Do you guys prefer tall girls or short girls?

Do you guys prefer tall girls or short girls?

both, biggest boner inducer in porn when combined

Never understood the love for long legs either. I mean I like legs, but I'm all about the thighs.

Short girls are good to throw around. You can also cuck their short bf.

I'm 195 cm and I wouldn't date anyone over 170 cm.

I want a tall chick to sit on my face until I die.


6'1'' and id prefer short girls any day of the week
Tall girls are just plain unattractive, its a manly feature and i WOULD accept it if they were cute and easy to get but right now its almost as hard to get a tall girl as it is to get a short one so why spend as much effort for 10% of the pay-off?

short qts for life

Taller than average girls. 5' 8'' to 6' is the sweet spot

I generally prefer short girls but I don't want my son to be a manlet so I tend to go after average height or above


Why did you want to give him a boner?

Wouldn't date anyone below 175 cm


I felt the same way.

>be 5'11, my wife is 5'9.
>was excited to have tall sons to play basketball with.
>ended up with a daughter on our first try.
>no problem, we'll try again
>daughter 2nd time around
>tfw no tall sons because I'm not trying a 3rd time

>t. manlet afraid of his kids not being taller than him

good goy in the skies, I'll rub one out right away, thank you

Im 6'6, I only date 4'11-5'5 girls. Its really fun watching manlets hit on your girl and then you come up like whats up dude.

>lesbian scene
Got any more of this but with a guy??

I'm 196 cm and wouldn't date anyone over 169 cm.


Nope. I just think taller girls are sexier and more proportional.

do you want a girl taller than you tho?

>Always been short, even as a kid
>All the girls in my class were always taller than me, especially in middle school
>Develope a fetish for girls that are taller than me
>tfw 5'6 manlet and the only girls I can ever get are the short ones
>tall chicks (literally) look over me and flock to my 6'4 best friend

Such is the life of a manlet, I suppose.

No, just tall for a girl

5'6", so short girls obviously. Do what you can with what you have and move on.

Tall women always try to act like men. Everything is a competition to them. All women love to argue, but tall women are worse, especially if they're blonde.

Women are to be submissive to men. It's natural and wholesome. It's funny that manlets always spew bullshit about "you're not man enough to control them" while also being into femdom.

t. 194cm

I prefer short girls
no even manlet

But they seem to be in high demand

>But they seem to be in high demand
True shit
Even the decent looking short girls are taken, what the hell is going on?
More short girls, less tall girls plz

Depends. For a one night stand, I'd take a short girl all the way. But as far as relationships, I'd like someone I don't have to kneel down to kiss.


tall... short.... I prefer big and brappy desu.

short girls are just fucking cute but I'd like to fuck a girl that's like a head taller than me just once. must be like climbing a mountain.

a big guy?

Preferably for you.

Obviously tall duh

i want my sons to be champions, not effeminate manlets.

I'm 5'7 and would love a taller gf

I guess most men prefer them for some reason


>not strong enough to toss around a tall girl


Had both, like both.
Short girls you can throw around more easily and they wince when you go all the way in. But missionary is wierd because their face is around your chest/stomach (6'8" here).
Tall girls are often less stocky but can have masculine faces. Nuts deep is nice though.

always assumed I'm into short girls, turned out it's super awkward to be with a 4'11 girl while being 6'5 yourself.

Currently dating a 5'11 girl, hugs and makeouts are a lot comfier but I can't throw her around anymore

It could be worse user
>wife is 5'7
>have daughter
>she's already 5'8 at 16yo
>will almost certainly grow to be taller than me
I wouldn't wish this hell on anyone

>my 6'4 best friend
Why do you do this to yourself? He should be paying you to hang around him all the time


Funsized and THICC or petite. There is no middle ground.

Am I the only one who wants daughters

>she's already 5'8 at 16yo
Yeah she probably ain't growing any taller m9. Chicks stop growing earlier. They often don't have the growth plates close tho, so sometimes during things like pregnancy they get a bit taller.

>not being proud and supportive of you r daughter

We've known each other since we were 12 (we're 30 now). When we met, I was actually taller than him...

Short for fuck: generally better asses when they are short, better in certain positions.

Tall for breeding: because better genes, that's it.

Love pretty girls in general, honestly, but the appeal for short of tall women is different. Love sex with short girls, you can really throw them around. But my primal mating instincts make tall women absurdly attractive, I just want to fill them up with my seed and create a superhuman race of strongmen.

I like to fuck short girls.
They are petite and easy to manhandle.

However for a wife I'd prefer a taller girl.
Simply because I want my kids to have the best possible start in life.

Spooning tall women is better

>for breeding

Know how i know you'll never have children/marry?

short girls are a power hungry, arguably underage/little girl fetish. tall girls are for love.

I don't want to know because you know nothing, snow.

>judging someone based on dumb/candid shit they say on an anonymous image board

Know how I know you're an autist?

As long as they aren't taller than me


>tfw he gets cucked right under his nose

>liking younger looking women is a fetish and not healthy

so u can fuck them

Those girls must be like 7'1


btw. female height doesn't influence the son's height that much.

I'm 5'9. Ideal height would be like 5'7, so tall for a girl. And I'd prefer a taller girl than one much shorter than 5'4

tall or short, the most important trait is "DON'T BE A BALL BUSTER BITCH"

>that hairline

And yet he still get's away with it because he's tall.

On the other side; manlets, when will they learn?

>better in certain positions
Meh, i was with a girl 20cm (8 inches) shorter than me and standing position (among others) was inconfortable. Hopefully dogystyle was still great.

well im a bald manlet with a cute girlfriend

Tall girls. I'm 6'3''.

Short girls are cute, and I love cute things.
>Piper Perri

ITT: incels posting porn preferences

If you had an amazing looking daughter, and she wanted you to fuck her. Would you do it?

short girls make manlets.

Wanna know how I know you have a small benis?

that's my fetish, of course I would user.

They are 6'5. The girl in the middle in 4'7

I always thought I would say yes to this, but thinking about how it might come out in the future. No wife would want to get cheated on by her daughter. Sadly I would have to pass.

>all that hair in my face
No thanks, small girls are better


6"75x6". Not all petite fans are dicklets.
But if that thought makes the manlets sleep better, go ahead.

This guy gets it. Im 6'5", I'd only really go into over 6' territory if she was super gorgeous. 5'10" is my ideal. I want giant children.

You're on your back, she's on top of you on her back, your dick in her snatch, you hand on her clit, you can kiss her in the meantime because she's short.
This is way better than fucking standing.

Tall women are way better. Less tendency to have that quirky annoying attitude, aren't obnoxious drunks, and don't demand for men 1.5x taller than them because they're realistic

can only see myself marrying a girl my height or within 12in shorter.
I do fetishize tall girls tho.

you wish,

my dad is 5'9 and my mom is 5'11

I'm 6'3

Girls usually stop growing during the year after their first period. She isn't likely to get any taller.

It's odd. I like dominating tall girls. Petite chicks are too easy to pin down and fuck. Tall chicks are more fun to wrestle and "rape" once you've exhausted her.


Stay away from my daughters.


Thanks I lost mastery of my domain. My mind was being flooded with Piper after this photo I just had to get one off.

medium sized
tall girls always act boring, I dont know why
Short are cool, and the majority pack the best asses, but I'm a little bored of them

Its just my exp. I'm sure the world is full of fun tall girls, but I have never found them

pretty sure height gene skipped a generation

dad is 5'10
mom is 5'8
im 6'3
brother is 6'5

apparently my mothers dad was 6'7


If I could guarantee my kids won't be manlets, I'd marry a short girl. Tall girls are harder to get right. I like being a big guy for her.

tall women make me physically sick when I see them in public. It's so fucking gross. anything over 5'8 is just fucked up.

You know they rarely measured over 5' a few hundred years ago? when men were 5'6?

6'3 here

short girls 100% sorry manlets

>that hair
i'd rather be 5'5 than have hair like that.

nigga nobody likes manlets

t. manlet