Getting "fat"

I am told that I am getting fat. I have free soylent, fruits and vegtables, infinite amount of time, but I can't leave home or the desk much.

How many calories a day should I intake if I want to lose one pound a week, sitting at a desk, with one to 4 reps of situps, pushups, and lunges a day?

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want lose weight, it consumes 1200 to 1300 kcal per day max

and this is 100% safe?

estimate your tdee, eat 500-800 kcal below, buy a stationary bike and do 30 mins daily

whats a good way to estimate it?

that is approximate safe minimum for nutrients consumed before harmful

if cannot doing good exercise then extremity diet is desired

nonetheless, diet will be of great hardship mental endurance. remain strong friend.


poo in loo

this is why you're fat, you can even do your own work

here, you fucking prick

>How many calories a day should I intake if I want to lose one pound a week,

The mathematically correct answer is "500 less than you burn.". The problem is you won't know exactly how many calories you burn in a day until you've tracked your calories eaten and your weight change for a month or so.

So, just use 1500 calories/day as a starting point, and observe what that does to your weight for a month.

If you're losing a pound a week, then that means you burn 2000 a day. Keep it up.

If you're not losing anything at all, then that means you burn 1500 a day. (probably accurate if you are a femanon.) Drop 500 calories a day.

If you are losing 2 pounds a week, then you are burning 2500 a day. If you can maintain this pace, good for you, keep it up. But you CAN relax it a little bit, eat 2000 a day and still lose a pound a week.

>1 to 4 reps of pushups, situps, lunges
why the fuck would you even bother doing so few? you'd burn more calories blinking one extra time per minute

I burn about 2300 according to that calculator.

Essentially if beer was cut out of my diet, I would be skinny.

I think setting a soylent diet around 1200 calories, additional fruit/vegetables and cut out beer will solve all my problems.

>infinite amount of time
>I can't leave home or the desk much

please extrapolate

What do you mean?
My diet is working so far, a couple peanuts, copious amounts of tea & coffee.

Going to smoke weed, eat vegetables, fruits and soylent.

I figure I could still have a steak/pastry beer day once a week.

filter to something that fits your schedule and do it

>I have free soylent
don't eat that. soy increases your estrogen levels.

>refuting the proven scientific secret to burning fat by increasing your total estrogen levels

stay goy, user

mein sides

I think they take that shit out.

I mean explain how you have "infinite amount of time" and somehow aren't able to leave your house

if you want to lose a pound a week doing nothing, eat about 700-800 calories below your daily maintenance. we can't tell you how much that is. you have to calculate that based on your body size. i'm 5'11, 178, and i need about 2600 calories a day to maintain my size. i eat about 3000 calories a day plus extra for whatever i burn working out.

im 6"0 about 200-210

I figured about 2300 based on calculator, but im going to shoot for 1500 calories a day.

I have some mental issues, and unemployed. Basically I just own stocks and collect dividends, scared of leaving house, because cops will arrest me, because I get high a lot, and I need to drive to get anywhere.

Planning on moving to Portland/Seattle area, and getting into landlording/septic tank driving (once my DUI goes away).

nothing wrong with this whenever you want as long as you factor in the calories

claiming you want to stop being fat while still letting yourself eat sugar and white flour just means you will stay fat.

one beer, maybe two is fine once in a while. unless you have a lot of muscle mass, you will just stay fat if you drink beer.

honestly, you need to accept that you can't live like you used to if you want to change yourself. cheat days are bullshit. there are foods you should not consume ever. stop eating them, and stop being fat.

>infinite amount of time
>can't leave home or the desk much
In order words, you're a lazy sack of shit who doesn't want to go to the gym. Unless you live at Bangladesh, you aren't at work 20 hours a day.

Terrible fucking thread. Sage goes in all fields.

anxiety problems

Made up bullshit. You're too nervous to be in front of other people.

Get the fuck over it. You have no excuse, and your "anxiety" is probably a self-diagnosed lie. Enjoy obesity.

well considering a plain baked potato is only 110 calories, I think I can meet my goal easily.

I think the secret too losing weight will be eat very unappealing food, and avoiding food as a "pleasure", instead only eat food for requirement to make body stay alive.

Sort whatever mental issues you have first

Until then they're just going to be a crutch for you to lean on while you get fatter and fatter. God speed and try reddit next time

I think getting skinnier is step 1