Wow those Rich Piana 5% meals have legit Macros

Wow those Rich Piana 5% meals have legit Macros

worth the price desu

Yea. I'm going to do it one day although buying the ingredients at Walmart and cooking and at home is cheaper.

Taste any good?

>no processed shit
>65.3 g protons
What is the price?

Chili has god tier nutrition normally though. That looks like it's just just a bunch of protein powder dumped into chili.

>tfw allergic to onions/onion powder
>tfw it's always the last ingredient

Fun fact, onion powder is one of KFC's secret spices because their chicken makes me vomit

>$6 a meal

>worth the price

uh, user...

All it is is frozen homecooked food. Go buy ground beef, beans, tomato sauce, some spices, and throw it into a huge pot. Freeze the rest for the next few weeks.

In the fridge itd probably last a week sealed up.

Onion powder is very common in American cooking because it's fucking delicious.

>dat iron
>implying i want to shit black

did they leave a fucking spoon in it?

Protein powder is not listed as an ingredient. Or am i missing something?

>65 GRAMS!?



Now we know why it's called pumping iron

>all that iron
>all that fiber

That's what happens when you mix a bunch of ground beef with metamucil

When Arnold talked about "pumping iron" he meant literally pumping it through his blood stream

That does look good and the price isn't bad either However there's a ton of sodium in those so you have to watch out for that Too much sodium will fuck you up

is that WHITE BREAD in the background?!

Jesus Christ why not just eat a birthday cake?

This guy gets it.
>Trips confirmation


stay bloated u fat americunts

srsly why would they use canned tomatoes . you fat fucks dont see the 'citric acid'?

pretty sure it's been proven that rich lies about his macros

>a ton

Nigger you will get literally 4x more sodium in a tub of cottage cheese than that entire meal

How much are they? I'm thinking of getting these, too lazy to cook

It's lean beef, tomatoes and spices. Why do you need someone else to cook it for you?

