did they perfect the modern aethetic?
Did they perfect the modern aethetic?
Joseph Jackson
Landon Walker
Jonathan Gonzalez
Jordan Davis
Liam Cox
Jeremiah Garcia
looks like shit
Liam Barnes
These two look great, the rest are meh. Pretty evocative but I can't say I like them
Jason Myers
Quality stuff
Gabriel Hernandez
This looks like the logo for some kind of high-end clothing chain.
Samuel Morales
This is like something out of a Chirico painting.
Caleb Reed
reminds me of Colosseum
Jaxson Wilson
Modernism in general is based
Parker Wilson
>Top 10 Supervillian Lairs
Owen Fisher
Camden Thompson
Angel Cox
Oliver King
Jordan Howard
Christopher Cook
Lincoln Murphy
David Hill
>LITERALLY Judge Dredd's house.
Angel Price
This is aesthetic as fuck.
Jeremiah Fisher
the most Art-Deco political movement
Noah Gonzalez
Hate the ideology, love the architecture. It just looks so glorious,
That goes for some commie art for me aswell.
Lucas Gutierrez
Ayden Rivera
Dylan Gonzalez