Alright, fatasses, what did you end up eating that started you to become the pathetic mess you are in, now?

Alright, fatasses, what did you end up eating that started you to become the pathetic mess you are in, now?

How long have you been fat?

I started using the lunch money my mom would give me every day, during my senior year in high school, to get these from the vending machine.

I used to weigh 160 lbs and weighed 200lbs by graduation.

10 years later, I'm still fat, at 290 lbs.

Skinnyfat here, I didnt really "start" eating like shit.
It was more like a general not giving a shit

I used to eat pop tarts every day for lunch so i could hide by myself in the library.

What actually got me fat was after high school i started a full time job that enabled me to binge on video games, fast food and energy drinks.

Even though i am healthier now, there's still a huge craving to escape into World of warcraft and frozen pizzas every day.

I've been fat all of my life.
Never really consumed pop or candy.
Always added cheese, mayo, ranch dressing, etc. to shit.
Huge serving sizes.

Got up to 420+ lbs.
Then down to 235 lbs.
Now at 275 lbs.

fast food

gummy candy


>Got up to 420+ lbs

Pasta, I fucking love it but used to eat a ton of it for dinner.

Nice OP, similar. I couldve used something like Veeky Forums or misc while i was in college to get my mind right. Instead i spent my college grant money staying home every day chatting on irc and watching every fucking movie imaginable getting fit. Have alwats been chubby, i remember a cousin doing some shitty experiment for school describing me as chubby in her paper and me getting offended. I was like 7 lel, and you know what, she ended up being right. Turning point was 18/19, a good summer couldve fixed my life , was around 5'9 220ish, instead ballooned and am still at 295ish (have never reached 300!). Almost 30, almost theoretical an hero time rly. R9k status kv, but im a smart guy im sure i can get out of this eventually. But then again ive been saying this for too long. ANYWAY, yeah

Getting fat*

I live close to a mcdonalds so that was lunch every day. No supervision, would literally get up at 7 after parent went to work and stay on the computer all day. So much time wasted!

Multiple glasses of soda a day for many years

Painkillers & GHB fucked me pretty hard

Just stop fucking eating... Jesus Christ how does this even happen?

I'm not really fat but for me it was binge eating. It didn't matter what it was, but I would just tear through my cabinets at home and eat everything I could. Entire boxes of cereal, lunchmeat, etc... I'm just lucky my parents never bought really unhealthy food

After 300 lbs., you just go on auto-pilot.

Isnt it WEIRD? How does this happen, you think thats the hard part. But thats the super easy part, that happening. Its a few years of enjoying yourself eating whatever the hell you want. Losing it should be the "jesus how does that happen " part. Cause if it were easy, everyone would lose it as easy as they gained it really. I dont know about people here, but im so damn lazy and disconnected from feelings, always have been. Literally no willpower, and ive tries plenty, but it comes hard. Thats why so many people are fuckin mediocre, whether fat or fit. I happen to be mediocre in body and mind. Some of fit i bet it good on body but mediocre in mind, probably as much of a loser just with a better shell. But i hope not, i dont see how people can waste having a nice body but that seems to be the damn theme of fit. Anyway i can only kind shrug alan partridge.gif style, how the fuck should i know.

This, plus I had no idea what a healthy meal size was. Or that I could stop eating before I felt "full"

Also hunger is a meme in a first world country. My midwestern corn-fed parents made me believe skipping meals would lead to AUSCHWITZ levels of skinniness

There's no time like the present, user. Time is going to pass either way.

Though i have to say, with all the degeneracy going on in the world these days, im more revved up than ever to give it a good go. If im gonna uphold morals and denounce degeneracy i cant be a fat fuck while doing it.

>Its a few years of enjoying yourself eating whatever the hell you want.
Yeah but the shit you want to eat is so insane contrasted to the typical cravings. You said you smothered stuff in ranch, you probably love cakes and sweets. My roommate gags at the thought of cake for example. It would benefit you to develop a revulsion to the fattening food you've developed an affinity for

He's not the guy who smothers things in ranch.

I am. I don't hate cakes and sweets. I just didn't get fat eating cakes, sweets, pop, etc.

Even now, I eat cheese, bacon, yogurt ranch. I just mix it with a lot of diced cabbage and switched out most of the red meats for chicken.

Very true. This is such an american thing. Today i was watching nhk world, japanese channel but international edition. They were making meals, and it seemed those gooks were cooking kidsized portions of shit and treating it as lunch. I looked down at my food and scooped a bunch up with a fork. Our superior eating technology is our downfall, if we used chopsticks to scoop up like 5 grains of rice on one bite then im sure wed get tired of putting so much effort into eating and be skinny like the japs.

Coke (the drink).

So much fucking coke.

I'd just scrape the shit off the plate into my mouth. I'm not going to let some chop stick gains Tengu kung fuey me out of my bulk.

Eating late at night. I used to love eating a bunch of food and watching TV after everyone had gone to bed.

I used to be skinny fat and I think the main thing that got me there was my autistic/ocd thing about eating everything I ordered/bought. was on my plate. I wouldn't eat until I was full I would eat until the food was gone.

I still have to be aware of how much food I prepare/put on my plate because my default is to still just eat it all.

>Played football in HS for 3 years
>Bulk up to be a lineman with fried chicken and cookies
>New coach is douchey, so I leave
>Never stop bulking

when I was in middle school I drank a litre of soda a day.

was 6'0 240lbs in fucking 7th grade

now im 19, 6'3 and 195 lbs and absolutely hate the taste of soda


>18 years old 260 lbs 2012
>get to 210 and back to 250
>get to 190 during spring of 2015
>literally a month or two away from not being fat for the first time in my life
>treadmill breaks and I let go of myself like a fucking retard
>I'm 270 now.

Oh man I used to eat those shits by the handful. Easily the best snack in the school vending machine, and I did the same thing, I felt like such a rebel when I realized I didn't have wait in the lunch line with the rest of the chumps. I could go straight to the vending machines and just scarf down junk food for lunch.

Mexican parents.

Good food high calories and soda up the wazoo

I now hate mexican food and started counting calories

went from 230 to 205.

I tried bulking and I overdid it. Now I have to cut all this fat off and hope I don't lose all muh strength.

I fucking love gringas man, much better than taco bell

I have no bottom.

Or hunger; i fast now.

Literally 1kg of fuzzy peaches a day starting in grade 7 til I graduated. Mall wasn't far from our school, would walk there for lunch everyday, get fast food and a giant bag of bulk candy from the grocery store

Done that 3 or 4 times now brah. On my way down again. Not giving up. No excuses this time, no matter what life throws at me.

Something always seems to come up that makes a guy say fuck it. Been mentally preparing for that this time so I understand it's not worth throwing away the progress

I never really got fat fat but I would eat a lot of Tim Tams and the like when I moved out of my parent's house and had no idea how to cook or do anything basically. I ended up gaining 5 kilos and developing bulimia but Veeky Forums and lifting has helped me lose all of the weight and get a lot stronger and more aesthetic.