>So do we count the bar or not?


i do the bar is 45lb wtf would you not?

yeah. along with the hairs on our arms
the nails on our fingers
the air in our lungs
the hair on our heads
the skin covering our muscles
the urine in our bladder
the shit in our intestines

yes, obviously

>counting the bar

not gonna make it

Maybe cucks do.

I bet you don't even subtract the hole in the plate from its total weight you fucking ego lifter


Counting the bar is like when you are measuring your penis but do it from the bottom instead of base to tip. why lie to yourself?? just be honest and work your way up to true weight without resorting to lies

They make a 45lb plate then they cut the hole out in the middle for the bar to go in

you're supposed to subtract that missing space from your total

>I posted the meme again! Trololol!

>Counting the bar is like when you are measuring your penis but do it from the bottom instead of base to tip.


we don't ya dingus

Bar weighs 45lb, is one plate, for example 5pl8 is 225lb.

why would you? any males starting point for any lift will be more than 45 lbs and if it's not then you need to fucking fix your weak faggot shit with some dumbbells

you shouldn't be counting the first 225lbs without the bar to begin with faggot.

>counting the inner most plates
never, I mean NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS EVER gonna make it

>not counting the mass of the portion of the known universe that is currently on top of your center of gravity at time of lyft

>walks into meme thread

>"look everyone he's posting memes!"

guess why am I here OP

Because you're a faggot

may as well count the weight of your arms when you bench too

Counting the bar is for e-stating niggers. When I bench 2pl8, I literally put 225lbs worth of weight on the bar.

Sombedoy need to post that image, you know which one im talking about

you sound like a fkkn hawaiin measuring the backside of a wave. every bit insertable counts, my dick is every milimeter of 9.5 bcz that is how much goes in.

I always have a measuring tape on me and use this formula:

Weight = Number on the plate - ((pi*hole radius^2)/(pi*plate radius^2))*Number on the plate

I get 41lbs for the 45s at my gym and I weighted them and got 41.2lbs so that should be pretty accurate, but such a hassle. Currently trying to get the plate boy to put correct labels on all of them


Why would we count the bar? Do you also count the clips? Your arms?