What is it about him that looks like shit? Can't out my finger on it

What is it about him that looks like shit? Can't out my finger on it

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he's a manlet, case closed

Is it his big nose?

trips of ignorance

A better question is if he gets laid
Ive noticed that the bigger i get the harder dating becomes, and im still not at his level
So either its a ketchup effect type of thing or this is some bullshit

Does this guy fuck?
[spoiler]And by that I mean pussy, not man-ass![/spoiler]

his face

long fingernails


His face

>the natty limit

Hes almost at uncanny valley. Genuinely handsome, but also very subtly disfigured, and hes always staring into your soul

His chin and nose are too wide for the rest of his facial features, and he has the same hair cut as a 12 year old emo anime character

boot cut jeans

Lifted too much for aesthetics

It looks like he's been bogpilled, can I get a quick rundown on this guy?


seed is the most beautiful man on the planet you faggots

1. Haircut
2. Boy face

The hate is real anons. 2.6 million followers

Dresses like a 14 yr old instead of man?

That backwards cap and hairstyle are pretty 1990s right now, but I guess he's just catching a flight so wouldn't bother too much to go sit on a plane.

his shin + his nose doesn't go along with the rest of his face, otherwise he is a very handsome man, and he also is jacked as fuck

That pokemon haircut, for starters.

He's better looking than anyone who browses fit.

>He's better looking than anyone who browses fit.
>implying jeff doesn't browse Veeky Forums

upper body that big but fits in jeans

Jeff pls go

There's nothing wrong with the guy. There's nothing even average about him. He goes from above average at some features to extraordinary in most.

Yall a bunch of jealous nitpicking salty haters

His proportions are a little bit off, his arms are too vascular, his jeans scream eurotrash and his hair looks like it's from 10 years ago. But seriously, he looks better than 99% of men, and I'd trade my left nut to look like that.

This is why, OP.

>Ive noticed that the bigger i get the harder dating becomes, and im still not at his level

How? Why?

t. big nose owner. I could be a fucking chad if not for my giant nose

He's probably bulking natty and putting on mostly fat

Lack of options
Now that im big the dating pool has run dry, before girls came up to me and flirted
Now i can go over a year without even meeting a single girl

Natty but not bulking, pretty low bf (14%) at 210lbs so not massive
thinking about roiding but my libido is through the roof right now and with roids i might rape someone since the lack of options is fucking me over

face and 14yo justin bieber haircut how can you not put your finger on it?

He looks like that guy from workaholics

Also crazy vascularity looks weird with a boy face

>Natural Aesthetics

He's a model, He is a attractive, He's Aesthetic

He looks so good with a different haircut Jeff why you do this RREEEEEEEEEEEEE

A baby face on a 35yo life long lifters body

jesus why doesnt he just keep a haircut like this

the zyzz hair is so autistic

he looks like an actual man and not a faggot zuzz wannabe with that haircut

>that face

I'd roid too

your jealousy most likely

I know what it is

Bieber hair and complete lack of beard, like, no shadow at all

I'm half-natty at the moment (never touched anabolics but I use MK-677 and I've used DNP in the past) but I want to do at least one cycle with tren just for the tren jaw

Damn WTF. This makes no sense to me. You sure its your extra mass and not other things?

210lbs at what height?

>You sure its your extra mass and not other things?
Nope, not at all sure. Point is though that i went from having a gf and being able to casually flirt with most girls and not caring about shit to being unable to find a girl to hit on

>210lbs at what height?


>Now that im big the dating pool has run dry, before girls came up to me and flirted

The dating pool has run dry? The fuck does that mean? Did you move somewhere where there's no single people?

Boy if you dont just post a pic of you in your most flattering shirt

Tren jaw isn't a thing you fucking retard.

No it means as i became single i found out there are next to no single girls here, aparently
Atleast i havent found many over my four years of being single, and ive been to uni as well and that shit was just depressing

I will not be posting pics, right now ive had a terrible day and im pissed and i know how Veeky Forums works
You guys rip of Jeff fucking Seid and Connor murphy for being small, you guys would tear me apart and id rather not have that happen

Yeah i get that.
Im bigger and leaner than i've ever been and 3/4 people who respond to my cbt are
>hurrr dyel
>dont take his advice
>are you kidding me

Its good motivation but sometimes i would like some actual criticism, not shitty memes

i kekd at this too

Nose size correlates with dick size

He's not ugly, it's just his fucking hair and his annoying attitude.

who really gives a shit

big noses are masculine
do you want a small nose like a princess, you poofters?


jeff pls go

his stupid nose

>Half natty
so this is what /fraud/ tells themselves

Baby face and a ridiculous Middle School haircut from 2006.

Maybe it's the unnatural level of vascularity in his arms. Christ they look like 2 throbbing cocks

Looks slouched over. Core is a little too narrow for shoulder width

.t schlomo goldstein

wow even this dude doesn't look like he lifts at all in clothes.. quite reassuring, desu

The roid vascularity
The shoulders are significantly wider than the rest of him, making it look he has a dorky looking core
The fuccboi haircut
It's mainly his shoulders, they're out of proportion

t. jew

Yeah but fix the haircut and you'll find you forgive the shoulders. Damn. Jeff if you're reading this, fix your hair, and Veeky Forums will finally love you.

It's not just the vascularity, it's the slightly saggy skin too. His arms would mot be out of place on a 60yo bricklayer.

But my god thay fucking ugly face holy shit.

This, Zyzz had a man face, this dude looks like a kid

"natural aesthetics"

is that really his bio

He should cut his hair. It makes his face look like a kid's, which is really out of place on the rest of his body. If he got a better haircut he'd look so much better.

wtf i always thought wide chiseled chins and stony gazes were the epitome of male facial aesthetics, why are you guys hating on him?

fucking chinlets and facelets i swear

Weird nose and justin bieber haircut

his personality is shit and he is a try hard zyzz fag

His face is fucking weird

his biceps look like shit

i cant find your legs mr geoff

gay anime hair

small eyes
gigantic eyebrows

>all that empty space around him
>instead opts to awkwardly stand right fucking infront of the man in the back so he's included in the picture

Disrespectful tbqh, wtf I hate jeff now.

ur retarded m8


short, feminine face


>Ooga booga

what the fuck is ketchup effect?

you're blind desu

did ya get any results from the mk?

he looks like a jacked ash ketchum

Iktf, user. Still got a qt gf who likes my huge fucking honker, but I've always hated it.

>clearly thick frame
>low bf (visible in face)
>muscular neck

You are so fucking stupid if you think he doesn't look like he lifts in that picture. Put him next to a dyel in a sweater and it would be even more apparent.

Justin Bieber haircut

He's grossly vascular. Honestly he would look better with a tiny bit of fat

jeff pls go

what's with this, i've met so many guys who do not believe in clipping their nails.

Thin torso also anime fag hair

He looks like a man trying to look like a woman trying to look like a man

since i've leaned out i've become so fucking picky with which girls i'll even consider. shit's rough bromosexual.

I've never heard of it and even I figured it out. Let's say you have some chicken. It's OK, but then add the ketchup. It's suddenly good. Too much though and you ruin the meal.

Looks like he spends too much time on how he looks.
Get a normal haircut
Some stubble
Stop styling his eyebrows..i guess that's what's going on, if it's not then..he's just unfortunate