You wake up as Hitler on June 23rd 1940. What do you do?


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Label every single Italian a Jew just for the fuck of it.

Explicitly state that all Americans are not of a white racial group.

Kill myself and end the war to stop millions of people being killed for no reason.

He pretty much did that.

I wouldn't invade the Soviet Union that's for damn sure.

Tell the world that Roosevelt is a polio ridden faggot.

Rename the Eiffel Tower the Ernst Rohm Memorial Dildo

invade spain

Not become an amphetamine addict and actually listen to my generals because I'm just a Bohemian corporal.
Oh and I'd probably just ship the Jews to Africa or something because holy fuck what a colossal waste of money the SS and concentration camp system was

drop paratrooper divisions into all of the UK's victory point provinces

Proceed to win World War 2 because i know everything that will happen

Peace out and keep Boland

Withdraw from Paris and Poland, ask for a peace deal with Britain.

Wrong move.

First publically ask for a peace deal the result of which will be the withdrawal from France and the low countries and a redrawing of Poland's borders.

Do I have my current knowledge, or Hitler's knowledge? If I have my current knowledge, I'll talk to the National Socialist scientists and engineers and explain how to build integrated circuits, computers, jet planes, the basics of atomic bombs and nuclear fission, microwaves, etc and then I invade the USSR and accept the preliminary peace treaty they give, preparing to break it as soon as the new technology is online. Meanwhile with Britain we use drone strikes to accurately target military installations and drop leaflets explaining the Zionist control over the British nation (with little belief that it will work, but it's worth a shot to cause discontent amongst the populace) meanwhile I stoke anti-colonialist sentiment in the Middle East, Africa, India, and the rest of Asia, promising them independence for support. I also take control of Italian forces due to their fuck up in the Balkans and Greece.

If I only have Hitler's knowledge I'd probably be compelled to do as he did.

Move some troops to Italy to immediately aid them in the North African theatre and try to push and seize Suez.

Find Anne Frank and fuck the shit out of her

Take a fuckton of drugs from my doctor

>Immediately expand the non-aggression pact and economic cooperation into a formal alliance with the USSR, on condition the Soviets declare war on the Allies
>Send troops and supplies across the Trans-Siberian Railway to help Japan finish off China
>Invite all the Balkan nations and Turkey to the Axis
>invade any countries which refuse
>consult with the USSR on dividing Balkan influence
>Stop any holocaust preparations in place at this point
>send troops to North Africa, and through Turkey to invade Iraq and Syria
>conquer the entire world with the invincible Rome-Moscow-Tokyo-Berlin Axis

Well if it is a temporary thing I will record a video of myself Jerking off in Hitler's body, or banging Eva or doing some kind of kinky shit. Then have that film reel sealed up nicely so it won't get damaged. Have it sent to a bank that didn't get bombed to shit. Get it put in a safe deposit box, pay for several decades worth of bank fees. Then leave instructions that if someone shows up with a paper that has a certain set of numbers and symbols then they get what's in the box. Then when I get back I show up and get the film, and then be known as 'the guy who uncovered a Hitler's sex tape' and make some money selling it to a museum or archive.

>Storm across the Soviet Union
>Winter comes
>defend against Slav rush
>bomb their oil reserves
>get Sweden to Guard the coasts and start sinking Americuck ships sent by F(I KEKING LOVE NIGGERS LMAO)DR
>choke the shit out of Russia
>sever ties with Japan
>no African campaign fuck Africa
>whittling down the English Navy
>ordering Italy to hold the Mediterranean with Spain and Balkan states
>Poles, Balts, and Balks are supported to become buffer states
>Lock down the Middle East and North Caucasian Oil Reserves
*Soviet Onion shuts down, no oil, no money, no resources, manpower in sharp decline*
>press for non-aggression with Britain but fight a proxy war in India, supporting Ghandi and other radicals to turn against English rule
>SS Parabrigade shutting down South American Economy
*England Runs out of food and submits to peace*
>pursue peace with the United States
>US takes peace - end of war - consolidate Germany and France in Lotharingian, Frankish pan Germanic cultural revival
>US pursues war - focus on missile production - special operations units disrupt US - sabotage water reservoirs in Heartland US - (success US gets choked of food) (failure, rely on scare tactics by sailing around coastal US)
*US population disenfranchised with little progress and poor economy FDR forced out of office and United States is saved from the shitstorm that is the post modern world*
gg no re

convince everyone that I am Charlie Chaplin

Most patrician answer

>listen to your generals
So you would lose the War in the East in 1941 instead of 1942/3?

Yet another moron who confuses knowing things exist with knowing how to build them.

Restore Wilhelm II as Emperor and negotiate peace.

Or perhaps I studied physics at MIT, ever think of that faggot?

Prevent the holocaust
Stop the genocide of Poles
Stop the lebensraum autism, only take Posen, Silesia and Gdansk, puppet government
Stop killing civilians in general
Do my best to deescalate the tensions with the UK (probably futile, but it's not like a miracle couldn't happen)
Fortify the borders with the Soviet Union, do my best to remain in good terms. I depend on their raw materials, after all
That might help on the North African front, too, since I'm freeing up men and resources (I'm still importing). Do my best to get my hands on Iraqi petrol.
Shift larger ratio of production toward aircraft, since I'm not planning an invasion of the Soviet Union and need less soldiers
Not be autistic about France needing to be destroyed, stop or lighten the occupation and shill the idea of a European brotherhood, help with fortification of the Atlantic
France isn't part of the war and won't join, but I should be able to get more volunteers, and it will eventually have to join because Britain has to use it as an invasion point to get to Germany, the logistics of invading in Netherlands would probably be unsustainable
Send more men to stop guerrilla activities in the Balkans, help the Independent State of Croatia actually function, rather than just exist on paper
Try to establish civilian governments in Serbia and Montenegro to act as puppet regimes
More closely coordinate the actions of the Axis, prevent Japan from attacking European colonies and Pearl Harbor, try to make a deal with the USSR to send petrol and supplies across the Trans-Siberian railway (I know the relations between the USSR and Japan, and I know perfectly well why that might not work, but I should still try), tell Japan to fucking stop massacring civilians
If the deal fails and Japan is forced to attack due to resource constraints, I'll ditch it in favour of China, as I would have done in the first place if I got power earlier.

El atrocidades btfo

>no African campaign fuck Africa
>t. idiot
Africa is full of resources you mong. USA + resources from Africa could destroy Europe-based Nazi Germany.

also, cry really long and hard for purging strasserists. if they were still here, I would have the option of fighting against the industrialists and pursuing closer ties with the USSR (it would be possible to frame both countries as allies in the fight against capital, as personified by Great Britain). Since I would already have been in power, I would no longer have needed the support of industrialists. I already have nationalist and conservative support due to dropping Versailles and getting a lot of territory considered German. This would also give me a greater support among workers
Stop persecuting christians

While I am still probably going to lose, the war is at least going to be less brutal and barbaric.

>I'll ditch it in favour of China, as I would have done in the first place if I got power earlier.
Never mind this, I'm stupid. Japan was there to tie down part of the RN, but I can't have them dragging the US into war. However, they were already at war with the UK, so I guess it wouldn't matter if I did ditch them after they started planning war with the US.

>take detailed book to of military history of WWII to generals
>sit back

>nuked in 46'

Unless ICBMs exist in '46, I don't see how he is going to get nuked without the allies first getting aerial supremacy.

Kill myself.

Hoi4 fags need to leave

No such thing

>USSR accepting that shit in the first place
>USSR not getting paranoid about your expansionist ideas of "Join or die"

Negotiate a surrender where the nazis step down but aren't prosecuted, its early enough in the war that the Russians will probably agree to it. We may have to give REPURACHUSNS or territory.

>Sack Goring
>Focus on England
>Negotiate a just peace
>Set up reforms to the political system (Hitler wanted a kind of Vatican Conclave election system with senators that were elected by popular vote)
>Retire in glory

You make me laugh.

invade russia immediately and lose the war

Where are you going to get all these polymer materials from user?


Invade the Middle East and take the oil, like every other power has done :^)
Do you need polymers for anything that I mentioned, besides a microwave?

>deescalate with the UK
>in '42
Good fucking luck.

>Prevent the holocaust

>Prevent the only good thing Hitler did

>Lie through my teeth to Stalin, telling him I'll never attack forever and ever. Say anything to secure the East.
>Build thousands of airplanes and submarines and starve out the UK and force them to submit. A quick and determined effort persuades the US to stay out.
>Tell the Japanese to leave the US alone, in all circumstances, as required raw materials will be made available shortly from former UK colonies
>Western front secured, resources and alliances secured, final step is to destroy Stalin

Chance my policies and win the war to create a peaceful and pleasant worldwide empire

Convince Stalin that Jews are behind capitalism and he'll help me do the holocaust together

Spam NAV bombers to destroy royal navy, spam MEC units to annihilate INF divisions of USSR.

Implying that's not what the 36-38 Yezhovshchina was.

Unironically not bad. Checked

Use my modern knowledge for research and an advantage in warfare and stuff

Only correct answer

1940 is too late. How is this not good enough for you?
>revived economy after Versailles and hyperinflation/depression
>created largest reich with centralized power, making it the most powerful German state in history
>answered "The German Question"
>humiliated England and France
>zero bloodshed
If he stopped there he would be hailed as the greatest statesman in history. He transformed a catastrophic defeat for Germany in WW1 into a Pyrrhic Victory for the Allies, since they were so scarred by WW1 they allowed Hitler to take over central Europe. If he just sat still and continued to lead Germany well he would continue to gain support in the Allied world and keep Chamberlain in power, who might allow him to expand the German navy. He could then renege on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and make the Soviets look evil, going to war against the USSR with the support of Britain and France, further strengthening his position and allowing him to likely keep Poland as a reward. Hitler never even wanted to dominate France, just keep them out of the way while he conquered the east.

>He thinks Hitler knows better than Guderian

In '40. And I've said that that would require a miracle, which is why I haven't counted on it. But I am obliged to try.

Have fun for five years, playing games with a nation of obedient puppets and then off myself.

Germany's "recovery" was mostly plunder and manipulating statistics. Germany would have suffered another economic crash without new territories to exploit. The war was actually good for Germany prior to Barbarossa.

shoot myself and leave a note saying "with regards, mussolini"
watch the turmoil unfold

>You wake up as Hitler on June 23rd 1940.
>What do you do?

I guess be like Moses was.
Slay 3,000 Jews per day.

>the war is at least going to be less brutal and barbaric

But that was absolutely, completely not the point. Nazis wanted to do the complete opposite, that is, crank up the pain and suffering of civilians and holocaust targets to the maximum. The holocaust had an economical side to it, sure, but after robbing the holocaust victims of personal valuables they could have just made them work but they didn't and instead chose to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. It's truly mind-boggling to be fair.

>The holocaust had an economical side to it, sure, but after robbing the holocaust victims of personal valuables they could have just made them work but they didn't and instead chose to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time
This is a little disingenuous. The Holocaust started strictly as work camps with little regard to prisoner health and got progressively worse as supplies got stretched thinner. To imply that they were rounding up people and gassing them from Day One is just as bad as calling Auschwitz a luxury resort.

You definitely don't sound like someone who has a college education let alone at MIT.

>The Holocaust started strictly as work camps with little regard to prisoner health and got progressively worse as supplies got stretched thinner.
This statement is pretty much as ahistorical as straight-up denialism. From day one there was selection of able-bodied and culling of those who can't work.

>You wake up
>What do you do
jerk off

>economic crash
But they keep the territory. Much better for germany than OTL

Well, why the fuck would I care what Hitler wanted historically if I'm taking control of him? As for Hitler's control over the party, while he didn't bother deciding everything, he still had the power to. Fuhrerprinzip and all.

The Holocaust is commonly thought to have begun with the opening of Dachau on March 9th, 1933. Aktion T4 was signed in October 1939 and backdated to September 1st, 1939. It's not revisionism to say that the early beginnings of the Holocaust were strictly work camps.

Depends on if the Nazis keep their power, too. The Nazis considered a war with the Allies less risky than the aftermath of "Hitler's Miracle" collapsing.

Why don't you stop pushing fringe views as "common" and just admit that you are whitewashing the Holocaust?

Denounce Socialism and even change the name of the NSDAP to the National Capitalist Party of Free Market just to fuck with future libertarians.

Allies had air supremacy from like 1944, and regularly bombed major cities from 1943 on.

Get in a quick wank and cum on Goebbels face while ordering a morning baguette.

>According to a broader definition
Yeah, I'm sure whitewashing history by looking at the whole picture. People like you who won't accept that the Holocaust was a slow descent into monstrosity just give fuel to deniers.

They had so historically, and historically they could have done that (although I am inclined to think that atom bombing a European city would be taboo). But user's vision of events, which is unrealistic for other reasons, doesn't give allies aerial supremacy, so the point is completely moot.

Seriously, by that time you are basically guaranteed to lose (the USSR will invade eventually) and you will go down in history as an evil tyrant. It's best to make the most of this situation and try to end the war as quickly and painlessly as possible, trying to prevent the Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe.

Or stay in power until the end and use your bad rep to ruin whatever ideology you hate by endorsing it so people can play the Hitler card arguing against it. It would have been hilarious for example if Hitler converted to Islam, it would have ruined both liberals and white nationalists by now.

"Broader definition" is just another and less denigrating way of saying fringe view. You shouldn't wear it like a badge of honor.

>although I am inclined to think that atom bombing a European city would be taboo
It doesn't matter what you are 'inclined' to think because historically atom bombing European cities were not taboo and the clear goal of the Manhattan Project was Berlin.

Good job focusing on the side comment while ignoring that
>nuked in '46
is a completely inappropriate response for the given scenario, which is shit, but for different reasons.

>I can't argue to your point so I'll denigrate you and argue to your semantics instead
How many people died in the Holocaust? Don't forget, including anybody who isn't a Jew in those numbers is a "fringe view," according to your idiot logic.

Fire Martin "Greatest MI6 agent in history" Bormann and convict him for treason.
Fire Goering
Put air marshall with bomber fetish incharge.
Divert half of tanks budget to Luftwaffe and bomber productions
Spam bomber all day erryday.

>You plan on bombing britain to shit


What if Hitler did nothing to antagonize British further (no BoB) but instead promised to pull back from France, get a few provinces in exchange and ceasefire? Like in the wars of the previous centuries?

IIRC Hitler offered Britain a peace deal along these lines but with a disarmament clause and Britain rejected it. I don't think removing disarmament is enough to get Britain to agree.

Then nothing happens because Britain won't accept that deal.

>Like in the wars of the previous centuries?
Like what war? Name one such peace deal obtained by a country that proved itself completely incapable of making decisive strikes against an enemy growing in strength and with a massive superpower mobilizing and equipping to join at its convenience.

Britain was hanging by a thread pre-BoB. Knocking the Luftwaffe out of the war did wonders for British morale and allowed them the breathing room necessary to mobilize in such a thorough manner.

Britain was protected by the Channel and the 2nd largest navy in the world. They had the backing (not yet made public) of the world's only superpower. They were doing fine. Obviously things could've gone better, but they were not desperate by any means and nowhere near as pressed for quick results as Germany was at the time.

I'm talking about Strategic Bomber, not ""Tacticool"" Bomblet.

In 1940 Britain was being hamstrung by U-Boats and under threat of large-scale bombing. They were never in danger of an invasion but Germany appeared to be able to bring them to their knees nonetheless.

Britain was losing 10% of their shipping and the bombing was minor all things considered. Maybe from the perspective of a hysterical housewife Germany had the upperhand but anyone with more sophisticated strategic outlook would've known better.

America was hardly a superpower in 1940. They had the potential to transform into one, but their armed forces outside of the navy were pathetic, the public was isolationist, they lacked power projection outside the Pacific and their MIC wasn't running yet.

>America was hardly a superpower in 1940.
You need to stop focusing on your opinion today and read up on what people in power in 1940s thought. You'll find that they unanimously considered America to be the superpower that would tip the scales to whichever side it joined.

>Britain was losing 10% of their shipping and the bombing was minor all things considered.
When you take the war as a whole, sure. But in 1940 you've got shipping being sunk by highly-effective submarine crews who are getting more effective every sortie. You've got bombing over London that is slowly chipping away at your infrastructure. You've got no countermeasures in place because your only experience with the former is from twenty years ago when coordination of submarine forces was virtually non-existent, and the latter is entirely new to you. To dismiss this situation as being anything but grim in it's time is demonstrating a very unsophisticated strategic outlook.

Keep making terrible,obtuse decisions in the hope that Germany is defeated, culminating in my killing myself when I'm done?
or like, do it like this, it could work too

Pretty sure he already did that and Britain still didn't budge on suing for peace. Churchill wasn't going to negotiate with Hitler no matter how lenient the terms were, because the Nazis has proven themselves to be unwilling to adhere to prior agreements.