How do I not get old and die?

How do I not get old and die?

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Kill yourself

kill yourself so you can die young instead

Jesus Christ if I don't die by 70 I'm gonna kill myself
that's not life

How can I get old faster so I can die?

You can die at any age

Go Zyzz-mode

>implying I can die at age 8 when im 20

fuck off

that's pretty fucking spooky


Mirin' vascularity

>not lifting negative kilograms to halt the aging progress

stop eating red meat

The question here isn't "how do i not get old and die" but rather "how do i get that old lady's vascularity damn"
mirin grandma

fuuuarrkk she is ready for summer mirin shreds desu senpai

Read the sticky and fuck off

Poor lady is probably on glucocorticoids judging by her hands.

Who is planning on actually ending their own lives?
I will wither and die. I can't stop it but I just want to be in control of the experience. I want to be the person to turn off the lights, and to be in charge of the last things I taste, hear, smell, and see. I'm not depressed but I absolutely plan on suicide.
I want to die outside in the sunshine. I'll to feel the crisp forest air on my naked body. I'll have a single rose in right hand and my father's 1911 in the left. I'll sing a lullaby my mother used to sing to me and watch the sun rise one last time. I'll breath deep the sweet smell of the rose and mountain air and hold it in as long as I can. When I'm ready to exhale I pull the trigger and return to the nothingness from which I came.

Gene therapy to lengthen your telomeres and whatever new drugs and treatments that come out to increase lifespans until you can upload your mind and become the Squatinator.

Is this achievable natty?

Sounds gay

Get old and live
It doesn't matter if you look like a gremlin
I want to be able to tell kids stories about the past

Go Vegan


I could also tie piano wire around my neck and the other end to a tree then floor in a convertible so my headless corpse continues speeding down the road spewing blood untill it crashes into a daycare center.

>Letting some poor fucker find you in that state
Inconsiderate shit

Wow super epic sick bro. How's living in your mommy's basement going?

You don't. You stay fit to compress the window of morbidity so one day, when you're out mowing the lawn like every other Saturday in the summer, you have a massive stroke and die before the mower's blade stops turning.

News flash... I have to hang around OLD people...
Many of them 70 and over, and many they say they do not "feel" old... Body decays but the spirit remains.

That's just how people are

Impossible, but you can always keep training and eating right when your older.

much better


>You stay fit to compress the window of morbidity Good idea, BUT life watches (20 years from now) monitor all your vital signs.. there will be an ambulance on its way BEFORE you even feel the first symptoms of a stroke or heart attack.

I'll be pretty far away from anyone else, I'll be highly decomposed or likely eaten by animals by the time that happens

I'm 34 and life sucks already.


god its crazy to see the excuses normies come up with to justify why they're in shit shape. Do you REALLY think these people believe the stuff they are saying? Do people really think that a triathlete is no more healthy than a person who lives an entirely sedentary lifestyle? Do people really believe that if you are in good shape you have no life and allocate all your time into looking that way? I never thought this shit when I was fat, I knew i was a fat fuck and that it was entirely my doing . Jesus the delusion is sad, almost makes me happy knowing that these people will ultimately live in their own misery suffering from insecurities and never truly experiencing their true potential. We are all gonna make it, except normies. May they die and slow, painful death like the sad cunts they are

>tie piano wire around neck
>superglue hands to side of head
>jump off a building
>everyone thinks you ripped your own head off

patrician way to kill yourself tbdesu

intermittent fasting, cure for everything

Research how people ate and lived in antiquity. They still waged war on the frontlines at 80.

Hint: It's completely, COMPLETELY different from what we do today.

Fucking Christ there's a skeleton inside that woman

those aren't the bones, they're tendons

Too soon, man.

>implying you can't
I'd like transageists to go back to /pol/ please

Unfortunately the food available to us today is completely different from what was available then. Thanks generations of selective breeding.

It's terrifying

>did you forget you're not on tumblr?

You're not fooling me, trap.

pray that singularity happens in your lifetime

The fuck is up with those emojis at the end

> fit hates skeletons



Skeletons are the ultimate manifestation of the loss of all gains. All that Veeky Forums does is to escape the skeleton

Japanese live the longest. What are Japanese?

>don't eat much

So there you go. Be tiny and don't eat

>Father Mask and Zweihander

FUCKING stupid faggot

>Japanese live the longest.
Nope. They actually use insurance fraud to get more moniez, involuntarily cooking the life expectancy. Basically, you only count as dead if your family admits you're dead. They can't collect your pension then, however, so as long as the ykeep their mouth shut, you count as alive.

im 46 , change your life
meditate , most suffering comes from within


>Do people really think that a triathlete is no more healthy than a person who lives an entirely sedentary lifestyle
Are you retarded?

Fuck I wish transageists were a thing when I was young, I could be driving at age 8..

wow i wanna be a vegan now holy shit xD

There is literally nothing wrong with skeletons. They help support our fleshy bodies through our lives, and in exchange we help them mature, skeletons deserve our thanks for their efforts!

i think you meem LCHF and IF

What is with those human meal comparisons? The study was with the same food, but different portions, so isn't it insanely inaccurate to represent the human equivalent as being completely different foods?


Can you read? It says low-calorie diet, not vegan.

I'm glad I can't die or get too old. That would blow


Go to any nursing home. There's no fat older males. All the really old ones were/are skinny manlets

Are you?

>implying that by the time we're 70, 70 won't be the new 50 because of advances in medicine and other skitz shit

>wanting to live long enough to spend your days shitting yourself and staring at TV reruns in a nursing home
Why though

supposedly the key is to lead an active lifestyle, as constant physical activity has been shown to preserve the telomere caps on your DNA, which in turn protect you from aging and genetic malfunctions.

Win win.

Get a masters in biology and figure out how to reactivate telomerase in humans

time to inject lobster dna into my body

Weaponized autism

I am 48 years old and already feel like I am 80.
Probably because I was obese as fuck from the ages of 20-46.
Honestly, I hate my whole life. I have wasted it all because of food addiction.

I celebrated my 21st birthday with 2 cakes and 1 mother
I celebrated my 30th birthday with 26 donuts and 0 friends
I celebrated my 40th birthday with 4 cakes and 0 friends. My 21st birthday was the best day of my life and I remembered it so fondly that I wanted to repeat it for my 40th birthday but double. (I thought that 21*2 was 40 for some reason I didn't realise my error at all)
I celebrated my 44th birthday in hospital after a stroke.
I celebrated my 45th birthday with a tray of brownies that I didn't take the candles out of because 'wax prevents diabetes'

I've never had any friends or any life

Please don't make these mistakes

I was gonna come up with some clever way to shit on you but honestly your life just made me too sad to think of something. Have you lost the weight tho?

Do mushrooms and wander around and do whatever u want because you're old.

But you could do that now without shitting yourself and being so decrepit you can't even wander.


>different calories
>different macros
>vegetable consumption vs no vegetable consumption

the vegan diet is only better off because it's much more nutrient dense at half the calories

compare it with a nutrient dense non-vegan diet if you want it to be fair

this is just as bad as the 'study' which showed active vegetarians were less at risk for heart disease than couch potatoes who ate mcdonalds

fucking vegans

if you slow down your body's production of new cells you can lower your risk of cancer while also slowing down the aging process

Get in touch with the earth prefrably with an constant contact with an earthing mat since we don't have dirt floors anymore. Also sungazing, first or last hour after/before sunrise/sunset.

Reduction of Primary Indicators of Osteoporosis, Improvement of Glucose Regulation, and Immune Response
K. Sokal and P. Sokal, cardiologist and neurosurgeon father and son on the medical staff of a military clinic in Poland, conducted a series of experiments to determine whether contact with the Earth via a copper conductor can affect physiological processes [11]. Their investigations were prompted by the question as to whether the natural electric charge on the surface of the Earth influences the regulation of human physiological processes.

Double-blind experiments were conducted on groups ranging from 12 to 84 subjects who followed similar physical activity, diet, and fluid intake during the trial periods. Grounding was achieved with a copper plate (30?mm?×?80?mm) placed on the lower part of the leg, attached with a strip so that it would not come off during the night. The plate was connected by a conductive wire to a larger plate (60?mm?×?250?mm) placed in contact with the Earth outside.

In one experiment with nonmedicated subjects, grounding during a single night of sleep resulted in statistically significant changes in concentrations of minerals and electrolytes in the blood serum: iron, ionized calcium, inorganic phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Renal excretion of both calcium and phosphorus was reduced significantly. The observed reductions in blood and urinary calcium and phosphorus directly relate to osteoporosis. The results suggest that Earthing for a single night reduces primary indicators of osteoporosis.

That's not bones your retard

you fuckin druggo

um, do you know where you are? or are you lost?

Everyone knows about those tendons you mongoloid. Look at the rest of the skin around it, its practically translucent minus the bones and tendons. The bones are thicker than the tendons and opaque. Get your ugly ass hands out of here

Finally a Facebook comment section that doesn't make me want to kill myself

The pictures were originally switched in the image. the monkey that ate the full omnivorous diet looked better

How does one meditate?

>romanticizing death and suffering
No honor. No pride. No strength. No responsibility

Absolutely degenerate

Sounds lame

That's a beautiful picture

Leave humanity behind

>not romanticizing death and suffering
Do you even read Mishima, bro?

how did this happen to you?

Meditation is my shit, but I am going to give the Buddhist perspective on it.

There are two fundamental concepts that you should shape your meditation off of.
1) impermanence
2) emptyness

Basically all you have to do is first to start off only focusing on the breath. When any phenomena appears understand that 1) that is only temporary and all phenomena is temporarily and 2) it is empty, meaning that all phenomena, by itself, does not carry an emotion, but rather you make the connection and attribute perceptions on such phenomena. With that in mind you seek to move beyond all thoughts and emotions and find a sense of tranquility, bliss, and consistent compassion as you further understand these two principles of reality.

In summary:
Focus on breath
Notice how thoughts come and go
Notice your emotions and thoughts about this process
Notice how those thoughts come and go
And repeat