Work out every day for 10 years

>work out every day for 10 years
>get stabbed and bleed out in 5



Its going to take me 5 years to bleed out from a stab wound? Damn son, thats going to get irritating


Assuming you meant minutes, if you were a Big Guy TM, you'd have been big enough for it to only hit muscle, allowing plenty of time to head to the hospital. Quit being bitch made.

for you

It took you 5 years to bleed out?

CHAD eats PIZZA and dies from a heart attack in MINUTES while YOU slave away at the gym and die from a stab wound in YEARS

must be a really really small stab wound I guess

How much harder would it be to stab someone of they were super muscular would it be significant enough to save them?

>takes 5 years to die from a stab wound

Did he give me Hepatitis or something?

>have leukemia
>get nicked slightly on the finger
>blood cells wont clot to stop the bleeding
>blood cells wont reproduce either
>slowly have less energy and look more pale
>die in 5 years from blood loss

>he later died of eternal bleeding

how can you bleed for eternity if you die

>tfw no gf
>soul bleeds in agony for eternity

Every single second, over 10,000 of your blood cells die and are replaced with new ones. Your stool is brown because that's where your dead blood is deposited. If your body no longer produced blood cells, you wouldn't even make it through a day. Hell, I'd be surprised if you lasted an hour.


>5 years of bleeding

Sounds painful. Is this how women live?

>have hemophilia
>fuck it, life's too short not to be swole
>go to gym for a decade
>very careful not to brush against sharp objects
>good gains
>see gym is having in-house physique competition
>I got this.jpg
>have forms at the front desk
>reach for form
>give myself a papercut
>fill out form
>win competition
>die years later from filling out form

how do you bleed out in 5 years

>thinks leukemia has anything to do with clotting

>bringing a knife to a gun fight
heh... my superior range will leave you no chance

>he bleeds

No. Being more muscular doesn't give you more resilience to being cut. No matter how big your muscles are, your arteries and veins will always be more superficial than deep.

Being fat helps more than being muscular helps though. Fat isn't engorged with blood like muscles and doesn't bleed like muscle would.

>do nothing for 10 years
>get stabbed and bleed out in 5
big difference

People who receive bone marrow transplants often get all of their blood making abilities destroyed first. I believe you can last 3 days actually, but that's laying in a bed not doing shit.

>mfw impervious to blades

"better look good for when you get stabbed witha knife"
