Veeky Forums implying - Board culture edition

What's up with all these height/manlet threads as of late? Almost 2012 levels.

I think it's some chick(s) from wherever, who wants to emasculate men, and like 3/4 of the manlet-feels posts are also women.

What the fuck is this bullshit, no one actually cares that much irl.

I'm 6'3 btw, so these are just assumptions.

national insecurity is at an all-time high

nobody likes manlets

>theyre right, you know

As long as they keep posting pictures of 6'+ women, I'm happy


in 2012 it was "who >=6'2" master race here"
we started using manlet more broadly in 2013

manletism is a disease

why would it matter? everyone here claims he's 6'2 or taller


Veeky Forums in general has been really shitty lately.

It seems like everyone that posts here is a skinnyfat freshman that likes to shit on other people because they deadlift 225 and think they're badass.

Veeky Forums used to be alright, now you can't even post about routines without some retard saying incorrect shit and memeing


>tfw 5'8


im 6'5 you bitch

3-2-1 and 1-2-3, all the manlets need to hang from trees

> tfw 6'2
> but most teenage girls are at least 6'0
> will be a manlet in 2-3 years

imagine how small his dick must look like. probably as big as his finger lmao


That's not how it works, we don't grow to infinity as a specie.

Biology 101

Fucking shit stupid board. You're probably 5'7 or something.

how do these people have so much self esteem.. i could never write something like that. holy shit.

Name of girl?

comes with being tall

well since dick size doesn't scale like that i feel for every lanklet that has below average dick. being 6'5 with 6" or less dick is a hilarious sight to see i bet

>see a picture of a tall guy
>start thinking about his dick

Pretty much what all girls do

it's called having a vagina. they can do and look like whatever and still have guys lining up

Assuming it's the brunette, she's super attractive. She clearly always has been, which means she can get attention from whiever she wants. Her being mean will come off as playful the moment she goves you the time of day, because she's just that attractive.

If it's the blonde, then i dunno cause she's not special.

They're sluts, being single at 40 is their end game. Crash and die kind of lifestyle.

>she's super attractive

thats bc they want to mate with them

how can manlets even compete

What? She is. Her personality is probably shit, and i just noticed her name is 'Caitin', which isn't even a real name. But from pure looks, she's very attractive.

even more important, she knows ho to treat manlet-scum

>teenage girls are 6'0

Where tf do you live? I'm from Central Europa and bitches here barely reach 5'7"
5'9" and above are literally R A R E

No, but teenagers are still growing, so the girls will get at least as tall as I am.

fucking hobbit.

All the boards are bad now that /pol/ drew in so many newfags during the election. Veeky Forums doesn't even have a culture anymore.

Well it doesn't really matter. 8 inches would be looking average on somebody who is 6'4" and above but it'll still be a huge cock for the average female.

i hope shes in london

gas the manlets, height war now


Tell me where you're from, so I can get one of these 6' women you say are so common

kek at the two whales in the background

they dont even give manlets weapons lololo

>my passions are being gorgeous
>i love my looks

why do women have it so easy

>american public education

They're putting all kinds of shit in the water supply in America.

You're so fucking stupid, it hurts.

beating up manlets is a widespread pasttime in finnland

What on earth is going on with his nipple

lmao he looks like a normal person here

Looks like they're beating up a lanklet desu