Who /SIPP/ here?

Who /SIPP/ here?

Take your cuck porn elsewhere.

already sipped today

Just sipped. Pic related.

Oh OK I get it. Underrated.

slurps are better.

I dont get it

Had two purple sips today. Good shit.

The cans are white and black. "Cuck porn" often involves black/white interracial sex. Sincere congrats if you still don't get it. I kind of wish I didn't.

>going to gym
>sip in one hand cig in the other

just fuk me up senpai

sippin for the first time right now (dank as fuck) for exam tomorrow morning, would this keep me up for an allnighter

Depends on how much caffeine you usually consume. If none, then yeah, it'll do the trick.

>behind the counter
Behold the true face of /sip/ posting, fucking convenience store shills get out!

Of course

Ive tried like several monsters and I genuinely enjoy the white zero one the most. I prefer redbull to monster but if im being really honest I don't drink that much caffeine, at best i'll have like 2 cups of coffee a month and maybe 1 energy drink. The only time I do drink a lot if it's free coffee on an airplane because I can't sleep for shit on an airplane.


ahh, how refreshing


Is there a SIP that can help me gain weight?
I only drink pic related because I think it got more calories than most

Just cracked an Ultra Red bad boy right now.
Fucking delish.
Really hits the spot while fasting.

The only true S I P coming through

>tfw drank 2 energy drinks worth 140g of sugar today


All you drinking any kind of soda are weak AF.

just drink milk lol.

what type of milk? and I drink almost 1L a day