Rate my body and give me addvices in food and workout for my body tipe

Rate my body and give me addvices in food and workout for my body tipe


Dick downs x failure.

10x for the fap op

10/10 keep doing whatever you're doing.

Don't eat bread, OP. Bread and high carb foods are by far the worst thing you can eat. If you want to lose weight cut bread out of your diet.


Don't forget to show the back too, gotta see if your routine needs improving there too

Wow Haha you're gorgeous. Alot of guys here will be a dick to you, don't worry. I think you look divine.
Add me on Skype Haha

Do i need to loose weight?



post dick

A couple lbs

I love fat girls, so you're perfect

Yes you fatty

no by many, you have to shape up your body. And do more squats.
How is the ass situation?

Lose 15-20 pounds and report back.

not too loose tho, but ya

10/10, thicc

bread is good, got good carbs. fucking retard. REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>Rate my body
let's see

pretty average early 20s girl body
slightly overweight
very small tits, pushed up to create the illusion of a cleavage
slutty personality, indicated by stripper/hooker lingerie and the fact that she puts underwear pics of herself on the internet

4/10 overall rating. would take home, fuck, then throw out of my house after sex. would not date, would certainly not GF.

>How is the ass situation?
this op, post some ass.

>give me addvices in food and workout for my body tipe

Less food, more workout.

Why the garter belt and stocking? Covering a third of the shit you need to see in order to give you good advice seemed like a good idea or are you fishing for boners and cock tributes?

This. Stop eating cards to lose your pudge and do some squats/weighted hips thrust.

All women have to do.

actually im not slutty at all, i have a bf for 3 yrs and never cheated on him, and i wear lingerie and sexy underwear only with him

Exact body as my ex gf.

Making me miss dem tiddies

and on the internet.

>i wear lingerie and sexy underwear only with him

only with him
and with thousands of anonymous strangers on the internet

And with us

>b-b-b-but I'm not a slut though hehe :P

i was with him at the moment when he took a pics

If I was your bf I would be pissed you did this

Shouldn't you Europoors be getting ready for bed?

the I pretend to be a girl meme is so 2016

And you're still asking people to rate your body in the lingerie to strangers on the internet.

Fuck off you attention whoring slut. This isn't /soc/

And your bf is a cuck?

Jesus op. Modernity has destroyed everything

and ass


If I was your bf and as long as you didn't balloon too much as you aged, I'd be happy for the foreseeable future. Careful about losing weight as you're just curvy enough to be proportionate (admittedly your body type is exactly what I like though so I'm biased) and if you lose ass weight and tit weight you won't be nearly as proportionate and wayyyyy less attractive physically.

TLDR I'd hit it and be happy with it for a long time but you're literally 5kg from losing proportionate thiccness.

>hehe, I'm not a slut though. :P


Boys will be boys.
OP you look incredible, any interest in chatting? Do you have Kik? I hate to see you have to deal with these cretins

Its okay. Her cuck bf is jerking off as she posts this


Holy cringe

*kisses up your thighs and takes off shirt*

Shall I continue?

how did u get ur belly button to look like a microvagingo?

cool timestamp

imagine your girlfriend degrading herself to the level of internet fap bait behind your back
imagine dozens of Veeky Forums neckbeards jerking off to your gf's nudes that she willingly gave to them



*takes off shirt to reveal six pack*

*grabs your hand and places it on my chest*

"Do you like?"

Get off my board thottie

So you asked for my ass, now tell me is it good or bad

You asked for food and workout advice. You should try actually working out and eating less. It's painfully obvious from your picture that don't do anything active. Your arms and legs have no definition. It also looks like you got lucky with fat distribution so it looks okay on camera, but I'm certain it's actually soft and pudgy in person. I'd aim to lose 10 lbs easy, if I were you.

That picture was shit. Retake it standing

the fuck is this? if you want to be critiqued take a standing photo from behind without pulling weird poses/angles, cant tell shit from dick with that.

What's that thing on the wall?



What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?

Someone's posting half-naked pictures, and all you fuckin virgins tell them to leave. Anyone that doubts that this board is 90%+ closeted homosexuals is kidding themselves.

I would be furious with my gf if she pulled this shit. I'd def consider leaving her.

You're a dumbass at the very least. Your bf is probs a retard too. Have a good one

i could go to /gif/ if i wanted to see porn. im not 12

Always gotta patrol


youre a literal hamplanet


Wipe your ass ffs


Generic skinnyfat who's never done exercise in her life.

Literally just eat less junk food, and go for a 30 minute walk a few times a week.

i come to Veeky Forums to talk about lifting and food and general health/lifestyle related stuff with other dudes. if i want to look at lewd pics, i go to /s/ or /hc/ or /gif/ or some random porn site instead.

Even in heels and with angles, your legs still manage to look like you've never done a single active thing in your life.

What's with your ass cheeks?

Yeah you definitely need to lose weight




OP what's your routine? My girl is chubby but lacking in curves like yours, she never worked out on a serious program so I'm trying to get her to squat regularly, deadlift and run. What do you do?

there's nothing skinny about those pics

lack of activity probably

please don't change op, you look hot as fuck like this

this isnt fat idk if you cunts are just memeing when you want your girls defined and masculine

>tfw imagining My face between your sexy thighs

do you have snapchat or something? this is My literal favourite body type, İ'm 6'4", above average face (some even say an 8, get 10/10 a lot irl), my penis is 7.2in length with 6inches girth

pls respond...

>pls respond
Y-you too.

Fucking neck yourself holy fuck you cretin


Nice how much for the hour OP?

Haha yea I have snap...


If you actually look like you say you do you can add me

You have a good body OP, though a little flabby. Just follow advice from the sticky and try to stay away from fit since it's full of women-hating closeted homo-hippocrits. Try to increase protein and decrease carbs intake. Look up female fitness models and learn their exercise routines and diets.

post timestamp first

then ill add

also where do you live?

I'd be fucking pissed if I saw my girlfriend posting half naked on Veeky Forums.



You just posted your name and year of birth kek

no snap account by that name, fellas. Unless I somehow searched incorrectly.

wtf is happening here

Timestamp? I don't go on this website not sure what lingo that is.
I live in Ontario

>hehe, I'm not a slut though. :P


You an account executive by any chance?

come 2 İstanbul pls

also timestamp = Show pic of urself while holding a piece of paper that shows the date and time with "Veeky Forums" on it to prove your identity

hey op, this you?

>implying this isn't an OP is actually a dude and is posting his exgf's pics episode


I've had it happen. Feels pretty bad man.
Then I turned it around and we the best most degenerate sex I've ever had.

Close! I'm halfway between you and Detroit

why, i didn't post face,why should he be mad? People can see my in bikini on the beach or at the pool, its not any worse or better than this

Can someone tell me what country has that kind of wall plug

any european country