I fucking hate power cleans

is it necessary to do them?

why can't I just do deadlifts, ohp, bench press and squats?

Because the program fucking says to.

then fuck the program

I am still getting gains without the power cleans

Yeah fuck 'em, right? You know you, right? They're not fun, so let's ditch them. Today will be good with just 2 compound lifts. Got you pretty tired. Hell, maybe you didn't need them ever, right? Today you're pretty tired, you can skimp on the deadlifts too. Just one day won't matter, right? Yeah, it's fine. Your legs hurt a little today? It's okay to skip squats today, it'll be fine. The bench is taken at the moment, but it's fine, you can skip bench today, right?

Why do you hate power cleans? They're fucking terrific.

>tfw never done cleans or jerks only OHP,BENCH,SQAUT, AND DEADLIFT

I never skipped a single workout the past 3 months of doing "SS"

it's just that I do bench/ohp with deads and squats

I never do power cleans

also I do chin ups / curls / crunches as accessory exercise

I have to stop SS soon any way and jump to a PPL, so it doesn't matter if I do power cleans or not, I hate them. They made me hate going to the gym and I won't let anyone and anything do that because if something does this to you then that's a recipe for failure.

you can replace them with light dls if you want

because I can't learn the form, plus I don't want to pay for a coach to teach me because no coach in my gym has ever done them.

I don't see point doing cleans if you are not interested in oly weightlifting. Do rows, chin ups instead.

You practice them with an empty bar. You learn it the same way you learned the rest of your compounds.

thanks! I noticed in my program that I have to do that, even naturally, I usually break my PRs on Friday...

I call them "the bad Wednesdays"

You can replace them with front squats if you want.
Lmao moron

please use a trip so we can laugh at you when you start making thread about how much starting strength sucks in a month


Seriously, you faggots arent getting this very simple point: you cant hate going to the gym and keep it up

The first edition didn't have cleans iirc.

>>it's a i dont want to put effort in practicing how to master the form of one of the most rewarding exercises thus i hate said exercise because im a weak-willed pussy and everybody else should too episode.

>You can replace them with front squats if you want.

are you retarded? the guy is squatting heavy 3x a week increasing weight every session and you want him to add front squats? fuck off

(A thread on SS forum from someone worried about learning/doing power cleans by himself)

>>Usually, people just feel intimidated by anything that resembles a technical exercise and just would rather not do them. This is just being a pussy, and sets a bad precedent for the management of both training and life. I think the Starting Strength includes an understandable method for learning to power clean, and just in case it's not simple enough I rewrote it for the new book so that it is even simpler. You don't really need bumper plates to do them if you don't have access, so that doesn't wash either. They are in the program because an explosive movement is a valuable contribution to power production, and they make deadlifts get stronger faster.

>Okay, you don't need a coach to learn power cleans, because we fixed things up so that you can learn them out of the book. And what exactly is the downside of trying to learn them and failing? Firing squad? The ****ing bodybuilders making fun of you from the safety of the dumbbell rack? Loss of wages? Just try them before you decide you can't learn them without a coach.

--cit. Mark Rippetoe

do barbell rows instead.

they are fun, feels awesome when you can do them. Do them you fucking pussy.

Not a proper substitute for PC

Alright since it's an SS thread
Boys help
I did SS and have huge quads but my upper body is trash but my legs are awesome and as an ex fatty have great calves too
This is my routine

Rate routine
Bench press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Incline dumbbell 3x8-12
Dumbbell flyes 3x8-12

OHP 3x5
Rows 3x5
Pullups 3xF then negatives
Chinups 3xF
Lat pulldown 3x8-12
Lateral raises 3x8-12
Dumbbell press 3x8-12

Hyperextensions 3x10 and 3x10 incline sit-ups on both days

Light squatting once a week
Biceps and triceps on bench and shoulder day respectively

What should I add/remove?

Or do you guys have any routine which is just 3 days a week?

here's Rippetits's quote on Rows. Somebody asked him what he thinks about using rows instead of PCs:

>>My opinion about barbell rows is as follows: f*** barbell rows. Really. F*** them. Stop wasting time worrying about barbell rows and get your deadlift up to 500. By then you'll have your own opinion and you won't have to worry about mine.

>My program is 3x/week barbell training until the strength gains produced by linear progression are exhausted. That's it, the whole program. Adding a bunch of other stuff in, or even adding a little other stuff in makes it NOT MY PROGRAM, because it fundamentally alters your response to the stress. Do what you want, of course, but it won't be my program if you do it your way.

Depends on what's your goal -after- SS.

who cares

doing powercleans in a commercial gym with no bumber plates or plataform is fucking autistic. Even more ridiculous when you're a twig/fatass, which covers everyone SS markets for.

Aesthetics mate just wanna look good now

Power cleans are the most fun thing about SS.

dont think a commercial gym is an obstacle to power cleans.

Because your deadlift will get heavy enough you can't properly recover in a day.

It's a great way to go to snap city deadlifting heavy on 3 days a week

>You can replace them with front squats if you want.
no you can't

Marks brutal honesty is what I love about the guy.

Not really. Power clean with bitch weight or no weight is hard to go through the motion. It needs to have a good heft on it so you can actually practice driving up. If it's too light you're just gonna pick it up with your arms just out of habit

doesn't it say on the book though, that rows can be a "substitute" for power cleans? I am pretty sure its written there


Idk, rippetitts t-method and SS has no volume. What the fuck is this, friday only 3 sets? How is anything supposed to grow from this?

holy...just learn it properly. there are plenty of good videos to learn it from, they break the lift in 3 differente exercises and give C L E A R instructions like LOCK your goddamn arms and JUMP not do an upright row.

He said it a long time ago (not sure if in the first edition book or somewhere else) and has since retracted the statement. He said somewhere that he regrets saying it to begin with.

I don't understand why so many people won't do power cleans. Aside from the strength/power benefits, they're a lot of fun once you get half decent at them. Learning the motion isn't nearly as hard as you think. Rips method of teaching it as a jump from the hang position is very easy to execute. Just watch the vids and give it a shot, you don't need a coach. Record yourself and learn to fix your own technique, or post it to the SS forum. If he can teach 50yo women to do it, you have no excuse.

oh, I didn't know that. thanks

Your routine makes no sense at all. Chins and pull ups back to back? Only light Squats once a week? If you want aesthetics only then there are better ways to go about it. Personally, I believe you have a lot more strength gains to be had with intermediate programming. I recommend running either 4 day TM split or HLM 3 day. Both routines have flexibility in terms of adding more assistance exercises or light sets for hypertrophy. I did the 4 day split and made great gains.

Going light on squats because my lower body is out of proportion now
Got a link for him 3 day?

>actually doing SS

That doesn't mean you should neglect the best exercise in your arsenal. Your upper body will catch up.

As for the routine, Google is your friend. Buying practical programming is recommended.

What is a good aesthetics program that is similar to SS? I am about 4 months into SS.

gotta read the books to understand the secret.

just load some weight on an empty bar. it's true that if its empty the bar won't give feedback to your form.

yes and no. in SS 3rd ed he says that rows should be used instead of PCs only for certain populations: old people or injured people with low irremediable flexibility. this means that if you're 50 and have decent flexibility you should still try doing them.

>I recommend running either 4 day TM split
care sharing your 4day TM split routine template?

Jordan didn't expand on it in his article and Rip is poor with details in PP.

>doing powercleans in a commercial gym with no bumber plates or plataform is fucking autistic.
No it isn't. You are just insecure.

i think the next natural step after SS is texas method

If you read the book you know which book to read next ;)

not him but i have both books

i cant read them

he talks too much about irrelevant shit

pages upon pages of rambling

too difficult to focus

puting a few kg on the bar wont hurt you, and you will be too weak to use a dangerous weight anyway

I dont want to do powercleans but id get over it and try them anyway if my gym was set up for them, but there is no set up for them and the floor is usually full anyway, cant really do them in a power rack.

this quote contains no arguments for why you shouldn't do rows instead of pc

>i'm a faggot
>booklernin' is 2 hard
>can't focus 2 good
Never gonna make it.

>falling for the SS meme

lmao don't tell me you bought the book too

Do light deadlifts instead.
Rip calls them speed deadlifts, but imo both power cleans and speed deadlifts in SS/TM are just pulling volume disguised as a power exercise

>You can replace them with front squats if you want.

>Lmao moron
