How big is your dong

how big is your dong

7 1/2 inchz

6 3/4.


heard that the average was 5.1 inches... boiii

Same breh. Feels good. Shame it's a grower, but you can't have all the fortune.

7 1/2

it is, and even then experts are pretty confident that it's too high because more confident people would volunteer for a survey

Not that it matters at all

8.5" checking in

no wonder most girls dont cum

9" checking in

9.25inches long
But...i'm a bit under 6 inches in girth along the shaft. It's 6.25 at the base...but almost no women out there are able to take it deep enough to get stretched by it so...yeh.


About 15 feet

4.7 inches. Never had a problem with it though

Who is this cream dream?

9.5" checking in, not happy with it desu, can't even get it up without pills

about 6
gonna try to enlarge it with bathmate and jelqing this summer. Goal is 7 inches

cos you've never used it

susan boyle

they DO NOT get longer than 3 inches, yall niggs be trolling hard

Breh, a mans sexuality is so much more than just his penis. But if you wanna enjoy sexual frustration for the rest of your life, go ahead.


lucky im a faggot

>Breh, a mans sexuality is so much more than just his penis.

Fucking dicklets. When will they learn?

teanna trump

6 inches long 7 inches girth. I am a thicc man.


About Tree Fiddy

I'd say my dick is actually 7" but it appears literally everyone in this thread also has a huge dick

dont jelq.

why not

Kills your nerve endings and makes you limp.


its because the for the most part the only people who comment on this thread would have big dicks


oh so you don't know ok

Either a bad troll or underaged.


15x14.5 cm so about 6x5.5

4.9 at good days.
Is rope the only solution?

6'7 on a good day.
Girl I'm with thinks it's huge but I'm insecure as fuck

Know what?

Nah bro. Slim down if you are a bit chubby, makes it look bigger. Learn mad fingering and oral skills and youll give better orgasms than from good ol' penetration.

I already lost 20kg and im skinnyfat now

6 and a quarter inches. Haven't measured circumference because ignorance is bliss.

10", wish I was 5 though, no point having a big dick if you can't get it up

You are all set my man. Just trim the bish every now and then. You are bigger than average my boy. Be confident.

Thanks senpai

Most people measure inaccurately

My current gf went from 13'' african big guy to small dick me. Didn't like sex before, now does. Size isn't everything.

>Dating a girl who has dated a black man
>Dating a girl who is stupid enough to think a guy had a 13" penis

bone-pressed base to tip, right?


I'd trade it for a horsecock tomorrow even if it meant I'd never put it in another woman

Careful, your racism is spilling

6. Because I don't lie on the internet.

my racism is blatant, you're on Veeky Forums nigger

Wouldn't it be better to handle you own insecurities in a better way than racism?

From the side starting behind balls.

I don't have insecurities surrounding this topic lad. Even if I wasn't racist;
>dating a girl who dated a guy purely for a sexual fetish
L m a o