I want a body that turns lesbos straight

I have no use for Stacy's anymore, she's no challenge. I want the lesbians at my gym and at my work to be begging for my body and my dick. I got a 4 pack, 5"10, 175 and so far its not happening. What mode do I have to go? Fatass powerlifting bearmode?

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They are biologically inclined to not want to fuck you. Good luck.

I guess you could always slim down into twink mode, grow your hair out and dress like a girl

Should start by getting straight girls to fuck you first.

>They are biologically inclined to not want to fuck you. Good luck.
bullshit. Lesbianism is a lie just like religion

>believing in pseudoscience

Virgin sacrifice is the only way to enchant a wench in to loving you. That's why everyone tells each other to kill themselves on Veeky Forums, if they actually do it then the big man downstairs gives you points towards getting some sweet demonically possessed pussy.

0.05 has been added into your account

That last bit should work OP, the ol double trap.


Chasing Amy
read between the lines and you'll know how to tempt "lesbians"

>How much do i have to lift to change someones sexual orientation?

How much do I have to lift for you to not be such an autist?

Tfw like goth chicks but they're not into me since i cut my hair

You need to get a sex change

all girls crave the cock. some less than others

You just need to bring it out in them

Girls kissing girls.

Not kissing you.

Real lesbians will not fuck a guy under any circumstances. The good news is that real lesbians look like pic related. The hot girls who wear lipstick and think they're gay because they like to eat pussy are just going through a phase. But you're not gonna turn them and nothing is more beta than trying.

Thank goodness for electroshock therapy.

Wife was one but really by definition that then makes her not one since i wanged her into dicktown

Let's just get a few things out of the way.
1.You were not easily fucking "Stacy's" you didn't even spell the name right.
2.You don't. You call them dykes and ignore them till they try to get froggy or hit on your girl then you treat them like dudes and lay them the fuck out.

Damn. Have some fucking standards.

>middle aged lesbian realizing that her clock is ticking, the girls don't want her anymore, and she's not as gay as she thought pretending to be a guy married to a supposed lesbian.

Ive actually had sex with a "lesbian" before, she was actually pretty good, honestly if you are hot enough, and have a pretty good body, you can pull most of the girls who have just decided to become lesbians and still harvest some attraction to guys.
Id say that some are, and some arent. Like most anything, it can be a choice too, rather than being born that way.

>and still harvest some attraction to guys.
Harbor bro, not harvest.

>have lesbian flatmate
>she compliments me for my body very often
Lesbros are the best. They can give you a honest insight into the feminine world and the lack of sexual tension allow you to act naturally just like you'd do with any male bro

>inb4 bulldike feminazi cunt
Those are aborted human beings, don't be mistaken

How detatched from reality are you? Stop reading the fagpill

I used to attract lesbos bi chicks when I was a twinky dyel. Don't know exactly why.

Lesbians who fuck men are not lesbians, they're bi. How is that hard to understand?

If you wanna fuck lesbians, it's not a body you need, but attitude

Because you looked like a girl

>Ive actually had sex with a "lesbian" before, she was actually pretty good, honestly if you are hot enough, and have a pretty good body, you can pull most of the girls who have just decided to become lesbians and still harvest some attraction to guys.

Very very few..well almost none are attractive. They're not even good for a rapey hatefuck.

>Lesbros are the best.
If you say so

Oh look. A goldstar dyke. It's a gold star dyke everyone. She's never had a penis and never will! Look at how her gold star shines!

Yeah, but I wasn't that feminine. I was a justin bieber kind of guy. It was fucking wierd

Go beast mode, u got this. They all wanna fuck if your games tight. The fact that they're lesbian means they're already dumb and confused.

good luck with that, being dyke is a mental disease, they´re born brain damaged which is why they try to make babies with same sex

sorry, typing from my phone
thats why i put lesbian in quotations. you never really know right? There are plenty of people who may identify themselves as lesbians, gay, etc. but in actuality arent

I live with a lesbro as well its the fucking best, get to hang out with all her hot straight friends and we work out together. Ideal situation for a shy nerd to meet girls because they've been primed to like you by all the nice things your lesbro tells them about you.

>Oh look. A goldstar dyke
Really now? Is this your answer to a simple semantic problem?

>they've been primed to like you by all the nice things your lesbro tells them about you.
This is 100% true. They're the best wingwomen

I work at a gay bar and basically at least 90% of lesbians fuck guys too on the side, most won't admit it, but when you know the girls as a couple they tell you everything. I'm not trying to say that real lesbians don't exist, but they are way more rare than you think. Probably about 1 in 10 won't fuck guys at all. Girls are usually lesbian because they hate their dad #realtalk

Can't even quote right.
Look, you're tired and you're making a fool of yourself.
I'm going to bed. I suggest you do the same.
Hopefully this thread will be up tomorrow.

Wtf? Everytime I reply it quotes the OP

Lesbians are the most redpilled people on earth.

Given there is a chance that they'll fuck me.

So bi?

>women attracted to women
>how do I get bigger and more masculine to attract them

No, lesbians who also crave cock on occaisons. Then after 15 years they go straight again. But it's too late. Too much invested, emotionally.

>lesbians who also crave cock on occaisons

So... bi?

Well theres your problem. Lesbians only like to be dominated by real men.

>regular at Uni Gym
>I'm not super butch, but guys know, leave me alone
>hot new young timid girl in the free weight area
>approached by guys, annoyed wants to be left alone
>on occasion I tell her to brush them off
>start chatting
>she's just started, has a boyfriend
>days pass
>guys making a bet who gets to fuck her
>tell her about it
>tell her won't it be funny if we make them believe we hooked up?
>we become close
>ask her to go for drinks last weekend
>fucked her with my strap on

Who won the bet now boys?

at least an 8" cock to turn dykes straight



Leave, you Manchild.

if you are a dominant man who has a decent body then you can turn lesbians toward you. it has to be from a social circle though, i've never had any luck turning some random lesbian. there's actually a lesbian bar I go to frequently and that's how I fucked a couple lesbians.
most lesbians are lesbians because most men are fucking dumpy and pathetic. why go for a shitty woman, i.e. the dumpy male, when they can have an actual woman instead?

This guy is into something
benis goes into vagoo, even if liberals brainwash you otherwise

lesbians don't give a shit about muscle. The only chance you have of "turning" them straight is if you have an 8/10 face with the perfect combination of feminine and masculine traits. You need enough femininity in your face to attract them, but enough masculinity to stay "attractive" as a man

i've hooked up with lesbians before but its because i have an attractive face (8/10+), dont bother if you're ugly

>Oh look. A goldstar dyke. It's a gold star dyke everyone. She's never had a penis and never will! Look at how her gold star shines!

Your insecurity is spaghetting all over the place. Why the fuck do you care?

>millions of years of evolution denied for a fetish
You can do it, OP

I've banged 3 lesbians so far. I know 2 other guys that have banged lesbians too.

t. Chad

I disagree, I think that's just the propaganda getting to you. Every relationship needs a penis or it will fail.

All the lesbians I've met in real life are ugly and butch, so it's led me to believe that there are no true lesbians but rather girls who can't get laid and want to find some love. On top of this, there are a good deal of "college lesbians" who are just going through a phase.

Gays are completely real though.

Are you, dare I say it, /ourdyke/?

>Never insecure about other guys hitting on my girl
>DEFCON 1 when her Lesbian friends are around

Blown the fuck out

Well, our boy Connor turned one lesbian straight in this vid. You don't have to look anything better than just that

fuck off


so you want a girly body

What am I insecure about again?
Just curious.

Lesbians tend to be not hot at all and the best looking one's tend to get blown out in looks and sex appeal by average looking bitches.
What's the point?
The ego boost of fucking a lez?
It wears off quick.
Trust me.
Then you're left with a nutty cunt who's orbits you for weeks looking for another fuck but at the same time hates your guts because you made her question something that she's built so much of her sense of self on.
Look you find a hot one(or at the very least one that raises your mast)talk mad shit, be that asshole guy that she hates, be a bit agressive, and outright tell her that you'll be the man she regrets sleeping with. Quasi-rape her, but you have bring your A game I mean fuck her motherfucking brains out.
If that dyke can still walk or remember her name afterwords then you're a bitch nigga and shouldn't have stepped up to the plate.
It's a power and dominance thing.
The other way to get one in the sack takes way too long, takes way too much personal emotional investment, and it's just not worth it.

Fuck you, class just started and now I have this boner to deal with.


Grow some tits.

Not a dyke, just a dude that's super into lesbian conversion/seduction stuff.

>lesbo friend keeps asking me about my gains
>wanted me to snapchat her a picture of my bicep yesterday


Nah. They usually have pretty high standards (have to be tall, ripped, decent dick etc.), but I've yet to meet a lesbian that doesn't go back to dick at least a few times a year. Most want it to stay secret tho (had to stealth fuck one because of her flatmates once).

Lesbians are overrated. Ive done it once (they want a good dicking once in a while)

They have no clue how to handle the equipment. She used my dick like she was playing streetfighter. She had a great body and nice skin though

being lesbian is a bad choice
being with you is even worst LMAO

Here's a simple 12-step program to sex with the lesbians at your gym

Step One: Become friends with lesbo--lesbo is now lesbro
>inb4 OP is incapable of making friends--we're speaking in hypotheticals here
Step Two: Go out to the bars on a regular basis with lesbro friend as your wingman
Step Three: Wait for lesbro to go through a dry spell
Step Four: Hit up the bars with sexually frustrated lesbro
Step Five: Act like you're drinking more than you are, wait for lesbro to get drunk
Step Six: Ask drunk lesbro if she's ever thought about taking a dick
Step Seven: Cajole, wheedle, and manipulate using the most gymnastic contortions of logic available until lesbro's curiosity is aroused
Step Eight: Go back to her place
Step Nine: Give her drunk ass a backrub
>bitches love backrubs
Step Ten: Finish backrub with light kiss on the nape of the neck
Step Eleven: Ask her to tell you how she does it with the girls
Step Twelve: Get tied down and pounded in the ass by lesbro and her strap-on until you pass out from blood loss from the anus

what the FUGG

>knew a lesbian for a year
>was bros with her the whole time
>suddenly she starts coming onto me
>figured it was a joke
>after a couple weeks realized she was serious
>she even mentioned how I could brag that I turned a lesbian straight
>dated for three days
>fourth day rolls around
>she's acting kind of strange
>ask her what's wrong
>"I have a confession to make."
>immediately start assuming she's not into it and was just using me as some kind of test
>"What is it?"
>suddenly her voice drops
>"I'm actually a transgender"
>mfw this is the only attention I've ever received
If Trump hadn't won I would have killed myself.

>suddenly her voice drops
oh my. How many registers? How can you "date" someone without banging them?

I guess the combination of being a virgin and failing to think about suggesting it and it being too scared to tell me would sum it up pretty well.

If he/she was on hormones it wouldnt be too bad and also if he/she was short. Was this the case?

>friends with someone for a year
>apparently attracted to them enough to date them
>they make a hard and genuine confession to you
>le mage ameriga gread again, i won't date no transgenders ya hear me

nice one dude you're a great guy

Yeah it was. Honestly, a fucking year and I never would have guessed. For a tranny, they looked fucking good.

>spotted the tranny
Not my fault I don't like dick dumbass.

Okay "bruh".

i'm glad you two broke up, you seem like a complete piece of shit who will die alone with "no hymen no diamond" on your tombstone

At least I'm not a degenerate tranny

i'm not a tranny dude, i'm just also not a legit bigot who goes around justifying tumblr by completely reversing my opinion of a friend and partner based on gender shit

you're allowed to be uncomfortable with trans people and not date them if you don't want to, but if you express it with full-on disdain and "if trump hadn't won i would have killed myself" then you look like a hateful shitstain

>being a bigot is bad oy vey
You don't belong here.

you seem very uncomfortable with your own sexuality my dude, maybe take a second to quit thinking about what's between everyone else's legs and focus on how you have very badly hurt someone that cared about you and that i assume you cared about too, solely because of your own prejudice

>this tumblr logic
My man, you need to go back.

i've never used tumblr in my life, i'm just also not a literal unironic trump supporter who uses /pol/thought to justify not having to think about how much of a dick i've been to someone who didn't deserve it.


It's 2017 Bro, dick ain't gay

Why would you fuck her with a strapon?
Is your own cock too small, amputated or you just can't get it up?

What a sad existence.


Kinda this OP, dated 2 girls that were on the fence before they switched over. No 4pack, it's about your attitude and, if you're looking just at aesthetics, somewhat lack of masculine features (I have repeatedly-complimented bright blue eyes and a weak looking jaw) and a non-chad-resting-bitch face/disposition. The easiest fix would probably be your eyebrows, go for an anti-model look like young tom hanks, or get glasses with more rounded edges.
>tfw they think you're cute and ask if you're a virgin.

She's a dyke who's probably making up a I TOTES FUCKED A STRAIGHT CHICK WHO HAD A BOYFRIEND story.

I'm not too up to date with the homo lingo.
Just looked up the word and butch is apparently a subspecies of a lesbian woman.

>being a faggot is biological
Nice try schlomo

Those girls are gay they're just gay.
Let them slap clams and strap on each other with dragon dildo's till they're holes are even more useless.
Who cares? They're all fucked up and unfuckable.

>Faggotry is genetic
wew laddio

With that attitude they are unfuckable.


Not unfuckable because I can't.
I've done it, it's a fuckload more trouble then it's worth.
Unfuckable because they are unattractive for a number of reasons and are universally bad fucks.
