Femanons of Veeky Forums

Why are there so many chicks on Veeky Forums compared to other boards? Are you just cruising for pictures of hot dudes? Or are you looking for advice on how to make your butt cheeks bigger so you will look good in yoga pants like your friend Stacy?

Um I'm here for the same reasons YOU are. Quit stereotyping and maybe you'd actually get laid gymrat douchebag...

>chicks on Veeky Forums
Traps are gay, user.

Lmao, u triggered?

There are females on other boards, but Veeky Forums is the only board where "I'm a grill" is relevant information. Also, how many women do you think browse /pol/ or /k/?

>Also, how many women do you think browse /pol/ or /k/?
Realistically probably a lot more than you'd think.

because i go to the gym lmao. also i love fph threads, the hatred fuels me.

My guess is they're lonely cunts from /cgl/ that want to fit into their costumes and become queen bee.

No just fed up with stupid meatheads trying to tell me to lift more. Like you stick to you and I'll stick to me ok? ok.

she triggered

like 2

oh god yes

people from cgl dont work out. if they want to lose weight they just starve themselves. in their mind, you cant get too muscular or you might not be cute anymore

>He actually thinks women browse /pol/.
Kek the board with the most women is /soc/ and that one cosplaying board.


for the lels

>No just fed up with stupid meatheads trying to tell me to lift more. Like you stick to you and I'll stick to me ok? ok.

You do know you're on a board devoted to telling other people to lift weights right

Oh so you are here to shitpost. Cool, kys.


>calling someone a gymrat
>on a fitness board

Really fires up the ol action potentials down the axon

Cute girl from my gym watches my 600lb for the same reason.

Obvious guy larping as a Stacey.

i just like the memes. I dont even lift


t. faggot

>I don't even lift lmao

>gymrat douche


Yeah this is an obvious bait. You actually have to be a fucking idiot to expect civility here. This is a Rwandan body dysmorphia forum.

tons of girls are on /soc/ but its not even worth going. Too many mentally ill degenerates rating each others dicks.

There also seems to be alot on the cosplay board, but its cosplay so.. fuck all that

I come for the memes, advice on diet/exercise and the eye candy. I know it's silly but skimming this board helps me stick with goals and not fall back into bad habits.

Tbh I think Veeky Forums dudes are mad ugly, I'm here to hate and laugh at fat people and look for recipes.
I don't really care too much about making my butt look bigger because I've been blessed with a pear shape.

This. Any woman on Veeky Forums is an obese roastie.

No I'm not expecting civil discussion it's just that this dude trying to tell me that theres something somehow wrong with me if i don't lift. I do lift, just not like everyone else does.

>blessed with a pear shape

t.fat roastie

Just hit em with the bantz.

your treatment will consist of heavy electroshock therapy, with a lobotomy following afterwards, using red or blue, but not neon, lasers.

I'm here because I'm an autistic weeb that wants to be a qt grill like my chinese cartoons and I don't know where else to go

Plus hot people intimidate me so it's nice to know at least some of you are as retarded as I am

Disappointing. Wingnuts have no creativity.

It's actually /x/. Or it's a tie

>implying there are women on Veeky Forums


>the three boards with the most idiots also have the most women
interesting. wonder why that is?

most of these chicks are guys

Holy shit

>pretending to be a woman on the internet

1. /fat/ general
2. Fph
3. High test women
4. Genuinely good advice, honesty and taking it seriously
5. Good humor and memes

Motivational and entertaining A++

>muh vagina

That's what I watch if I ever feel like having a cheat meal

I get to hang out around a bunch of hot dudes all day and learn about their emotional problems. It's like recon

No, but seriously, why not? Why does anyone hang out here? Probably just to shitpost and occasionally discuss things actually relevant to dingo training. If someone says they are a girl, who cares, it doesn't matter.

Those legs are awful

Pic related is a strawman. Most of the "homophobic" people I know aren't actually afraid of gay people, they just don't agree with gay marriage (and there are reasons that aren't religious).

I'm guessing girls come here for the same reasons guys do, to get lifting advice and shitpost.

And arms and torso

what is a good girl forum where I can get an insight into the minds of hot fit girls?

I dunno, she looks like kind of a tank to me. Like she runs and does some shits and giggles powerlifting.


There's no definition. How can she do powerlifting without having an ass?

That is officially the hottest girl posted in the past four years of fit. Damn.


First victim detected


Veeky Forums and just don't shitpost and troll them by default and more will post openly. There are lots of females posting as guys and you would never know.

Also check out lolcow

Valid, but she's still pretty beefy for whatever reason. She's heavy without having as much body fat as others would at her weight.

Better watch out user.

Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook


The new meme fallacy is "moving goalposts." Get with the times.

>and there are reasons that aren't religious

Never saw any. Maybe all those big words are confusing you?

Anyway, I'm not going to discuss these things here, mainly because I'd be talking to a wall. But it seems you don't suffer fools gladly.

ebin. 14/88

wait a second. is op mad that females are here?
truly a faggot.


At what weight is a female's squat, bench and OHP impressive? What do most girls lift and how long have you been lifting?

>check out lolcow
lolcow is a joke. Their memes are pathetic, all they talk about is muh victimization. Most of the threads have 1 or 2 images per 50 posts. The site is a perfect example of why women suck.


>impressive female lifts

lolcow can teach a nigga a lot about women. just understand that they are not normal women. just like Veeky Forums is not normal men. don't study them hoping to learn how to get a gf. they are all broken inside.

this, Veeky Forums has the best sense of humor
i'm a dude btw, came for lels stayed for advice


Femanon here, show me your abs user

Yea, you're right. People on Veeky Forums never talk about how the other 50% of the population is victimizing them or have their own brand of humor that may be incomprehensible to others not familiar with the culture.

Also I'm not in any way defending lolcow.

I'm not saying Veeky Forums doesn't go on and on about how much women suck but it isn't literally 75 percent of the content on the site. cf. lolcow.
I don't have a problem with women having their own little image board. Actually I think it's great. I'm just commenting on the fact that it sucks and pointing out why it sucks. It is an exercise in exposing the truth to negative gender stereotypes. You could base a fucking thesis on the disfunction of that site.

>he thinks girls come to Veeky Forums to collect pictures of men

Teach me how to bantz senpai

>I don't have a problem with women having their own little image board.

I believe it's mostly men larping...

Those are some joocy arms. Are they natty?

ive been lurking there for the past hour. Seems like a real insight. Clearly there are r9k tier men there and I'm sure there are trannies.. But it seems pretty good. Seems like a nice variety of females too. And they hate trannies which is a huge plus.

thx for the site.

how on instagram tho, its not a forum? I don't really understand instagram.

>Never saw any.
If I've never seen it, it doesn't exist!!!

my gf goes on /pol/ sometimes

Veeky Forums is a shithole no matter the board, but compared to /r9k/ or /pol/ a lot of the people here are actually redeemable.

>tfw he hasn't realized it's all /pol/ and /r9k/


Im here because I lift faggot, do you?


I'm a leaf it just comes naturally.

fake. why isnt she in full lotus? fucking slut.


>The old "homophobic means hating gays in the colloquial sense" argument

You're pretty dumb ain't ya kid.

>The old he doesn't realize it isn't hate or fear but actually a disgust response.

Haha no. I'm just fucking with them since most of their threads are asking for lower body workout advice or asking how to approach Chad.

Look we all know women are the inferior sex, factually; they are barely even people. They have like maybe 1-2 hobbies or interests that they have a very slight grasp on and middling mastery of. They are so, so rarely funny or even witty. They have absolutely zero self control or even idea of what they want; every woman has so and so opinions and in 1 "hard" day and the right situation they will betray their closest ideals and then go "I know I made a mistake" like anyone gives a fuck that they are self aware enough to know their fuck up. The best part is the only defense to these points is women going "this is why you are a virgin" or "no wonder you don't meet anyone worthwhile" (I think this stems from their lack of wittiness). Literally the only value women have is what men give them, put a women who is undesired in a room of men and she will be a ghost, absolutely no impact or thought given towards.

im just here for the memes now, but when i started lurking like a year ago i did it for attention

what mode is this?

i got something here that'll stick to you iykwim

>bait that makes the shitposter actually project in real time

Ive been stuck here waiting for my oneitis to come back.
Its been a while mong

This. Your gender actually matters when it comes to how to treat your body.

I post here cause gym stuff is a big trend in my country. So being a grill with Veeky Forums like interests isn't a rare thing in my circle of friends.

Also this board is probably the most normie one. Let's face it, we discuss our looks, fitness and relationships which are the topics women generally likes to talk about. So no wonder this board attracts women.

I used to lurk /pol/ a lot but left when I realized that many guys there are actually mentally twisted. Didn't feel comfortable once I realized what kinds of people I was discussing with. /b/ is full of similar weirdos. I don't really know about other boards.