Hey fit, girlie here...trying to lose some weight since switching jobs ( desk job currently)

Hey fit, girlie here...trying to lose some weight since switching jobs ( desk job currently)
I heard that calories in/ calories out is a meme. That I should just eat low carbs to control insulin?
Any advice OR proof you have?

tits or out niglet

Tits or gtfo.

>143 replys, 15 images

post more pics of your fucking ass

You stole this picture from /b/ you fucking faggot fuck off.

I love the shape of your ass, I get a fucking chubby when I see that shape in yoga pants on the treadmill. MM MMM
Eat less calorie dense foods like celery carrots and shit no croissants or whole pizzas, move a little bit, just don't be dumb and please post a pic of your asshole. Losing weight is extremely easy you just need to learn to subjugate the pain of hunger for a few weeks and then it goes away as your weight comes down. I reccomend keeping the ass though I would eat it 100%


Has trans therapy gone to far?

Calories in and calories out is not a meme. Some stupid cuck started that shit because they apparently don't believe in the fucking laws of thermodynamics. And if somehow the laws of physics didn't apply to them we should study their body and design the first perpetual energy machine in which energy is just made from the aether.

Find out your bf%

Find your total daily expenditure of energy via weight and bf%

Set it to sedentary as activity level

Track what you fucking eat and expend more energy than you consume. Do this by lifting weights and trying to put on muscle thereby making your life with calories easier if even marginally. Do a little bit of cardio. Eat clean as much as you can possibly tolerate. If you cheat track your fucking calories. Eat some protein as according to your lean body mass, get the essential fats in your diet that you need, make up the difference in carbs.

If you end up stalling and your body falls into homeostasis which is very unlikely you just switch up your dieting routine while maintaining the deficit. That means stuff like intermittent fasting, low carb the whole week one day refeed of carbs, etc.

wew lad that ass was fat

Calories in calories out is a meme to some extent

eat whole grains for your carbs and keep in under your maintenance and you'll lose weight

Proteins generally will have you feel fuller longer like meats

drop sugars basically and eat under your maintenance

fats are ok with the general rule of thumb being to limit saturated fats

i iwanna fuck the shit out of that in prone bone

U r dam beautiful n hot... I can play with ur the whole night n keep on making u cum again n again n again wile i lick ur pusy..


Poo in loo

made me kek 10/10 post

That's THICC



are women actually this low iq or are all these threads made by master rusemen

srs poast

Holy mother of THICC.
You are simply stunnin' baby girl, simply stunnin'.
I would love to make love to you, you hear me?! A thousand tiny kisses covering your sweet body


I, too, am thirsty for that dumpy body. Not even being ironic. I need more.


protip: op isnt the gril in the picture

Ur welcome bruh

wow thanks you must use Veeky Forums a lot, please share more of your wisdom

No but OP must have more pics of her because reverse image search pulls up nothing.

Post a front shot, it'll help us reccomend you a diet and routine to lose weight.

doesn't lycra and nylon have a limit to its strechiness?

I guess I could use this thread too.
So I started working out and doing squats. Any other other exercises you would recommend for my ass and thighs?

u lads are good at mimicking female poasting style, u have feminine-type brains?

Nude selfie 1x5
Post itt xF

Literally everything you just said

based pusy poster

pls gain weight instead

you will feel better and be even more attractive

pls b my gf

Seriously though I hope you're going to a gym, some girls seem to think bodyweight squats are going to do the job, you need to increase weight over time

clean your room x 1


I've been doing gymnastics since I was 11 and started going to the gym now.

Any other exercises than squats and the various leg machines I should be doing?

do good girl bad girls and lock eyes with any guy who looks at you

all squat variations, high bar, low bar, front
barbell lunges
good mornings/GHR


Squats themselves are very good. Other than that, you can do some lunges and deadlifts.
And don't be afraid to increase weight.

is that you?

Hello I am Howard.
For further help and guidance, I require more pictures =)

lol as if id see you on Veeky Forums, sarah

Greetings, mon cheri. Could this one take a sniff? haha

Thanks a lot I'll look all of those up.


>tfw no gf
>broke up after 4 years
>stayed together after high school for 3
>my first everything
>tfw when she used to do gymnastics
>its been 2 months
>for some reason this of all things just set me off

Hold me pls brehs

Calories aren't a meme.

Nice to see other girls here. I have been trying to gain weight and working out in the gym, are there any female specific programs?

Sumo deadlifts
If your quads get too big remove squats
Do glute focused movements.

T nation posted an article on glute activation on muscle activation on different movements and showed how inferior the squat is to get a nice ass when compared to deadlifts.

>female specific program
Fucking roastie, just lift weights

Ignore squat variants and lunges if you want a butt. Those are great for building quads but not a great butt. Most people on fit are dudes and don't care about getting a proportionally large butt. So they just give the suggestion of squats/lunges which are counterproductive to what you would want. Since lunges/squats are quad dominant movements. Squats will give you a bigger butt, but it'll give a bigger everything on your legs. You need glute focused movements if you want a nice butt and not enormous quads.

Advice can't be accurately given until you show more of your body. You're going to have to take off your clothes and show pictures from all angles: front, back, side.

Take off your clothes, whore.

ignore those rude simpletons, m'lady, an undressed picture would be appreciated!!

There's not a lot with great merit. The best thing to do is look at programs that focus on the big movements and have flexibility for the accessories. Then tailor your accessories for your goals.

Example: I pick accessory movements that help improve the big 3 lifts.
Stacy picks accessories that make her butt look big and tits not sag.

Even as a girl though just train for strength. Training for strength forces you to improve form on different lifts, put on mass, and find your own imbalances. The girls get bulky too quickly is a meme and those girls have been cycling on steroids for 2+ years.

Eat more and google "literally any female workout program." Scientist hate my 1 weird trick, but first I need your credit card numbers

I would like a larger butt, which is why I started working out.

You're unattractive, fat and shapeless. Kill yourself :)

nice fucking tits with that skinny body.

isolate your butt exercise, focus on activating your glutes when you do squats. you wanna do bridges too. maybe be at a 100 calorie surplus. there are gyms with bootycamps that helped a skinny girl I was with once, her ass started getting a nice shape doing it. I guess they twerk a lot there too. dont lose those tits girl.

*grabs you by the throat*
Back off from the lady you fat manlet!
*kicks your ass*

>she actually did it

Laura is that you? Face picture?


Healthiest best way to loose weight is High carb diet. Calories in/calories out is only partly a meme. look up information on plant based 10-10-80 diet and dont fall for the raw till 4 meme. Goodluck!

Back extensions, glute machine

man honestly that's very close to model body.
glute bridges and body squats every day before you shower. u dont even need to hit the gym. and maybe plank afterwards just because. hold ur glute flex at the top for mega burn, do 3 sets of 12 each. also pls be my gf

dat autism

>very close to model body
>just don't be fat

might be unrelated, but are you by any chance american?

hehe yeah man I'm just american, hehe u got me there

Not even close haha.

here I am worried about my americanness being too obvious lol



You need larger everything


dam girl

Jesus Christ, pls be my wife

her badonka donks are just fine, I would like to hoot them and suck'em =D

droopy ass even your panties don't fit properly you are abnormality

Where you from? Asking for a friend

>its another the entirety of Veeky Forums put the few women who browse here on a pedestal episode

Youre all going to promptly circlejerk in the neareat roastie thread right after this too.

most of victoria secret's model aren't amerikan, unless you mean south american lololol

>no time stamps
you're all getting baited by some dude posting pics he found on /b/

hey bro I was wondering since the summer is here and I am in need of a new style, where do you get high quality but good value, so not too cheap not too expensive, the fabric is good, and it will last a while (maybe buy a couple to alternate) but something that doesn't get too sweaty or can be cleaned, fedoras?

You are kind guys.
Not from London!

I'm off to masturbate and then sleep, good night and thanks for the advise eveyone.

Listen little baby,

You're gonna get a lot of degrading and hurtful comments in this thread, but that ain't what I about.

Let me just say you are perfect the way you are you hear me sugar? PERFECT don't ever change, you deserve everything and anything you want.

stay safe for me baby girl

>mfw thinking about you hurting

Solis genetics you got there. I know that bra is helping, but you have rly nice teds for being so thin


pls send me pictures of your boobies

go back to /soc and /b basic whore

i love your dopey face a fat ass. solid 7.5/10 would GF up make u fall in love with me and after a year or so break up with you because i'm not ready to commit.

Regret it, have a mini breakdown. Hit rock bottom, gain weight.

Rebuild stronger

rinse repeat.

Y do I do this.

also do you do anal?

>this level of bait