Your everyday shoes

Post em

white bricks?





mah nig




god tier








mah nigga... technically


dont buy them

Is there a way to identify other Veeky Forumsizens at the gym by type of shoe? I know the shirt idea didn't work so maybe shoes will. Let's say on Mondays we decide to wear black Converses and tie them double knot to avoid any confusion and distinguish between the normies and the Veeky Forumsizens.
As per usual, the saying can go like:
>You feelin' fit, buddy?
>I guess I'm a lucky guy.
Sounds good, right?

>being this autistic

overpriced dad shoes

Sad they went out of production

>barefoot shoes
I'd wear them if they didn't look so damn stupid

Maymay shoes

The laces sucked, but other than that they're amazing.


I unironically want to purchase a pair of these sneakers. I dont have a car and run everywhere. I will look dumb but its not like im getting girls now anyway.

Bought these shoes 5 or 6 years ago.

>bought these shoes 5 or 6 years ago.

Manlet spotted

How can anyone wear flat soles like this?

Because they aren't flat footed and have a natural arch in their foot?


I wore white air forces for 13 years until I realized I looked like a douche bag. One day you'll grow up, OP.

I don't wear these in the gym, though.

You don't know what to think, do you?