or go to the gym and do a leg day every two weeks for those massive as fuarrks legs

This together with slow calories = abs before summer bro

Explain in your own words why you searched for "abs" after "ab" returned no results.

yes ab workouts target belly fat loss its great :)!

top fucking kek

>makes sense. Is running on a treadmill for 30 minutes sufficient?
Not really, lift weights or if your goal is really just abs then do every core exercise you can google.
