Weighted dips > bench

weighted dips > bench

the only people who disagree are fat ass powerlifters who can't do dips with good weight

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But... you can't even compare those...

Enjoy having no shoulder cartilage in 20 years.

shhhh, he can.... let him be

>you can't compare two horizontal pressing movements that primarily use chest, triceps and front delts

ermm, what?

>compare an exercise that's more focused on the triceps with another that's more focused on the chest.


Weighted dips seem more 'useful' to me

both of them heavily focus on both triceps and chest

You are doing benches incorrectly. If you focus on the strength coming from the chest, you hardly feel the tricep. Whether on dips, I instantly feel a great stress on my tricep.

You're doing bench wrong if you don't feel it in your chest AND triceps, you're doing dips wrong if you don't feel it in your triceps AND chest

Every person(including me, no brag) that's good at weighted dips and chin ups is usually jacked. Maybe its the relation with being lean and having relative strength but something about these exercises gets people jacked.
Not saying you can't bench, but its a good idea to involve them in your training.
both are a pressing exercises involving the chest, triceps and shoulders.

you are doing dips wrong

I feel it in both, but I would say:
>2/3 chest - 1/3 tricep

>2/3 tricep - 1/3 chest

>Every person(including me, no brag) that's good at weighted dips and chin ups is usually jacked.

How do you define "good"?

Pretty much anyone that does them regularly.
Im doing reps with 90lbs for dips and 70-75 for pull ups at the moment and id say im way above average considering most people struggle to do regular pull ups. So anything in the 50's is already good.
You are doing them wrong, I dont do anything but dips for my chest and my chest is very developed, much more developed than my triceps.

Jokes on you I already have none

Dips are bad for your elbows and shoulders, talking from experience

bench is bad for your elbows and shoulders if you don't do it properly

Don't go full ROM on dips then

why not do both holy shit you people are retarded

Because I have one movement as my PRIMARY horizontal pushing movement you fucking bum

Aren't they really bad for your joints?

Im 83 kg and i do i do 100 kg bench 5 reps but i cant do a singel bodyweight dip...
What could be the issue?

this, I feel better focusing on one rather than trying to divide time between the two

practice, just start doing them nigga

You are doing them wrong then

I do dips instead of barbell bench. One if my favorites.

How to get juicy chest?

Incline/flat Dumbbell press
Incline/flat Dumbbell flies
Cable flies
3 to 4 sets, 8 to 12 reps each set for each exercise. Slow and very deep stretch when lowering each rep with a fast, controlled squeeze back to the start position. Also, make sure your shoulder blades stay pinched at all times to best expose the tit to the punishment.

encourage your BF (boyfriend) to fondle them simultaneously when he's pounding your BP (boypussy)

soy milk speeds up the process

Whoops I replied to myself
Seems legit

I just do bodyweight. If it gets easier I add more reps.

no way in hell is that an efficient way of doing it

Dip belts aren't too expensive, definitely worth te investment

Hurts my shoulders and sternum. My form is fine (coached).

Prefer weighted pushups and dumbell bench.

I don't know, I don't like the feeling of weighted dips. I already weigh 220lbs you know?
My gym has weight belts.

You obviously aren't doing them right if they are hurting your sternum, which I would know because I had the same problem.

I started doing dips for triceps and since I did they're looking thick solid tight.

I did think my chest was growing faster, so I can believe it. I'm not gonna stop doing bench as my primary movement, it makes far more sense to me that it's better for chest looking at muscle insertions and movement.

Try applying a twisting force outwards with each hand on the handles, I've never had pain but it helped my friend with his.

what do you mean you don't like how it feels?

I dont like how any of the exercises feel, but I do them anyway. If you dislike how they strain your waist, you can always load weights inside a bag. either way, reps above 10-12 don't really have much to offer compared to adding weights. your body weight is not relevant either way once you hit these rep ranges.


am I missing something here?

>not doing a full planche when doing dips

even though they're not actually in the horizontal plane pushes are normally split into two horizontal and vertical

horizontal is antagonistic to rows and vertical is antagonistic to pullups and it's best to keep a balance between all 4

there's probably a better name but it's what i've always heard the categories called

There are people alive right now that don't even know how to do a proper dip leaning forward. It's like they don't wanna make chest gains.


lmao how is your ratio like that, short wingspan compared to body and long torso?
can you 5x5 with 25 for deadhang pullups and 75 5x5 for dips( Full range of motion)
pic related me doing a 100 pound dip at 185 a month ago

>I dont like how any of the exercises feel
I love how all my main lifts feel though.

Deadlifts feel manly as fuck.
Squats make me feel rooted to the ground, like a solid tree.
Bench feels like I can crush someones skull

Weighted dips feels like I'm trying to keep my head above water but someone keeps pulling me down. It's not pleasant.
>reps above 10-12 don't really have much to offer
You're right, after 12 reps they stop building muscle. You actually LOSE muscle going over 12 am I right?

do you shave your legs

Why don't you do bodyweight squats and pushups, and add more reps when it becomes easier? Barbells are for plebs.
This is the same logic you are applying to dips. Just do progressive overload load on dips, take it slow and work on form and listen to your body. If your shoulders or sternum hurt, you are neglecting something for an overall well being.

I don't do pushups, and squats are not an accessory, they are a main lift.
If I did pushups I wouldn't do those weighted either, I'd add more reps.

I dont know why you chose to glance over my specific wording on efficiency. if you prefer to be pedantic then okay, no harm done.

I just lift my arms up and down in the air for overhead press, bodyweight is fine

if it's too easy just add reps

nah, just genetics(Ecuadorian). look at my arms, no hair on it either, don't really grow facial hair either at 22. Got flawless skin (aside from not being white).
Also hate the way the belt makes you look fat as fuck when doing them.

Post body pic? You look like shit here but strong af

That form looks like shit

Fuck me kek


You look fat with no muscle definition

Yea working on getting leaner in time for cottage season. At 182 atm, 5'9.
What's wrong with it? Serious question. Shoulders below elbows.

I thought dips were a meme until I got a belt to do them weighted, now I have seen the light. 3x10 with +70 lbs hits my chest harder than 30+ minutes of bench press

I am tempted to ask for a video of you actually doing that 100lb dip

>going that low on the dip
i, too, hate my shoulders and want to damage them

Get some angle to your body, your knees are way too far forward. Probably help to get the weight up higher and get your legs around it.

No better feeling in the world/pump than super setting weighted dips with weighted pull ups or weighted inverted rows.

Then you're one lazy mother fucker. Theyre both good so stop pitting them you fucking moron

Nigga, I can touch the back of my palms with my shoulders on fucking dips.
Doing what you call 'proper' dips is less than a quarter of my ROM.

How to weight them? I need to tie a chain around my waist?

>his gym doesn't have a belt for adding weight.
I bet you don't even have power cages.
Or bars with different knurlings.

buy a belt. dont bother with the expensive ones. nylon are more comfortable but that might just be me

>durr they're both good so one can't be better than the other

what the fuck are you talking about? why are you so triggered lmao

Am i being memed, or have I actually been doing quarter reps this entire time? Most people stop at parallel. I Think I gotta work on depth after looking at this guy

full ROM means shoulder are slightly lower than elbows

Anyone else get unbearable shearing pain in their chest and shoulders after dips? It's a kind of pain that literally nothing else has ever caused - it's dull but intense idk how to describe it

fuck dips theyre fucking up something in there

>nigga, i can damage my joints even more!
ah yes, very impressive
you should be at or slightly above parallel.

no. dips work your lower chest harder so unless you plan on adding in some neck presses or bench presses you are going to develop boobs.


best way to destroy your delts right there

what's so hard to believe? Not going to post my face on a Nunavut seal clubbing forum.

Bench is bad for your glutes and lower back, talking from experience

we're talking about the primary horizontal pressing movement

I still do incline db press as an accessory

explain or stfu bitch

you're talking about dips for chest which works the pectoralis minor much harder. incline db press is a shit exercise for chest.

Dips are the manlets exercise of choice.

>incline db press is a shit exercise for chest.
What did he mean by this?

do chest dips, triceps dont get hit hard, do regular dips, barely any chest. its about the form and you can do both weighted, or a mix

use the dip help machine and go down 10kg assist weight evry workout, youll get them in no time, i can do 20 dips and bench bw @70kg

i really dont like how legs forward dips feel, normal dips no prob, bothered me at the beginning tho. its a weird, unnatural movement that you need to get used to. that goes for most exercises, everybody just forgot how shitty their first squat session felt

>incline db press is a shit exercise for chest

I mean you can't move as much weight from incline vs flat thus making it shit by default then what'a it good for it's marginally better than flat for upper chest only if you can move an abnormal amount of weight from it. it's good for incorporating more anterior delt than flat bench. it's basically the fedora or chest exercises.

He's saying you look like a small bitch I believe.

you must suck dick at flat bench really hard to think incline is good for chest

why dont you do front lever rows instead of inverted weighted its kinda the same but not so weird

oh right, you don't know how to incline press properly

at least you admit it then, fair enough

>Since flat bench is good for the chest, incline isn't
What type of reasoning is this?

How autistic are you, why did you reply without even reading the comment chain?

>Already doing heavy weighted dips as main chest exercise which focus more on lower pecs
>doing incline db press as an assistance exercise afterwards

I've noticed a lot more retards like you jumping down peoples throats without reading comment chains and not even understanding what the conversation is actually about, why do you bother making a fool of yourself?

just use a dumbell between your legs, you should worry about a belt at maybe 25lbs or whenever it gets uncomfortable/starts to feel like a leg exercise

wut. you shouldn't be able to move as much weight from incline vs flat if you can you suck dick at benching period

incline is shit because it's a weaker position than flat dumpass. being able to move more weight from a position is a major advantage flat bb bp holds over other chest exercises particularly vs incline

official dip thread i guess, so pls tell some of your stats i feel weird about my reps and weight
bw 155lbs
15 reps unweighted
10 reps 10lbs
5 reps 15 lbs
3 reps 25lbs
do i just suck at going heavy?

wasting your time doing two chest exercises when the guy who gets good at bb bp will put you to shame is all i'm saying

You have a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very small penis, chum.

It works different muscles, both are useful and should be incorporated. It's essentially somewhere between a flat bench and ohp.

No you.

I can do dibs with about 40 additional kilos, but the only place I feel them are my anterior delts, so I see no reason to do them.

and you're a tiny pussy, kid