Do decline and incline bench really result in more load on your lower and upper pecs respectively...

Do decline and incline bench really result in more load on your lower and upper pecs respectively, or does it all hit your chest equally and the only difference is how much shoulder is recruited?

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Yeah what?

the answer to your question

Which part of the question?


You're no help, but thanks for bumping my thread.

all of it


i dont know


Whomstd've cares about lower pecs?
Were freaks!

not sure what you want from me man

i answered you're questions but you say im no help

Almost triples :(

EMG studies show that incline press does not focus on upper chest. It works the overall chest as flat does, but to a lesser extent because of the help from front delts. Don't know about decline.

Yeah but keep careful not to overdo it

fucking nigger just do regular bench

>roiding for this

It's all politics bro

Decline just reduces the range of motion

Not really. Common misconception, somewhat.

Between a 225 flat bench and a 225 incline bench, the incline will have more upper chest EMG.

Practically speaking though, your working weight for incline is going to be ~80% of flat bench. So given your working weights for each exercise (say 180 vs 225), flat bench actually produces a higher EMG on the upper chest, simply because the load is more. Similarly for decline.

If you take relative EMG, of course, that is as you would expect- upper being greater for incline.

>so is incline a meme?
Again, not really. But I find that doing OHP and Bench is usually enough upper body presses for a novice. I suppose you could try incline (or decline) if that wasn't the case.

There is only one muscle in your pectoralis and changing the angle of the bench has literally no effect on it.

it does affect stabilizers and non-core muscles, so do what makes you feel good, but your pecs are defined by a)how much you work them b)genetics.

forever and ever amen.

decline bench is the most useless exercise

people say it works the bottom of the chest and helps increase fullness, but dips work the same muscles and are better at adding mass.

incline bench works the upper pecs very well and its good to have both incline and flat benchpress in your chest routine

One more time for the slow kids in the back


This guy and

this guy

are saying very different things.

Who to believe???

> people actually believe this

okay so just go do flat benchpress for the rest of your life with no other chest exercises and we'll see how far u get

this is correct. everybody on bodybuilding forums say the same thing

>everybody on bodybuilding forums say the same thing

Is that your evidence?


>bodybuilding forums
I'd rather take advice about lifting from your nan m8

nice bait

not my only source of evidence of course. my evidence is anecdotal mostly, but from watching my buddies workout and from scouring the internet for lifting advice, ive come to the conclusion that its better to include two variations of the benchpress (incline + flat ) for overall muscle fullness.

even better to get rid of barbell benchpress and just use dumbbells

not in the am bro fucking please

sith lord spotted

citation needed pls

Cite my dick faggot

A lot of people shit on the decline bench, and who knows maybe they're right when it comes to 99% of cases.

For me though, it works very well. Takes a lot of the load off my front delts and onto my chest. I love this exercise.

The incline bench does jack and shit for me. The only thing that makes me feel my upper chest are the Cavaliere crossovers.

inb4 wat is dat: grab a dumbbell. shrug that arm. turn your arm inwards so your thumb is facing behind you. bring the dumbbell in by moving your elbow towards the opposite nipple.
Focus on shortening the distance between that bicep and the clavicle to contract the clavicular portion of the pec major.

Or google it and get Jeff to show you.

I mean it's better advice than fit/

Incline bench for max aesthetics and functional strength (most of your pushing power will be executed at an angle)

ok bud

what is this?

wow i googled "emg study incline bench" and immediately found sources, kys retard

why not fucking click on it? its a study on muscle activation in different types of bench press

Dorian Yates does decline or incline and doesn't bother with flat at all, and he's a pretty damn reliable source.

Speaking of which

How the fuck do I make my chest grow

Currently doing 4x8-12 flat dumbbell press and 3x8-12 weighted dips

Incline, decline and flys

heavier weights and less reps. 5x5 with the last sets to failure. rest at least 2 days before benching again.

>be me
>bench 240 for reps
>don't have a death wish for my shoulders
>incline press 90s instead for way more volume

Benchlets need to leave. Arching ur back and shortening ROM isn't gonna do alot for your chest compared to full reps on the incline, with arms at 45 degree angle.

who knows

This is not true. You do have upper pectoral muscles as well as major pectoral muscles. Anyone who disagrees can just google anatomy and see within seconds.

Its the exact same muscle, the fibers just go a different way

Fibers going a different way means they are recruited differently