Why do women even lift? personally i think bodybuilding women look like disgusting trannies...

why do women even lift? personally i think bodybuilding women look like disgusting trannies. before the feminism meme took over society strong women were looked down upon.

>before the feminism meme took over society strong women were looked down upon.
You are absolutely talking out of the depths of your asshole. I come from an Eastern European vilalge and strong women are absolutely not looked down upon, assuming they're still feminine and attractive.

Not all women who lift turn out like masculine low BF% bodybuilders you dumb fuck, those who don't take copious amounts of steroids for a decade look like pic related.

Strong women still are looked down upon.
Women know that getting like that makes them mostly unfuckable to every single man that makes their cunny tingle even the slightest bit.

It's literally all lesbians looking for shlick fuel/tops, out of shape chicks who don't know any better, and stupid broads who believe that getting swole means they're somehow better as human beings.

But you know what. Women are free thinking beings and can do whatever they want. I can respect the effort that went into changing their bodies and achieving what they wanted to achieve. I'll just never give them ye ole 9x6.

BB women scary, women should only do powerlifts or oly for thick juicyness without going beef jerky mode.

pic in OP is marit björgen, who is one of Norway's biggest athletes, being the female world champion of long distance skiing. i suppose she gets some respect

A posed photshopped pic of a model in perfect lighting?

You might as well have posted an anime character.

yes kalhoznaya baba was always the core of the family while her husband drank himself to death

Women who do that are not lifting for men they are more respectable than girls who to the gym to stretch for 20 minutes and then go home

as long as they're not juicing or look manly to begin with, they won't look like trannies.

she roids

Just google 'fitness girls instagram' and you'll see hundreds of examples of attracive women who lift

>implying norwegian professional ski-ers do roids
i know about the whole therese johaug accident that happened a while back but marit has the cleanest record.

Have you ever seen a Chad with a muscular woman? That's what I thought.

Women can be strong in other ways, which is really attractive.

Yeah, but the girls who stretch for 20 minutes go home with Chad/Jamal/Chang.
The girls who are not lifting for men go home two hours later to their pets, XXXL BBC dildo/horse dildo, or their girlfriend.

Everyone has the cleanest record until they're caught.

t. r/asianmasculinity

There is no such thing as a natural professional or even semi pro athlete or competitor.

Not in any single major sport or activity you can name on the planet earth.

So the fuck what? You're acting like these are bad things different ppl have different desires in life

CHANG THUNDERWANG is eating SUSHI and BANGING YOUR GIRL while you're A2G squatting and counting your MACROS!

>go home with Chad/Jamal/Chang
They aren't sleeping with you anyway, so why should you care that they're more desirable

blame crossfit.

any crossfit gym now will have a half dozen roiding she-beasts all hulked out lifting 65% of the men's weights for less reps.

Hey bigot! Some strong women can still look feminine and sexy!

I know. .
But I still have eyes.

Besides, I'm busy with the more then fuckable average to cute looking chicks who're so low-selfesteem that they think that me talking to them is them "finally making it".
The ego boost and sex is fucking ridiculous.

Scandinavian genes confirmed for best FTM potential

LMAO, you think guys CARE how strong girls are? Its all about FACE, BUST, HIPS. It doesn't matter how strong you are or how you diet, unless you have surgery its POINTLESS to think going to the gym will make you attractive, you are better off saving money if you don't have FACE, BUST, HIPS.

I live in a world where Kroc is actually more feminine than a lot of FBBs

Wackiest timeline

Idk they want to probly

How do you suppose she beats monthly unannounced drug tests?

I mean, it's also really only that one pic due to angles and lighting, she's not that huge. I'd be willing to actually believe she really is just a one in a million talent.

>why do women even lift?

They think it will make them sexier (it doesn't, test and estrogen are what make men and women more attractive, respectively). After their first big breakup they become obsessed and dysmorphic, just like the average Veeky Forums user, which they mistake for passion.

theres a guy from norway who has gotten gold in world championships in ski shooting from 1998 to 2016, and hes 43 yo. i suppose its just norwegian skiing genes

I have been lifting for years because I like it. Physical activity is vital in order to stay fit and healthy. I also like looking strong and I like the strength which will help me to carry and lift stuff. Sure I'm a weakling compared to men's strength levels, but a lot stronger than a 100lbs stick who can't open a peacan on her own.

I truly don't care even if all men would decide that I'm not fuckable. I found 98% of the male population unfuckable too so it's just positive.

Yes, top athletes are tested on a monthly basis (remember that Johaug was quite literally caught by norwegian anti-doping) I think it's just a proliferation of real talents and very, very good sports culture focused on proper development.

You know how I know you're a filthy Norwegian snow Nigger, such as myself? You wrote "ski shooting" and not "biathlon"

post a picture of your body then

me on the right

Why would I? I don't lift for attention so no pics for ya.

pls b my gf

post a picture of a girl with a similar physique as you then, just interested in how swole you are

>why do women even lift?

Why do you even lift?

because i want to get attractive and get attention. women only get attention

>stop liking what i dont like

>getting swole doesn't make you a better human bean

I still think Hung is the best asian chad name

Mads Mikkelsen went transexual?

>lifting for men

the powerlifting exercises +preacher curls has just made me more feminine looking. before lifting i was skelly mode (101lbs at 5'4'') and nobody even wanted to be my friend (they thought i was weird or anorexic) let alone be my boyfriend. Now I have a boyfriend and people are just friendlier to me now. It could be the confidence, it could be the actual changes to my body, but either way i feel better. It also got rid of my anxiety. Completely.

As long as you dont dip below a certain bf% you will probably still look feminine. Just dont train shoulders too much or get too obsessed with your back and you'll just look curvier without having to put on fat.

she roids legally. Takes something for her so called "asthma". Also probably has access to some designer roids, but that's just a speculation on my part

That's a new one. What's next? Pajeetord?

i love it when a girl lifts the problem is when they drop bodyfat

i like muscular women a lot more than the DYELs doing butt exercises in the gym.

>Why do you even lift?
Lifting for a man is like a woman growing her hair long and pretty and learning to act like a lady and to cook a good meal.

Men who like muscular women are just as dysfunctional as women who like long-haired feminine men who are skinnyfat and want to cook them meals after work. It's just unnatural.

>How do you suppose she beats monthly unannounced drug tests?
lmfao. Guess how I know you're a DYEL.

when did you realize you were gay?

Jesus Christ there's a lot of DYEL's in here. When did Veeky Forums get overrun by /pol/lacks?

Women who lift are objectively superior.

So.... you lift to get women. Moron. Maybe girls lift because they want to pick up some heavy shit too. Maybe they have and/or want a physical job and their goal in life isn't to impress you.

>muh feminism
Maybe they care more about themselves than the opinion of strangers. I don't find them attractive but I admire the dedication and the guts it takes to knowingly go against every existing canon of beauty

Strength = growth

Strong girls can grow mass where they want just like guys. Stop being a naive piece of shit

Maybe they don't really care about people's opinions about what they look like. I never did roids to look pretty for other people, it was mainly for myself

>Maybe they don't really care about people's opinions
>says the tripfag

How do i get a body like that?

Not wanting a girl who lifts. Not wanting to dominate her in bed. I swear u dyels "huurrr ddduurrr she stronger than me that makes her manly" I swear just lift more weights