How large are your wrists boyos

How large are your wrists boyos

Pretty large.



I'm impressed



7 inches cold flexxed


Hand over the crystals!

that looks like 6-7 inches .

I was gonna say 6 or maybe a little under

idk mine look about the same but are little bit over 7 inches, i have those round bones peeking out tho,

holy shit i forgot about that weird hungarian guy

somebody post it asap

Don't forget...

How do I get sick wrist gains?

Fuck, I'm at 6.9


I always had small wrists, but they definitely got bigger. I used to be able to reach around them with my thumb and a finger, but i can't anymore.

I have normal sized wrists, my dick is bigger than my wrists

exactly 6.7 inches at 5'8
I feel like they look tiny as shit but there are guys 6' will smaller wrists so idk..

woops i meant that to be a reply to OPie

8", I'm 6'4".

a little over 5 inches

go back to your bdd forum

7" wrists.

9 inch here, being this big is actually a curse desu

>thank you for good bones mr.skeltal

6'2,7.5'' wrists
one of my main insecurities

some people say you can't get thicker wrists because it's only bone and tendons, but bone and tendons do grow if you place enough strain on them. anything from rock climbing to heavy deadlifts should work to a certain extent. I've heard the the ideal for growing the distal part of the forearm is handstand training

5'10, 7,1''
Im happy with it


I should kill myself shouldn't I

6'2 with 6.2inch wrists help me

OP pic reminds me of this

do my fellow wristlets (6.75" here) also have dads with massive wrists? i swear my dad must have at least 9 inch wrists, his forearms look like tree trunks. in fact i never really see older men with skinny wrists. do your wrists keep growing all your life or are we just a generation of framelets?

Literally me, if I try wearing my dads watch it just slides off my wrist. He has fucking dwarf mode wrists. It gives me hope that maybe in a few years they'll grow a bit

Your dad:
>spent childhood physically active eating hearty real foods
>went to bed at a normal hour
>spent teens probably playing sports and getting girls
>likely started working manual labor in his late teens/early 20s
>got sun
>formula fed
>spent childhood inside playing wow
>no sun due to wow
>ate shitty sugary zogfeed with no nutrition
>fapped all your test away
>stayed up until 3 am playing starcraft all day
>was in college until 25 and then started working in IT like a cuck

I was breastfed and always ate healthy and I'm only 19 not 25 and my dad never did a day of manual labor in his life

Problem is, you are domesticated shit. You can't turn a dog back into a wolf.

The dog retains characteristics of wolf, except is smaller, weaker, dumber.

just do everything with straight wrists, dont let your wrists bend. Ofcourse there are certain excercises which you can't do without bending your wrists.

7.6 isn't small, how tall are you?


7.2 inches. But they look so small on me.

6'0, 176 lbs