Is sparkling water the best alternative to sugary sodas for those who have cravings for fizzy drinks?

Is sparkling water the best alternative to sugary sodas for those who have cravings for fizzy drinks?

I always keep soda water in my fridge. Helps me not drink a shit ton of soda.

also I been getting
> sparkling mineral water with a twist of lime
Like 3cals per 250ml

i dont see any problem with sparkling water. Especially the non sweetened kind, its basically lemon water with carbonation

I got this stuff recently, not bad desu.


Replace lime with berry and you are correct good sir


I thought the Passionfruit tasted like fucking shit, I had them in my fridge for like a year because I hate wasting shit, and I kept trying to give them away to people, everyone always took one sip, gave me a dirty look, and then left the rest untouched. I finally drank the last two while I had a cold and couldn't taste or smell anything.

just drink water lmao

No this is but id stock up on both, have 50/50. Drink zevia with meals and the water when you just want to chill.

La Croix Lime is so fucking good, honestly prefer it to that liquid sugary crap.

> no artificial sweetner
> stevia

Sure. Just make sure you rinse your mouth out with water after drinking them. If you're sipping these all day, you're teeth are still going to be fucked in few years.

>at grocery store in a rush
>Grab lime soda water
>Take a sip before paying
>It's cucumber
>Vomited on a cashier
>Forgot to pay

Stevia comes from a plant

oh god that sounds terrible

>r u ok now user?


Yeah, and you can even male your own at home easily with a kit.

You're still sweetening the beverage using artifical means.

> heroin comes from a plant too

Well I didn't pay so I'm pretty great

buy soda water and put in a bunch of lemon juice.
It's what I do when I want something fizzy, tastes a fair mount like lemonade/solo/lift depending on where you're from

I dropped caffeine last Monday just to see if I could figure out why my energy levels were so low, figured caffeine might be playing a part.

Blew my cut Saturday night, so results inconclusive. Monsters actually work now though. Was up till 4am feeling fine, so that's neat.

I imagine it's my diet that's fucking your my energy levels though. Getting a lot of carbs and staying under 1500 and not starving is fucking hard

Look up what artificial means

just buy a sodastream
make all your water fizzy
also support israel, goy

this is what the gf provides for muslims/mormons at dinner parties.

i like it well enough, and I'm a huge ass when drunk. I dunno try it rather than sodapop.

Oh I didn't know sparkling WATER wasn't water, guess I'll stop drinking it now

>La Croix


You know it to be true

The only correct answer is PURE water. Which amerifats can't get btw kek enjoy your lives.

Is this a real thing?

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Every junk food I've quit, I've never wanted to go back to.

>the year is 2017
>not drinking the sip with a zip
Neck yourself m8

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

water, black coffee, and tea till the day I die.

I drink this stuff, cheapest drink available apart from tap water.

Forgot I had this image


Cyka blin