What do I say back?

What do I say back?

Other urls found in this thread:


"Wanna sell that pussy to me?. I'll exchange it for cum."


youre the one initiating the whole conversation.

she obviously doesnt want to talk

"Sell me this pen"

Well do you want to set "sale" with this deuhk

"What do children's feet taste like?"

she messaged first, kek

It's Bumble. Women have to message first

Most of them just say "Hey", because most women are boring

"Meet any cool kids? I like kids".

Then take the conversation in a dark direction.

"Sell me on you"

"Can you get me in contact with some of these children? haha jk, but no... really, if you could set me up, that would be cool"

"Sales ey? You ever thought about getting into prostitution? I could be your pimp."

pee pee in poo poo?

Cool lol

>Most of them just say "Hey", because most women are boring
or maybe because from a purely social perspective a neutral initiator like that leaves more room for conversation open, autist.

This OP. This is the perfect line for this. Please use this.

pretty good, try this OP

Tell her who your favorite waifu is.

>Women have to message firs
Wait, what?

>ayy bby wan sum fuk

no seriously say "Oh cool I work at [xyz] you're cute as hell, want to meet up?'

Ask about her political views and party affiliation

That's not cute at all you homo

this is what i would have said

k lol



"sry gtg, phones about to die"

can you use a brannock device for dicks? not sure if im 3 or 4 inches

What's your end goal with her?

She clearly wants the D as she replies with lol everytime



basic bitch

>or not lol

>or not lol

cringe af. you ruined it

>Self deprecating
Avoid at all costs if you ever see this with a potential gf

"I want you to suck me off, basically"
Don't be a pussy

>or not lol

what did he mean by this?

i was thinking the same thing lol

user charge your phone

>a neutral initiator like that leaves more room for conversation open, autist.

>says stupid shot like this and calls others autists

Never fucking open with hey. You might as well open with "..." or fucking "well, I'm waiting." You have to fucking offer something.
>hurr gotta leave the conversation open
No you don't you fucking idiot, the whole point of talking to someone is getting somewhere specific. Generic small talk that you could just as easily have with an old lady while waiting for the bus is not the fucking goal.


message her right now with this
"hey meet me up at [place close to you] you r pretty cool"

post results

Roll on basic bitch?

Find someone else, she's fucking boring.

she just messaged you for attention. You gave it to her now she's not interested

It's bumble they have to

"Pretty basic, huh? Hmmmm... that's cool haha"

Please respond with this.

>Never fucking open with hey
>You have to fucking offer something.
Spotted the ugly faggot.
I've opened with "suck me off" and it's worked. I've opened with "Hi" and it's worked.

There is no fool proof method.

She is dumb as fuck, perfect. Just ask her number.


"trust me, i've been with more basic than you haha lol"

>or not lol

you realize this frames it as lose lose right? like why even say this. you could be win lose...sure you may still lose but it's better than framing as just automatically being a lost cause.

Dont fucking throw the fight before you fight

>or not lol
Well, you tried. No loss, she's boring as fuck and giving you nothing. Good on you for having some balls to say it, just don't go back on it next time.

try hard retardation
chicks can see through this in a heartbeat

should have hit her with, "well you're not getting my commission, peace"

It's not boring, trust me. Nothing gets women wetter than hahas and lols

Yeah, that's how it works


That's fine, obviously it's not some death sentence, that doesn't mean it's actually advisable.

You're basically already in her orbit. next.

you tried hanging out with the big boys but it's not working out. back to /r9k/ with you


"Good enough for me, number?"

Keep it short and sweet, op

Pls respond. Last second shot?


>No hahas or lols

You dun goofed

Should I ask for her number?

>going all out

kek, might as well at this point.

you are retarded bro. shit.

Seriously OP she is a dumb cunt who just wants you to take charge. Just ask for her number then ask her out if you actually wanna try to fuck her.

I love when these threads go so poorly

What a beta bitch you are

Nigger that was not going anywhere.

>basic is fine, I just hope you've got something in my size

>Im a beta male: The Post

Well you definitely fucked up

Wtf is wrong with you? Prob could have fucked if you wanted to but now it's over senpai.


You can salvage this op. Write "Just kidding haha :)" ASAP

>Prob could have fucked if you wanted to

You moron, she was clearly not that interested in OP. Probably just using the app at work to pass the time and feed her ego.

Don't sweat it, this was always a bust. Just have fun with it, it doesn't matter if you fuck up. See what you can come up with for a girl giving you nothing and you'll be prepared when it comes to someone you really want, this is just a crash course in filling awkward silences.

t. virgins

hahas and lols make you look like a faggot, same with emojis

You're a retard. You should have asked her to suck you off as I said.
She messaged you first, she started off with self depreciating comments about herself... you fucked it up



lol XD

Are you a literal autist haha lol
(jk :-))

you faggots better vote for fucking Wendys

Its OK babes. Love you :P

u fked up


OP here. This is what happens when you listen to Veeky Forums for guidance with women. Most of you are clueless

>bacon king

Yeah, nah. I like Wendy's, but they just don't offer a burger of that size. Burger Kang has it.

"Don't worry about being basic, I'm acidic and when they mix, it gets violent"

you followed advice on the only good line then sperged out. nice going my dude


OP here.

I know I fucked up, im a fucking beta male bitch i hate my life.



here "do you like beer?"

You're clueless for coming here and expecting to not get trolled to shit. She was a lost cause from the beginning.

t. autistic virgins

anime is for faggots