You can travel back to any point in History

>You can travel back in time to any one point in history. You will speak 2 languages of the era, and can bring one document on paper (At most 6 a4 sheets)

>When do you go back to, to affect the greatest change? You are looking for something achievable, as well as impactful.

For me, the Crowning of Alfred the Great, with blueprints for a roman Chiroballistae. Ideal answer to a shield wall, and portable onto a battlefield.

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1917, Atchinsk, kill Stalin and with that single action, fix the 20th century.
As for the documents... blue prints for the electric guitar.

I'll travel back to the U.S in about 1938, and give them the designs for the Teller-Ulam fission bomb, and thus WW2 would barely last a couple of months. I would also tell them that the Japanese will attack Pearl Harbor because of the oil embargo.

>implying no one would take his position

>implying that without r&d they could do anything with the plans

You can't. Time travel is impossible.

1770s, become an adviser of Louis XVI, keep the French Revolution from ever happening.

It was Newton's concept of a universe amenable to rationally understood laws that was the seed of the European enlightenment. Calculus was the tool Newton used to demonstrate this. The only thing needed would be the fundamentals of calculus, with a bit of basic Newtonian physics. If you want to create the greatest change, introduce the mathematics of change at the earliest possible point it would be useful. I think this would be ancient Greece.

Go back to ancient rome when they made that steam powered child’s toy with a design for a rudimentary steam engine

Austria in june 1914.
Bring a fucking decent map of Sarajevo and force the archduke's driver to memorize it.

>When do you go back to, to affect the greatest change?
Either at the battle of Granicus or Issus with some maps, figures and a strategy to prevent Alexander from fucking the Persians over.

I wonder what the easiest yet most impactfull innovation you could take back with you would be

maybe introduce your favorite early history horseriding people to the concept of stirrups?

>Time travel is impossible.
*time travels behind you*
Heh, nothing personnel...

Kill the fucking Mexican that discovered the contraceptive pill

It would never stop the thots
Someone else would make it

>hurr durr make big weapon

You take back knowledge of germ theory, soap making, and recipes how to make various vaccines, medicines, etc. You go back to 18th century or so, teach everyone hygiene and sanitation as well as train doctors.

Also have two pages of university physics and then diligently copy it a bunch of times by hand and send to all the famous mathematicians and physicists.

I would have like 12 kids then. Which would suck because I'm a student.

So? the metals they worked with can't sustain the pressure and friction a stean engine produces. The actual paper would be more useful than its content

They could probably make something capable of moving a small cart out of bronze
The actual knowledge would be more important like you said, once steel becomes viable the steam engine would be implemented potentially centuries sooner

Go to Jerusalem, 1187. Stop the Battle of Hattin from happening thus allowing Baldwin IV and Guy de Lusignon to stop Saladin's invasion once again and save the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Saladin would obviously try a sixth time, but the interbellum would give King Guy some time to learn the ropes so he doesn't make such a boneheaded move again.

Hard to say how much longer the Kingdom would last. Saladin might even try a seventh time to take Jerusalem, but if that failed, and Saladin was too old/exhausted, Jerusalem would easily have another century before it faced serious threat again, but by then would be consolidated enough to not be too at risk.

Sure, but even assuming a motor made out of bronze would last enough to be useful, how would you explain to them the math to make one in roman numbers?


The person who would take his place would likely be Trotsky, who was much more expansionist, this aggression could give germany along with the western world good reason to defend a country being invaded by Trotsky, thus having the Soviet Union being throully assblasted by the allies due to a lack of American supplies. Just imagine it. A world with little communism

1923 Rome,Italy. Give Mussolini a map of proven Libyan oil reserves. Mostly interested to see what happens.

Well this is entirely hypothetical and OP’s scenario allows for me to know 2 languages of the time so I’ll use those to translate

Bronze and Copper are pretty common in steam-engines. It'd be perfectly functional.

Problem with this is that Ancient Rome was the place that passed laws preventing the loss of jobs to slaves. And you'd put something up that makes slave traders and free men out of work?

You can't even do basic arithmetics with roman numerals, least calculate a motor. It would probably explode or break in a week. Romans would lose interest in the thing and forget about it entirely.

Meh. The West already tried intervening in the civil war and did not commit to it. War with Russia was not a very attractive prospect to anyone but the Nazis, and with Trotsky not ordering, as Stalin did, the KPD to fight the socialists before the fascists, they probably wouldn't get the chance to come to power and remilitarize.
So the result is more likely that communism survives as a morally defensible movement. And that's the point.

im not religious but holy fuck obviously nazare in 20something before christ

can you imagine watching that guy and understand what really happened

I know you're just being negative because you thinks that's the same as being wise, but why precisely do you think calculations are so important to build a steam engine ?
Differentfag here btw.

Doing arithmetic with Roman numerals is easier than you'd think.

It really wouldn’t be that difficult
All l would really need are pictures

travel back to day I was born. bring list of most profitable investments from then up to current time. long shots that actually won. stocks that made incredible gains. and instructions on how to short things that crashed spectacularly.

I become the wealthiest human being alive and am revered as a god for my predictive abilities.

include note mentioning the opportunity to travel back in time. and instructions for stealing time machine in order to ensure continued success.

If you want that technology to be viable you need calculations, mainly in order to motors to function safely. A poorly crafted motor can kill people, or not live past a month. There's a reason they stick to making children toys.

Go to Edo Japan, become samurai, become honorabu, don't bring any modern tech that shit is gay, except anime and fumos.

The already built small motors, to entertain children. But making machines is a totally different thing

even divisions and roots? I can't see the way

Precise measurements seem quite enough to make a steam engine.

>killing any one man will change the course of history

Hello brainlet

I'm right you're wrong.

*kills brutus*

I would go to the time that roman guy invented steampower and would fucking convince everyone it was a good idea, better than slaves and should be explored much more.

>who invented

travel 6 years back and tell younger me about bitcoin
feels good to be smart

I'd go to the city of Rome in 50AD, knowing Latin and Greek.
>pg 1: brief explanations of the underlying science behind the following technologies
>pg 2: advanced metallurgy techniques
>pg 3: formula for gunpowder and flintlock musket schematics
>pg 4: printing press schematics
>pg 5: advanced glass recipes and lens grinding
>pg 6: sextant, telescope, and microscope schematics

I'd try to get a position as an advisor to the Emperors to implement the introduction of these technologies, especially with regard to flintlocks.

454, tell Valentinian to calm the fuck down about Aetius. That wouldn't stop the fall of the Empire but this bit of history pisses me off on a personal level.

Just shoot down the serb desu

>*all serbs

>if Franz Ferdinand didn't die, WW1 would not happen

China in 1936, speaking German and Chinese and carrying documents proving the involvement of the Soviet Union in convincing the regional commanders in Xi'an to prioritise the Japanese invasion over exterminating Mao's communists once and for all.

Posing as an agent of Hitler's Germany, who had advisers in China at the time, I pass these documents to the Kuomintang. Through this, China avoids the Second United Front and Mao is defeated in the mountains by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's planned offensive, after the Russian agents are arrested and the dissident commanders removed.

WW2 happens as it did in our timeline, but with the communists removed, after the fall of Imperial Japan, China does not fall to communism and instead has a chance to flourish either as a democracy, or a nationalist government. The Korean and Vietnam wars never happen and the Cold War never gets quite as tense as it does in our timeline, leading to less nuclear proliferation. Ultimately, East Asia is a much more peaceful place and a major abuser of human rights is removed from history.

There is very little that a single person can do, to change the fate of nations and the world, but I believe this is the most effective use of such a chance.

>that roman guy invented steampower
End this meme

>Travel back to my house but two hours ago
>learn a second language with absolutely no effort at all

Nobody will give a fuck about modern physics.
>dude, everything is wave functions, lol
>there's no particles, it's all excitation in fields that influence each other in highly complex ways
>it's all probabilistic, nothing is really real in the way we define the word my homies
>also space doesn't make any sense and breaks conservation of energy as far as we know lmao, don't worry about it tho
>btw you will need math from 200 years in the future to even make any sense of this theoretically, and you can't prove even the most basic ideas without technology from that era either
They will think you're making fun of them and shitting on their most dearest and most common sense conceptions of the world on purpose.

The main problem Rome had was that the economy was fucktarded due to run away capital accumulation by rich land owners in combination with slaves stealing muh jobs, and terminal political autism due to what corresponds to a mid sized town administration being put on top of a realm of tens of millions of people. Add a culture that conditions men to seek maximum political power and prestige, making armies report to their general rather that the town council and African banana republic tier political corruption and there's no way your technologies will not be deleted and your throat cut, if you're lucky enough to die that easily.

Paper press was invented duh
what you gonna use pidgeons or what?

>rural england, 1200 something
>bring 6 pages of hentai hentai and give to some random peasant
>come back home

>go back to teach people about germ theory and vaccines
>guy in funny bird costume drains you of blood and pokes you with his stick of healthiness until you're so healthy you stop moving

>275 AD
>Tell Aurelian that Eros will make the Praetorians kill him
>Take any essay or writings anyone has ever done about Sol Invictus

congratulations, this is literally the most retarded thing i've ever read and i've talked to kids with down syndrome and severe autism

Not sure about the time I'd want to go to or the languages but

>guide on how to make paper & paper mills
>guide to crop rotation & heavy plough
>guide to make a spinning wheel & wheelbarrow
>Arabic numerals

If you go anywhere before like the 8th century these are gonna make you insanely rich.

>find khan
>give maps of whole southeast asia and asustralia/nz
>convince him to go south instead invading nips
>no kamikaze, no aussie bantz, no emu war, kangaroo mangudais, abos & maories btfo
>tengri is pleased

Go to classical athens and teach them arabic numerals and everything i know about algebra and geometry. Invent paper and pencil. I do those immediatly. Then I come with new inventions and theories gradually so they dont call me out on my witchcraft. I show them electricty and teach them about basic hygene. By this time if they havent killeed meI could probably have some pretty important part in society so I convince the government to change to what I believe would work best given the technology at the time. Maybe convince them to create Rome earlier and take the Medditerrainian.

I'll also prolly make my own religion just because.

Go back to 1803. Bring with me a short history of the First Empire and its fall to Napoleon, convince him I'm from the future using details from his life only he oculd have known.
Bring short papers about germ theory, important ressource deposit they didn't exploit at the time, and schematics for improving mechanisation.
Convince Napoleon to do everything in his power to improve demographic growth in France.

Then go to England, convince the british fovernment I'm from the future using details only they could have known, and feed them false information.

>The US had no clue Pearl Harbor was comming

>Netherlands, 1944
>Give the allies correct garrison information and take a more serious offensive into the low countries, prehaps saving anne frank in the process.

>not going back to sexually molest Anne and then make millions with a diary you made up claiming she wrote it
Wait a second...I think I might just be copying someone

Mississippi River, 1828

Abe Lincoln is attacked by several black men trying to steal his trade goods. I stab him in the back in the ensuing chaos.

The Old Republic is saved for another century.


It would be wonderful to hear His preaching in person, but if the Disciples themselves took a long time to learn their lesson, it shouls be just as difficult for other people as well.