Go running

>go running
>get anxious because I think that people are watching me from their houses
>stop and go home

why am I like this?

fuckin hell im the same way but anytime im ever wearing a t shirt

Lmao just run
(You) don't even care about them

stop being a pussy no one gives a fuck

You probably dont go out enough

Worry about the people you run past more

just run, it's good for anxiety and stuff. while lifting is not really an option for me at the moment because I'm still recovering with ups and downs from how I've fucked myself in the first year of uni due to maniac learning behavior and immensely high stress levels over a long period of time. but I continuously run 3 to 4 times a week for 5-10km as I please on the day. it definitely helped me alot. just go for it bro


>thinking anyone actually gives a shit about you and doesn't forget you even existed as soon as they look away

Just relax user

dude literally no one gives a fuck about you running

Same here.

Its very likely that you have autism.

according to Veeky Forums, everyone here either has autism or klinefelter

Well I have aspergers and thats a typical aspie behaviour so..

>Always have a urge to cheer on people you see running, especially fat people
I know it's autistic and I wouldn't do it for fear of scaring them off, but watching people try to improve turns me on.

Just run away from them

Because you got made fun iof too much growing up didn't you

very low self-confidence

if it turns you on, forget cheering, offer blowjobs.

>run during dark hours of the day because I don't like people
>summer is coming

Haahha i have the exact same problem. I also don't like it when i go past a full bus and think everyone on it is looking at me.

Afterwards i always realize its so gay and insecure to think like that brahhh. let them mire.. NEET shit cunts in their houses peaking through their window at an alpha siccccc cunt making gains on the road

I feel the same anxiety, but use it differently.

Whenever I get the feeling that I am being watched, I suck in my gut, focus on form and try to look very powerful...it serves as form drill, and improves my running.

Harness your crazy. It makes a great slave, but a poor master.

This as a fatty losing weight nothing would encourage more.

>be running outside
>Run by a first floor apartment
>See little kid with her face pressed against the glass looking at me just like this
>My sides leave this dimension and I almost trip while running

keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone until you're used to it

I once saw a guy in a nazi uniform smoking a cig on a floor level balcony.

you could just go running in a park, you know, where there aren't people at windows

but in either case, you'll inevitably run into what said and that might be worse

>running doe
not even once

>not even once
dead of failed heart by 50-fag detected

>Worry about the people you run past more

i need you to remember something, nobody gives the slightest shit about you and your life.

when you run past them they will probably have forgotten about you after 5 minutes max because youre not part of their life

>Run at night
>Wear a hoodie
Choice is yours.

>take up trail running a year ago
>cant fit my old clothes past my calfs now

>be OP
>start running at night with a hoodie
>pass some people out for a walk or a smoke or whatever
>they think they're getting chased by a rapist

Why do you think a grown man would start to run anyway?
Obviously he wants to chase down and rape those cardiobunnies.


>see someone walking towards you
>subconsciously increase pace to impress them
>get winded

I think this
I think Everyone is always looking at me, or I constantly have the feelings of this, so I always have to scan my environment and it makes me uneasy.

I know I shouldn't give a fuck, but this feeling is so engrained in me

How do I get over this Brahs?

Don't get over it...use it to fuel form drills.

Just run in the early morning

>go to sleep early
>wear running shorts and tshirt to sleep
>wake up and feel refreshed
>work out
>go for a run in 40 degree darkness
>return, shower, start day

>someone coming the opposite direction
>want to assert dominance by not moving for them
>smash into them and lose my front four teeth
>nicknamed "Gloryhole" at work now

I felt the same way and then just fucking did it. I believe in you, bud. Just go out and do it! We're all gonna make it, but only if we try our best!
Cheers, friend.