Let's talk about 'water only' hydration changes

Let's talk about 'water only' hydration changes.

I'm all down for giving up soft drinks, but how far does this extend? Is Gatorade out, because I can drink the fuck out of some Gatorade daily. What about those little drink mix packs you pour into bottles of water? Kool-Aid? Powerade?

Is this thing a true, genuine, 100% "only water" requirement, or is just knocking out all sodas/soft drinks good enough?

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realistically it's your best bet to only drink water, you can think of all other beverages as just chemicals in a bottle or can.

I'm in a different boat than OP. I'm completely fine with water only. However, I suffer from random headaches as it is (unsure if they're caffeine-related). I hear horror stories of people having several, debilitating, long-lasting headaches from going off sodas. I don't wanna have to go through that pain, I deal with it enough weekly (sometimes every day).

this is stupid broscience, don't consume liquid calories that aren't satiating (ie excluding milk) unless you're counting calories, in which case you don't have to worry about consuming foods that don't satiate

>drinking only water

Damn, the trolls are trying hard these days.

The point of the only-water shit is to stop ingesting all the shit (yes, it's shit) from soft drinks, and be healthier. More energy, less toxins, better internal functioning, etc etc. It's not just about "bruh, counting dem calories bruh", it's about not ingesting fucking garbage.

Water satiated EONS before Coke ever did, faggot.

holy fuck, not even broscience, fucking momscience

please leave this board, honestly, even for Veeky Forums, this is disgusting

I know fat people want to believe that they can cleanse their bodies, almost literally wash away years of poor choices, but unfortunately that's not how any of this works


wherever you got this idea from, stop going to that place for information on nutrition (even if that place is Veeky Forums)

here are some good resources
jeff nippard
alan aragon
bayesian bodybuilding
eric helms
brad schoenfeld

Are you actually proffering to this board of informed, well-rounded Veeky Forumsizens, that plain, natural, pure WATER is -NOT- better for you than FUCKING SODAS!!??

Am I being trolled?
It literally doesn't matter at all; drink whatever you like--I'm arguing against a restriction on drink choice.

gatoraid has the same macros as a soda its pretty much the same shit


Have fun with your shitty yellow teeth

I brush my teeth regularly and only drink diet soda occasionally, so this isn't a problem

Sodas and all these flavored drinks are terrible for your teeth (staining and wearing them away). Avoid them all if you can.

If you must drink them, use a straw and rinse your mouth with water when you are done, then brush your teeth 30 minutes later so your enamel has time to recover.


>It literally doesn't matter at all; drink whatever you like

Jesus son, where you abused as a child?.... I fucking hope so, at least you would have an excuse for being so god damn dense.

I was addicted to diet pop. Like that's all I drank.

I switched to only water and the concessional cup of coffee. It was hard for the first 2 weeks but now I don't even like the taste of soda anymore.

>It literally doesn't matter; eat whatever you want- I'm arguing against a restriction on food choice

Seems similar to the headaches people receive when they give up coffee. You'll have headaches for a few days, then you will be fine once the last of the coffee/soda leaves your system.

jesus christ, no board knows less about its subject matter

water is a chemical

>water is a chemical

this must be a troll thread

>dihydrogen monoxide poisoning

Dirt pepsi is basically water. You should drink that!

Soda, energy drinks, gatorade, juice, all high sugar concentration.
Healthy 'Vitamin Water'? 32g sugar per bottle.
It all boils down to sugar concentration, and if you're consuming drinks high in sugar you're a fucking idiot.

The sugar-substitute drinks are fine, the mixes you mentioned. It's still like 10 calories for 17oz, but they're fine. The ingredients are basic and get pissed out pretty easily.

Water only objectively the best.
Maybe tea, too.
Real tea, not that shitty shit.

Gatorade is sugar water.
Fuck muh electrolytz.
That's called marketing.

You don't have to drop shitty drinks completely if you don't want to. Have a soda or two on the weekend. But that shit is seriously terrible for you.

In the morning I have an espresso. During the day water only. In the evening, I squeeze a lime into soda water. That's it. Simple and chemical free.

drinking too much water will kill you though