Veeky Forums should I join a fraternity?

Veeky Forums should I join a fraternity?

also whats your favorite compound lift

if your good looking yes if your ugly no


College was 10x more fun when I joined a frat

This. Frats are for good looking people. If you join a frat being ugly they'll just haze you until you leave or set you up to take the fall for rape charges like the beta bitch you are.

>paying for friends

>implying it costs money to join a frat

Kek'd at a fitizen getting trumped up rape charges, when all he wanted to do was party

Absolutely! Joining a frat was the best part of college.

Should I join a frat if I don't drink or do drugs?

I've had frats encourage me to rush after seeing me at parties or my friends who are in frats as well. But I don't want to rush if I have to drink to get in. Can anyone give me some insight on this?

It literally does cost money.

I'd rather pay for friends than be a friendless virgin like you.

It literally doesn't. The fuck are you smoking?

Join a frat if your willing to balance a ton of partying with school.

Fav lift is deadlift

If you're fine with being on the butt end of jokes from STEM majors.
You're there to learn and better yourself, not party.

>implying you don't have to pay dues for a cheap hoodie

Deadlift of course

Don't listen to this dude STEM majors are all scrawny nerds and pajeets anyway.


They just host fundraisers and stupid shit like that to cover costs

A lot of schools these days have banned hazing, so if your school has a hazing policy you should be fine. Some fraternities don't haze at all nationally, like my own ZBT. Really just look for a chill frat that you feel comfortable with. Also you could straight up ask someone in the frat if drinking is required to get in.

When do these bake sales and fundraisers ever cover all the costs? Yearly dues are required at the least in 60% of frats. Where do you think the paying for friends meme comes from?

Lol salty virgin detected
Enjoy hanging out with your ""friends""

you don't HAVE to but chances are you won't get a bid, unless its a low tier fraternity and if thats the case I wouldnt even bother rushing.




Stem majors are doomed to be forever incels. plus a bunch of them are fugly pajeets or foreveralone aspie cucks

lol some of the biggest chads are stem geeks.
Why would they waste their time chasing 7/10 worn out pussy when they have 11/10 Stacy pussy waiting for them at their apartment while they finish getting their phD and becoming a neurosurgeon

> I don't trust the opinion of anyone who posts thumbnails

idk are you a business major with a very average IQ and interests that are EXACTLY like every other normie tier faglord

Chance this moron is a DO/DVM/DPT/LPN are astronomical.

>paying for friends and alcohol

Truly for failed normies. M-make to you make it, r-right guys?

It's fact brainlet

The frats at my school all have dues, the lowest being 300 and the highest being 1500.

know how I know you're retarded?

Friendship is expensive.

You should do it it opens up a lot of doors and it's great for networking. However frat life isn't all it's made out to be. There will be petty drama and you will loath people within the frat. Just stay focused on your goal and don't get suckered into the frat mentality.

Yes. Deadlift.

Just don't be hideous, you don't need to be model-tier.

Listen to these guys.

> salty rejects who didn't receive bids

Dues pay for shit like a mortgage on a fraternity house, parties, formals, etc. Nice meme, though.

It depends on the fraternity, campus, etc.

ZBT-user is right. Phi Delta Theta is another one that has banned hazing nationally.

There are plenty of high-IQ STEM people in fraternities. Nice meme, though.

Yeah, nah.

>> salty rejects who didn't receive bids
I didn't rush. Several of my friends were trying to get me to rush their frats however. Nice try though, wannabe Chad.

Forgot to mention my favorite compound lift would probably be bent over rows.

>wanting to pay for friends
>calling others friendless virgins


>not understanding how fraternity dues work and what theyre used for


> i-i d-didn't r-rush. r-really. u-ur the w-wannabe

yeah ok boss

I'm assuming they pay for the fraternity, so paying for friendship.

WTF this amiericucks are talking about?

depends on your school user, it's more worth it if: majority of people are in greek house, you're not a stem major, you're an athlete or attractive. If you're bellow average attraction, stem then you're better off just looking for a gf

Organizations that value traditional masculinity.

Europeans wouldn't understand. ;^)

also, if you're at a prestigious school you may want to join a decent frat if you hope to establish a legacy for your future sons

I'm not europoor.

> splitting hairs between different flavors of third world

dude just stop

You're both retards.

Do you already have friends?
Then no.
Do you desperately need new friends?
Then yes.


> y-you're stupid u-unlike me

Goddamn you're an autistic faggot.

I don't get it.

Also squats.

If you think you'll enjoy it, I say go for it. I've known plenty of people who left because they decided it wasn't for them after a while.

Don't worry about the stereotypical frat douche archetype. It exists, but there are plenty of normal bros that you'll become friends with. Worst case is you leave after a few weeks / months. Best case is you grow a large friend network and meets TONS of qt 3.14s.

favorite compound is The Press™ ofc

t. junior STEM student at large state uni. with no social life

Its like some retarded purity test, since he implied he was euro, but not europoor.

Plus depending on which you join, you are giving like a month or two of your life up to do a bunch of work for the frat when rushing.

Whatever makes you sleep at night, homo boy

Why are there people who aren't part of fraternities giving advice lmao

Don't join a fraternity for the """networks""", join because you genuinely like the fraternity brothers and can imagine yourself spending time with them practically everyday.

If a frat says they don't haze, they haze. Every frat and big-name school has an anti-hazing policy but it's just for show. Basic hazing that everyone does is forcing the pledges to do a shit ton of calisthenics as punishment if they don't recite information correctly. This basically weeds out people who are mentally weak and unwilling to change.

if youre good looking or have clout the amount of pussy you will get in a good frat is unreal.

if your ugly and or poor dont even think about it, just wont be worth it.

t. fratbro at large uni

the insecurity in this post is palpable

yeah do it. beats sitting in your room every weekend alone.

Yeah do it. Do your research tho, I'm in a frat right now and although they are non-hazing they all are at least a little bit.
In mine at least, nobody had to do anything they were too uncomfortable with, but I can't speak for other houses.
Rush around and check out what each has to offer. At some colleges it is kind of a pay to win concerning friends kinda thing, but at my uni fraternities are significantly cheaper than living in the dorms.
Most guys in my house are STEM or business oriented, and getting good grades is not that hard if you're in a frat or not. All up to you what your college experience will be.

Not in a frat, but was friends with tons of frat guys in undergrad, for disclosure.

If you have a well connected and diverse social group already, it's not exactly necessary. I would say overall it looked like a positive experience if you aren't explicitly a "go getter" by nature. I watched a lot of guys who were typically very shy learn how to take on leadership roles, albeit small at the start, while in their house. It's a good way to build a social network, you have closer connections with people who have already been through shit (like internships, certain classes, career plans, etc.). If you are naturally very outgoing and can make friends, then at that point you should pick which frat can beat benefit you through their inclusion on campus groups and professional (post grad) connections. Sure there are dues, but they can pay back in dividends through reduced partying cost and subsidized rent if the fraternity actually owns their house.

Also, never bother with a dry frat or one that is constantly in trouble with the uni administration; you have to tip-toe around every social event because they want to fuck you over and pull your charter. I'm in the board of a university now and it constantly comes up on how to deal with a certain house of shitheads--they won't be around much longer.

You don't pay for friendships.

You pay to rent out bars, hire DJs/music, rent tour busses for formal, and -of course- insurance.

Stupid GDIs like you are why we make mock you. You don't pay for friends; you pay to do fun shit with friends that you wouldn't be able to do with just your own money and connections.

In my experience it's also mostly Business and STEM guys to varying ratios. Liberal arts stuff like history, philosophy, etc are less common than STEMfags in my experience.

Join one that'll actually help you with your career.
Why can't he be ugly? Frats are good for ugly guys cause it'll help you get laid. As long as you're not a bitch boy other guys will respect you.

Hazing at my frat was pretty bad, made the pledges eat cat food and crawl around and meow, then one puked so we made the other pledges eat the puke. Good times.

>all those guys
>one girl
don't seem like much fun desu unless you like gangbangs

Im in a good fraternity at an SEC school - if you have any questions feel free to ask.

who is the richest guy in all of the frats at your school

>2 girls

Don't know about the other frats at school but theirs a son of pharmaceutical entrepreneur in ours who's net worth is close to a billion.


Can grad students rush? Didn't do it for undergrad and regret it now that I'm graduating

how will it impact my experience if i dont want to live in the frat and instead live in a dorm or apartment

not the other guy, but pretty much same deal expect at a Big Ten School.

technically anyone can rush, any decent house only gives out bids to undergrad freshmen, and occasionally an undergrad sophomore. undergrad juniors+ won't get a bid unless youre joining a bunch of absolute boners.

most have a living-in requirement. Mine was 2 years, if you actually joined a fraternity because you liked the guys and your pledge class I dont know why you wouldnt want to live in, unless your house is total shit or something.

what the fuck is a frat.
sounds like American gay parties

Pledging pleb tier frats

So glad I had enough sense to go to hillel house or I'd have ended up with brothers like you

Bring something to the table and you'll get a look

t. bottom tier faggot

Can I join a frat at 27?
I had to care for my sister after mom passed away, and dad was a pos so I had to work to support both of us.
Never even dreamed of going to college until she got in.
She'll be finishing up this year, I'm not expecting that she'll support me (I'd love to think that, but have read enough to never assume).
I'd love to finally have some bros rather than 40+ year old co-workers.
Or is it too late for me?

Yes you should, but remember that drinking a lot is only cool if you drink the most out of everyone, so either go all out or stay safe.

It's like any other club, except it's all dudes. If you are already good at picking up chick's you'll slay, if not you can use it to practice and improve but don't be surprised when they all go after chad and you get the scraps. It's also usually really expensive depending on your uni.

All in all, I wish I had when I was in school but there's pros and cons.

>not living with your parents during college years