Are heavy deadlifts bad for your spine in a long run ?

are heavy deadlifts bad for your spine in a long run ?

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>rounded back
>drops the weight
With that form you're headed to snap city.

yes they are.

you shouldn't go over 3p8 deadlift

I thought his intestines would shoot out of the bottom of his shorts at any second. But heavy DL is probably the worst for you in the long run

dude has a back made of steel

They are but then again powerlifters don't tend to run for long.

probably needed a bit of a cleanup for the hemmeroids he gave hismelf

if you do them like that guy yeah you're gonna get fucked up.

deadlifts do help with strengthening your back and correcting your posture. but there comes a point where having 4+ plates pulling down on your spine becomes hazardous. the slightest twist or bend in the spine and you'll slip a disk or pinch some shit and your life will be ruined. not worth the risk imo. i wouldn't go over 4 plates and i'm at 3.

Yes, there is no reason to put that much shear force on your spine every week. The same can be said about heavy back squat. These two exercises are great to build muscles but also great to wreck your spine.

On the other hand, frequent farmer walk and front squat are very beneficial for spine health.

I myself ( 31 years old here) dont do deadlifts and back squats anymore. Only front squats and farmer walk.

farmer walk looks like such a great exercise. i kind of do it when i carry the shopping into the house. how do you do it in a gym though without getting weird looks?

If you lift with Pete's form without actually being Pete, yes, you will go to snap city.

i never understood how people hold that kind of weight on their back squatting,

doesnt that shit hurt your traps?

when you do farmers walk do you just try to hold on until failure? I tried it with 50 lb dumbells and I kept walking back and forth in the small space I had in the gym and I felt like people thought I was retarded

what's snap city like? never been

hurts your whole body i'd have to guess, some pler told me it feels like you're gonna shit your organs out your ass

where else would you shit something out of?

on your moms face

Yes, mixing long duration runs and heavy deadlifts damages the spine.

nice hitching lol

If you feel fine you're fine. If you can't deadlift pain free in your spine you're fucking yourself up. Length of time will only make you proportionately better or worse.

is he wearing shoes?

Steroid boy.

Pretty sure he didn't hitch, though who cares? He did it with straps, so it's not like it would count in a PL comp, and in a strongman comp as long as it gets up then no one gives a fuck.

Nobody would give you weird looks for doing farmers walks. Why would you care anyway? It's a good exercise.

because i'm fat and self conscious and going to the gym gives me anxiety enough without people looking at me thinking i don't know what i'm doing

>t. 1 yr stronglifter w/ 2 plate max diddly

>no one even cares about man lifting 768 in the SERF
also those collars are the absolute worst, fucking UW madison

As long as you aren't breaking gym etiquette, or look like you are hurting yourself, then people literally don't give a fuck about you. Literally no shits, they are looking at hot bitches, mirin stronk fucks, playing on their phone, or just focusing on the lifting they have to do. Being a fat or weak fuck is being literally the least noticeable thing in a gym.

>has a 3 plate DL
>offering advice on 4+ plate DL

how are front squats and farmer walk helping build spine health? the lever movement of the deadlift is what helps build lower back strength, i don't see how you are getting that from front squat or farmer walk, those just help build a solid core?

You are retarded, mate. All of my injuries happened between the 3 and 4 plate range. Since then I've hit five plates completely injury free, and I am getting close to six plates. I feel the healthiest I have ever been because I've fixed my shit so I can pull really heavy safely. You need your hips, back, and abs to actually do their job properly if you want to deadlift heavy weight, which just so happens to also make it safe.

I've always gone to the NAT and I would have never recognized this

>i wouldn't go over 4 plates and i'm at 3.
Are you a woman?
Are you under 120lbs?

It feels like melting fire. I'm healing right now buts it's been 5 months. Gotta look on the bright side.

lmao @ these dyels criticizing the form of a man who deadlifts 900 fucking pounds

ey man i went to highschool in madison


you're pressing up like an OHP when you're in that position. this is why training OHP can actually be really helpful for your squat.

imagine this was your son

nah, Karl

I find a spot no one's using, a good 10-20m long. Reaching the end of the path is 1 "rep", then back again for 2nd rep, keep going until failure. Note how many reps I do the first time, then I go for at least 2 more sets trying my hardest to reach/beat the previous amount of reps. By the end of it, my forearms are burning. Heavy kettlebells are also great for this, since they usually have a thicker handle, making it harder to maintain your grip which means your forearms are working that much harder. My gym's got a couple of 70lbs kettlebells no one uses, they're definitely my preferred equipment for this exercise.

l2read, user





I seriously thought I was about to watch this dude eat shit. Most of the people in the gym aren't even watching.

Not the same guy, but I too don't deadlift past 80 for 1 set of 5. Any more and I'll be too sore to sustain perfect posture on leg day. My squats mean more to me than my deadlifts dammit.

past 80%*

God you scared me for a moment there I was preparing to roast u

You really shouldn't deadlift while running any distance.


haha yeah I was expecting a couple of replies. brb let me just deadlift what I curl for hypertrophy.

lmao at those chicken legs

>Blocked in the US
I'm not used to this feel lads


Deadlifting doesn't put a shear force on your spine, it compresses it
Shear forces are ones acting perpendicular to the length of member (I.e. your spine). If you have pelvic tilt there could be a shear force on the joint between your lower back and pelvis, but if you lift with good form it's all axial (compressive)


I'm currently in Snapcity, somehow managed to fuck up my Sciatic nerve. Moving in any way hurts with a sharp stabbing pain. If I've been sitting for a long time, sometimes when I stand back up my glute/hamstring area seizes so badly that I fold up like an accordion.

It's been months and it hasn't gotten any better. I'm starting to fear that it's permanent

Hold me Veeky Forums

your wrong

>drops weight
doesn't count.

Just do more and more fentanyl until the back pain goes away

b...but I like my kidneys user

I would have mired so hard, those fucking dyel faggots in the back are what's wrong with modern fitness, only a Lifestyle choice and a way to project an outside image of yourself by means of consuming obsolete and outright pants on head retarded products. I hate the fitness industry and culture around it so much

>t. dyel
I don't even know what's worse, the sheer faggotry, the fact that none of those guys know who Pete Rubish is or that they claim to have any idea about moving more than just bitch weight.
You don't get to 920 pounds deadlift with picture perfect form, it does not matter who you are or what you do, lifting weights is not about sterility and looking fancy, getting mired by 17 year old cardio bunnies and shooting bathtub chemicals in your ass, all that is just background noise, if you want to get strong, no matter if you're natty or not (and mind you this man pulled 700 while natty) you will have form breakdown.

you are dumb, shear forces acts perpinducular but unless the force is applied completely axially there will be a shear force component (I would say the start of a deadlift you are picking up the weight at approx 45 degrees to your spine).

Draw a crude shear force diagram. It is obvious there will be a shear force on your back.

Might drop them and trip on the bar.

Go to a gym with proper implements and go very heavy for sets of 15-20m. Bodyweight in each hand for 20m is a good standard to aim for initially

not if they're actually developed user

I did DL wrong in the beginning, then I corrected my form and my ass and hips on the side of my ass hurt like hell, but I'm almost pulling 4 plate now after 4 months lifting. Never felt close to any injury.

Idk, try deadlifting and going on a long run

can deadlifts shorten you?
I'm 6'3", I don't want to go to 6'2" or something

Who the fuck is this guy?

u one cheeky cunt m8

What''s the form correction?

Pete Rubish, but he's not natty

Driving hurts, sitting hurts, rolling over in bed hurts.

Haven't deadlifted since, I'm too afraid.

Those are impressive lifts, but his form isn't that great on the deads.

Realistically, you shouldn't ever injure your self. People like in OP ego lift. Obviously with fantastic results, but there is a cost. As you push past or very near your limit, your form is going to suffer and the chance you injure your self is hugely increased.

Where as if you work at 70-80 of your max, a few reps behind failure, you'll increase over time really well. Results will be slower than constantly pushing your self really hard, but your risk of injury decreases hugely.

Personally, its not about being stupid strong or massive, its about longevity.


someone didn't pass statics


also, the amount of shear on your lower back depends massively on your leverages

people like Pete Rubish with great levers for the deadlift will start in a far more upright position, and will not have nearly as much shear on their low back

he pulls 920 at 245, that's incredibly impressive, and his form is perfectly fine for a near max lift

saying you will never get injured if you stick with 70-80% is complete stupidity and shows your lack of experience lifting, many people have been injured training in those intensity ranges, and many people have been injured with no discernible breakdown in form (especially world class lifters that are lifting serious weights)

there are many ways to get injured, and blaming all injuries on "ego-lifting" is just a cope

what was that at the start. did he take a sip?

I suck at dl, can squat around 100kg with good form but can't dl more than 80kg without feeling a bit of pain in my upper back when getting to the top... not sure what i'm doing wrong.
or maybe it's the fact that i squat 3 times a week and dl only 1/2 (ss)

This. I injured me neck on squats of all things because I was looking straight ahead instead of a neutral spine. Something small and simple can cause injuries. Ego lifting is just one of many.

>form breakdown

and back breakdown. he will regret it

It's because you're squatting heavy and then trying to DL heavy. Alternate days of heavy squats to heavy DL. So say Monday you want to squat more, do a lighter diddy. Then Wednesday, the reverse: squat 20lbs or whatever lighter and DL heavy.

Only if you deadlift too frequently with heavy weight. If your core is too fatigued you may end up injuring yourself. The only danger is that of injuring yourself or lifting even when you know you should be resting.

Ok I'll try that so I'll squat heavy on OHP day and light on DL day.

Just put a bench on the far side of the gym and then carry some dumbbells to it. Once you get there pretend like you grabbed the wrong dumbbells and bring them back to the rack. Then quickly run out of the gym because everyone thinks you're an idiot.

>how do you do it in a gym though without getting weird looks?

Why do you care? Anyone giving you weird looks doesn't know shit about lifting

literally 99% of the best deadlifters hve perfect form... look at all the world record lifts

try counting the mires


it just seems like the funniest exercise.
>just gonna walk around carrying these weights

I don't think I've ever taken the full trip to snap city, but I almost made it. When it first happens, right in that moment, you know you fucked up. It's that first bout of shame that hurts more than anything else. After that, when the actual pain starts to set in and you start to think about how you might have to live the rest of your life in pain because of one little mistake, you really start to feel bad. My back hurt intensely for that day, greatly for the next few days, mostly for a week or 2, and the pain dulls to a throb for about a month before I stop noticing it. I consider myself very lucky with those injuries since if I could have been out of the game for the rest of my life if it were more serious.

It's also pretty alpha. Farmer walks in particular really make your traps flare out, so if you're wearing a tight shirt or a tank, you look massive. I know when I first pick up those hundred pound dumbbells and start walking across the gym with them, people start miring.

Is he doing a box squat? It looks like it but I see no box

amazing, such skinny legs and he can do 8pl8, I struggle with 1pl8 lol

Yea. It's hard to see but it's there.

>100 pounds
What are you, a ten year old? Should be at least 80% of body wieght in each hand.

This made me burst out laughing for some reason.

> I know when I first pick up those hundred pound dumbbells and start walking across the gym with them, people start miring.
He thinks people were miring him for farmer walking with baby weight. Laughing girls.jpeg. Only using the 100's is ok if your a dyel twink but if you weigh over 160 lbs and aren't using at least the 120's no one is miring you.