Autism moments you have in the gym

Autism moments you have in the gym

When I enter the gym floor, I like to pretend Vegeta and Nappa are there. Vegeta then says, "So we have meet at last. We have been expecting you, Kakarot. Hopefully things will get more interesting around here".

Also before lifting heavy, I like to say "Ikuze!" (行くぜっ!) which means "Let's go!" in Japanese.

Share your autistic moments

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Are you fucking kidding me user?

Only the dude who masturbates at the gym could match this level of retardation.

Do you wanna be part of the New Years comic? Because that's how

Nah, don't listen to this guy OP. You do you. It may not get you pussy, but if it gets you gains, keep at it.

I sometimes speak the lyrics to songs I'm listening to under my breath while exercising. Not J-pop (although I listen to anime soundtracks occassionally), mostly metal and musiv from vidya (MGS5 for example, Sins of the Father)

>Also before lifting heavy, I like to say "Ikuze!" (行くぜっ!)

Dont worry, op. Sometimes if I know i'm going to have a particularly tough set of squats, i'll set up my anime figures around the rack. It really helps when im down in the whole and I see my Revy figure. I imagine her screaming about how pathetic I am and it makes me explode so fucking hard out of the hole.

Please post more

Don't listen to these phaggots op, I've been listening to nanodesu for the past 5 years exclusively and I've become the kawaiiest motherfucker of this god damn gym

I use these to be able to have the force of that one guy in assassination classroom

Sounds hot. I love a bossy girl shouting at fit guys, just to get silently thrown in a bed and fucked like wild while they protest and make empty threats.


When I grunt while lifting, I imitate Akuma's "Hmmmm" sound.

I whisper "father forgive me for these gains i'm about to receive" before heavy lifts

>running out of stamina
>pretend my "super mode" activates
>stamina completely restored
It may be autistic but I swear up and down that it works.

I think about griffith on the last set.

I think about who will beat the Pillar Men if not me?

>Also before lifting heavy, I like to say "Ikuze!" (行くぜっ!) which means "Let's go!" in Japanese.

I shout "BANZAI" at the top of my heavy deadlifts

>heh heh... I've only been using 10%. Let me show you 30% HYAAAAAAAAA

I'm the guy that sees you benching 3pl8 and yells "B-Bakana!"

Now I'm going to imagine Younger Toguro standing over me while I lift, telling me that he'll kill everyone I love if I don't get strong enough in time for the Dark Tournament. All the while he only continues to get stronger himself.


So true so true. Pic related is me when I activate my Autistic power

How do you only use percentages of power? I don't have any discipline like Frieza.

I like to do really stupid looking exercises and sing terribly out loud to embarrass my gym partner

When Im running low on energy and feel I wont be able to finish my workout I say in my mind "I offer you my pain *onenitis name*" in some sort of inspirational moment I feel motivated to finish.

Do you sometimes kiss him?

Before i lift heavy i listen to these autistic warhammer 40k thingies (but not very loud so noone can hear it)

choose some random generic field?

>not only lifting in your first form so you can show people just how weak they are

I sing the Jojo openings to myself while I'm doing cardio. Only way to pass the time.

Sometimes loud too, but it's not like anybody (or even me) understands what I'm saying

>Also before lifting heavy, I like to say "Ikuze!" (行くぜっ!) which means "Let's go!" in Japanese.
please tell me this is not loud enough for others to hear

When I lift I try to think back on my ancestors.
>start with my father and how he grew up without a mother, working with the same company since he was 12 and eventually raising a family of 6
>move on to my grandfather who fought in Korea
>his father who was a civil engineer, died during the construction of the George Washington bridge in NYC
>That mans grandfather, a general in the Union army during the civil war
>his father and his fathers father, who both designed and helped build ships for the early United states navy

Done that all the time though since I was a kid and first learned about them. the real autism kicks in when I start thinking about what I don't know. Earliest ancestor was a doctor who came from Wales/Western England and was a doctor, supposedly of relation to Rhodri the Great or some such. I hope they were great men and that I can make them proud.

Otherwise I hum the Battle Tendencies opening and think about Cesar's death and the One Punch man opening

I have said MAXIMUM POWER crysis-style before squatting many times.

I always start off stretching like Goku and monologuing about my workout (I work as a voice dub, able to faithfully copy the local narrator dub).
When I'm done I copy the Budokai Tenkaichi Ki Charging animations while shouting "FULL POWER".
After that it's squatting while screaming at the top of my lungs for all 5 reps.

Gym owner is my uncle so I didn't get banned, yet.

holy shit

>be pretty big to the normies, everybody always asks me questions about lifting
>"hey user, what music do you listen to when you lift? Can I hear?"
>look down at phone
>satsuki kiryuin theme
>hit next song
>attack on titan ost
>hit next song
>gurren lagaan ost
>hit next song
>skyrim soundtrack
>switch to wakaflaka or some shit
>"oh hey wow me too!!"

Sir please add this to the new year's comic

if all of you were in the same gym at the same time, id get a good workout from my sides hurting.

I don't have a super mode. I just start growling and I'm able to keep going. I've been on the bench several times when the bar won't fucking move on a new PR and I'm able to rep it out when I start growling and grunting. I seriously think muscles just like that sort of exertion, like maybe it's hardwired in us to get stronger when we growl as a carryover from when growling meant we were about to get in a fight with a bear.

Watching anime on the treadmill

Just say "I'm a massive fucking nerd who listens primarily to video game and anime soundtracks."

You got the gains, who cares if some faggot thinks your music isn't cool. I have three playlists I cycle through, Metal, vidya/anime vocal, vidya/anime uptempo.

Sometimes I'll listen to "The Beast II" from Neon Genesis Evangelion, picture the scene in my head where Unit 01 eats an angel and think "That will be me. If someone starts some shit, I'll tear off their arm, kick them meters away, roar into the night sky, do a weird animalistic squat motioning and crawl on all fours and start eating their fucking face! LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND! YOU ARE THE HUMAN INSTRUMENTALITY PROJECT!"

I listen to weeb shit like this during lifting, the only problem is I know the lyrics too well and end up muttering them

I guess my 4 plate deadlift makes up for it as far as normies go though

When I run relays I pretend the baton is magic or somehow injects drugs into me or something along those lines.

Makes me fucking leg it

Whenever l'm on last rep l put on my best pokerface, look down on the bar pretending that it's dio and say "Yare yare daze." before lifting it, l'm home gym and never had anyone to spot me for bp, so l guess l'm doing it right

>be me doing cardio like a faggot
>have a nice run
>Spotify starts playing silver for monsters
>imagine I'm a witcher sprinting in the woods, chasing a monster
>run the entire thing without a shread of fatigue

I lift to van halen like man.

fuck off, dad


>be deadliftan 460lbs
>3rd set out of 5 (3 rep sets)
>weight moving slower last 2 reps
>struggle to lock last rep
>get mentally prepared for next set
>approach the bar
>yell out "HUUUUUUUU"
>people around me avert their attention to me
>grip the bar
>pull that motherfucker
>lock then drop
>finish that like I was pulling 200lbs
>people watching me, waiting for me to complete my last set
>apporach bar again
>proceed to finish last set yelling the same thing even louder with the same speed, even doing 2 extra reps
>finished using the platform so proceed to strip the bar and rack the weights
>walk off saying to myself "aint nothin but to do it"
>dyels around me still in awe

pretty sure the staff that showed up near me was supposed to tell me I was being too loud but didn't care in the end

I too make retarded noises when finishing reps.

Think of the noise Christopher Walken made in that shitty Sleepy Hallow movie. Growling HAAAAAAAAAAAA to get that bitch up.

Didnt know this was a humor thread.

I like playing akuma and ryu though.

How do u achieve Obelisk Mode?

This is pure fucking gold.

Everytime I struggle on a squat I imagine that image on here and yell HIP DRAHVE in my head. I just hope one day I don't actually say it out loud.

have to make sure that if the plates have handles that they line up perfectly. Makes it easier to lift srs

Am I the only one who listens to the Sailor Moon Soundtrack while lifting?

I also grunt like Link when doing heavy front squats and to hype myself up for diddlys, I pretend to muster up the energy of a spirit bomb from my friends and senpai, as well as my gym bros before throwing my spirit bomb at my enemy (The barbell).

Fuck i'm autistic aren't I?

Mars > Venus > Jupiter > Mercury > Moon

god the moment "sins of the father" comes on my gains multiply by 10x. MGSV soundtrack was really good, it's a shame the storyline was cut short

Pluto>everyone one else

Rei is my waifu btw


Forgot pic


>Rei is my waifu btw


Marsfags have shit taste desu. Besides if we're only doing inners here, its Venus>Jupiter>Mars>Mercury>Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>....>>>Chibi Moon

>Marsfags have shit taste desu.

I listen to kpop so I pretend mouth along the lyrics and pretend I'm an idol. Retarded on so many levels, I know.

I have autism and I can say that youve greatly surpassed me

That's not autism, user. Other people go to the gym pretending to get back at their ex in a few years, or think about work, food, or whatever. There's nothing wrong with having a different outlook at the gym. I like to pretend that the gym is the black spot and that I'm Blado (it helps that I'm 6'6" and wear glasses). I'm not too autistic though because I only walk in with a custom made coat when it's warm, otherwise, I wear a regular coat over it. Anyway, I do poses in between sets while listening to the OST. Sometimes, I look around to see who would make a good Uchida, Satan, Eve, and Yamada. So far, no one has bothered me. Anyway, if one of you can do a convincing Satan, Teruyama, or some other anime character (not from Free! because that's gay) etc. go ahead, because we can lift and pose together.
Usually, I watch airing anime, but I like to watch Needless+ while on the treadmill and Lotte no Omocha while on the stairmaster at the gym. Zvezda is actually a pretty good anime to workout to. Hopefully the Tsugumomo anime isn't bad. Maybe Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka? will be okay, too.

I honestly imagine myself in like video game situations and shit but It's not too autisitc cause no one else knows i'm doing it I don't like act it out or anything it's just in my head

Which video games.

They all watch over you user, don't dissapoint them

I just listen to Red Fraction.

Not for squats, that's Metallica time. But for presses, it's Red Fraction.

Dark Souls and Bloodborne, not like mario or some thing like that haha

Only when I jerk him off.
No homo

>Satsuki Kiryuin theme
>Attack on Titan
>Gurren Lagaan

For an autist, you have great taste.

no joke, some days I just can't get out of bed and I'll just say aloud "I'm an alpha!" and then I'll have the energy to get up.

>'ll set up my anime figures around the rack.

No. No this isn't real. This is a meme r-right?


Literally me. It's the only way I can finish those sets, when's lifting heavy

Satsuki theme is fine and all for theme music, but mom's theme is a straight dope song.

I definitely feel like I'm the weird creepy guy at my gym. It feels like everyone knows everyone but me and I just sit for minutes in between my sets and stare off into space. I occasionally make eye contact with people and that makes it extra awkward.

I pretend I have nanites like in deus ex and I just activate my microfibral muscle augmentations it helps

Well Gwyn was fucking big, so I don't blame you.

I've been working on keeping some tulpas for my supermode otherwise I would have to break character and it wouldn't work. 3DPD just doesn't do it plus it would be inappropriate.
They don't unless you go to some small town gym where everybody knows each other. No one gives a shit about some tall guy wearing a black and red coat with sunglasses watching CGDCT or listening to 回レ!雪月花(せつげつか.

I unironically listen to Everybody Walk The Dinosaur when I squat

>They don't unless you go to some small town gym where everybody knows each other.

I kind of do.

Sheiiit me too breh.. high five

Thankful for all the older anime like DBZ and naruto for shit like this

Hey Lenny, I heard you pull your pants all the way down when you go to take a piss.


Sometimes I forget how autistic some of you are.


My go-to track for my heavy sets / PRs:

>Also before lifting heavy, I like to say "Ikuze!" (行くぜっ!) which means "Let's go!" in Japanese.

Man I hope this is bullshit. I'm cringing so hard.

Well, do you care what they think? You can listen to something more undercover like It Girl or Everbody's Platinum Disco. You don't have to watch anime or bring figures or do poses.
New anime still has this.
pic related


Take pics and post a thread next time you do squats

This usually happens for me when the chorus of one of my favorite song comes on, I feel the chills and just picture myself in a badass scene like a music video and I get fucking powered up

When running or lifting, when I'm struggling to get the last sprint or set done I imagine this scene in Hajime no Ippo and I'm able to go on.

Not jk I'm in Uni right now studying this. We have a poor idea why it happens or how much it matters but the anecdotal evidence is too frequent to ignore.

What anime tracks go through your mind when getting Veeky Forums?

Sometimes when I'm struggling to get out my last few reps I will shout out "KAKAROOOOOTTTTTT!!!" and pretend I'm Broly.