You will never be able to eat chips and drink pop with your buddies and stay up all night playing Halo 3 again

>you will never be able to eat chips and drink pop with your buddies and stay up all night playing Halo 3 again

Do you miss your old childhood/teenage diet/life style? What was yours like?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw you cant 4-shot these feels away

>grow up a poorfag
>could never afford vidya
>watch g4 and imagine myself playing games I never would

Why can't you do this?

I'd usually wake up, eat nothing, wouldn't even drink anything. Go to school, sometimes I'd buy a small bag of chips for lunch, sometimes on friday I would buy 2 slices of pizza, but most the time I didn't eat a lunch. Then I'd get home, sometimes I'd have myself a bowl of froot loops and toast with jam, for dinner my mom would usually make me spaghetti, or fettechini alfredo, or chicken with corn and mashed potatoes, and that was it. I have no idea how I was able to function. But looking back now, it's not wonder I was 6 and 135lbs in grade 8/9

Halo 3 community is long gone

Play Halo 5 then

>Halo 3 beta, go 25-0
>File sharing, hilarious screenshots
>custom games with best friends. Fat kid, jenga, zombies
>staying up all night in partychat watching a movie on xbox live
>Playing co-op campaign

10 years ago almos... Jesus christ

I remember some kid called in a bomb threat the day the game was released and the school got shut down. Fuck life man

I work full time, and I like to workout before I go to work, so I go to bed super early so I can get 7 hours of sleep. My friends all work full time as well, and have different hours than me. Even on weekends, people don't really want to get together and have an all nighter playing a decade old game. I also couldn't bring it to myself to just binge on chips and pop and stay up till 3-4 in the morning like I used too. It would ruin my sleep schedule, my posture, and just make me extremely tired and moody the next day.

Personally I don't like how Halo engine changed from post Halo 3 games so I didn't buy the new Xbox.

You gotta take a break every once in a while bro. One weekend every once in a while isn't going to kill ya, especially if you diet properly prior to.

barely anyone plays it anymore, and everyone who did play back in 2007 is now an adult and working full time, or they're parents now and have a kid to attend too. there is no going back.

>Halo post Bungie
>Halo with modern day Micro$oft
>Halo with microtransactions
not even once

its actual trash

its not even about that

its about all your friends having a deep interest in halo3/cod4 just as much as you did, everyone wanting to get online to play together, people not having big responsibilities to attend to the following day. everyone has grown up, works full time, and has better things to do than play halo 3 online, and they certainly have better things to do than play it on a weekend and get fucked up. also, community is dead. Good luck finding anyone to play custom games with, on the MCC and on the original halo 3

>be 15
>smoke weed out my bedroom window from a fruit
>raiding Kharazhan on World of Warcraft
>munching on 3 boxes of chocolate chip cookies and whole milk
>Stay up till 4am with friends on Ventrilo raiding

My face when I will never return to this golden age

> tfw only made it to 49 in team doubles, 48 in MLG and lone wolves

That's one box that will remain unchecked when I die

>tfw you will never wake up at 8pm and play mortal kombat while drinking pic related until the sun comes up, not knowing/caring what day it is

Karazhan was the only thing I liked from TBC

>be 15/16 years old
>have two friends over from school (Mikey and Brendan) who play WoW
>We each have our own computer
>We hangout in the basement at my moms house playing
>When mom goes to bed we bust out the bong and weed, open up all the windows down there and get super fucking ripped
>we each made new characters and would only level them up together
>greatest times that stand out was when we were level 40s, we had our epic mounts (this was after WoTLK was release) and we went as a group to kill Alliance players in Hillsbrand Foot hill.
>we would spawn camp them all until a level 80 came to fuck out shit up
>we would do dungeons together
>we did pvp together
>just hitting the bong and getting that crazy virgin high that you only experience the first few times you smoke weed

Golden ages indeed my friend.

>implying i ever had friends

this was me just last year
>sleeping schedule is beyond fucked up from not working
>literally waking up at 6pm, and going to get at 11am
>not knowing what day it is
>memory is foggy
>spend all night playing team fortress 2/Overwatch/Dark Souls on the computer
>start getting fucking depressed from sleeping all day and being up all night
>eventually fix my schedule

Good times. But also, not good times. Anyone whos done this knows what I mean by that

We would be friends IRL

My brethren of the nostalgic feels

I have 3000-4000 hours on the first dark souls between the xbox and PC. I will never go back to the gold old days of hanging out on twitch before it was as big as it is now and skyping with a bunch of strangers while we co-op our way through dark souls. I miss the tight fun community back then, I miss spending my teen years not having a care in the world. I miss my online friends.
>tfw I have some of them on skype still, but they probably don't even remember me.
>tfw even if they do we don't have the time to sit around playing video games and streaming on twitch like we used to

>you will never experience halo 1 lan parties on hand em high
>you will never experience prime halo 2. The most popular shit of all time.. You will never experience the goldan age of online gaming. We had no participation medals.

the custom puzzle maps
the feels man...never gonna get those back

memories brother. never forget.

>candle mass
>lucky charms

>be skeleton with relatively handsome face
>but play vidya all day eating junk food without gaining weight
>manage to get a gf because I looked cute or whatever
>get dumped year later
>get depressed
>can't find a girl I like anymore
>decide to change my lifestyle in high school
>become Veeky Forums and start getting into sports and eating healthy
>make normie friends
>start getting more compliments from girls now that I'm tall and Veeky Forums and not tall and skeleton skinny
>realize I hate all of these whores only wanting to fuck me because I have a pretty eyes and abs
>realize I hate all of my """friends""" and everyone else in this shitty little town
>realize I hate sports
>become more depressed than I was before
>still have one night stands anyways and then lie depressed afterwards wanting to cry myself to sleep but realize I can't because I need to keep my stupid game
Fuck teenage years I want to go back to being a little kid playing with legos and watching spongebob before my best friend moved away from this shithole and my brother went to prison.



I still go back and watch the funtages me and my friends made on MW2...never gonna get those days back...why even live?

bro what r u like 20. Shut the fuck up you sound like a king faggot. Get a grip, pussy. If I knew u i would legit slap you and piss on you.

>having your few close friends over after school on friday
>just chilling in the comfy basement, playing games, waiting till night time to come so the party can really begin
>parents go to sleep
>sneak out of the house
>go to the park near the house
>walk around, being goofy and silly
>just hang outside for hours, not knowing what time it is, not caring, not thinking about sleep, not thinking about what tomorrow will bring, just living in the moment and enjoying it
>go back home, blaze one more time, go to the kitchen, scavenge for snacks to munch on
>put on a movie, fall asleep watching it
>do it all again the next weekend.

Check out Halo Online.Its a pc version of halo 3.It uses some of the halo 4 models ,but theres a reskin that makes it completely look like halo 3.
The community is kinda small ,but its pretty stable.

>tfw will never spend another night downing mountain dew and pizza while playing MW2 online in a cramped room with all of our own TVs set up

I swear to you, dear Anons, that SOLUBLE FIBER is the magical superfood that all other foods wish they were. If your poop doesn't float, you aren't getting enough SOLUBLE fiber. The recommended amount is 14 grams per 1000 calories (that's about 4g per can of soda). Do this and you can eat all the chips and pop you want.

t. fellow Chicagofag?



>you will never be 16 laying in your GFs bed watching a movie with her eventually both confessing your love for the first time before mum picks you up and you text each other well into the early hours
>you will never get all hyped in the last period of school talking about what you'll train that day when you walk to gym after class with your bros

Why live after 17?
I lift on my own in a basement and the only time I hang with friends we just drink

I did they exact same thing fbm

>10 years ago

huh? what the fuck

I remember reading shit when I was younger like "xxx was almost 10 years ago..i can't believe i'm so old now.." and being like wow that's fucking retarded

now it's finally happening to me

I know this feel well. Haven't even done any Veeky Forums shit in like 2 years because of my fucking ex who just dumped me. Now she hangs out with those people. We have to go back.

>tfw I will never wake up to play nfsmw at 7am before going to school
>tfw never going to play shitty hotwheels racing game and talk about the cool stunts I pulled off with my friends the next day
>haven't played mech assault or burnout 3 or midtown madness 2-3 with my bro in years
>will never play minecraft with the QT readhead that I fucked up with

Yes I fucking miss it. I miss not giving a shit what I ate, and not having to worry about autistic routines and meal prepping and calorie counting and the same dull foods day in and day out
>inb4 chucken is good if u kno how 2 cook xD
Fuck you. I've been lifting for 8 years and have dieted for as long, and there is nothing on earth that beats cookies, cake, ice cream, chips, and an ice cold 7 up.

Fuck off

I miss talking about banging my friends mom, learning how to banter and upsetting each other to the point of fights at the train station was awesome. I'd still fuck a couple of them.

Not OP but I've lived in Chicago all my life and I say soda.

I wish I could go back to 12 years old when I didn't have painful tinnitus

>tfw all the new Halo games suck
>tfw none of your high school friends play video games or talk to you anymore
>tfw no more staying up all night during the summer playing 4-person Team SWAT matchmaking with your closest bros while you joke around and have the time of your lives in party chat

Just end it all

the diet more than the video games
i'm still young enough to eat all of that junk again and not have a big payoff but I don't anymore and it sucks, McDonalds sounds so good right now

This and cod4 were literally the greatest shooters of all time

Man have times changed...

When I almost beat captain America and the avengers for sega genesis with my mom

>Be 26,
>both my buddy and me have Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
>we both earn far more than we spend
>both have cars and gaming PC
>host parties and score with pretty girls regularly
>we play COOP rpgs, DotA/Paragon and board game almost every day
>lift in the gym 3-4 times a week
>tfw every day is chill as fuck

I lived with my ex gf for 2 years and let me tell you never again. Its high fucking maintenance, they expect you to entertain them, take them out, go in a bitch fit if dishes aren't done in any arbitrary time they decide on.
And sex is less regular when living together since you get sick of each other.

Living with a bro is perfect, except when its clean the toilet time

I grew up playing a shitty Chinese mmo. Online dating, best friends, happiest and darkest times of my life. Don't know if it's pathetic or something I should cherish but it made me the person I am today.

H-hope I can make it.

You've got the right idea, user. Females can't and never will understand us, but they're good for some things.

They've been garbage since 343 picked them up.

"Halo 3? I haven't heard that name in years..."

>staying up till the sun rises cutting yews and talking to randoms
>fishing in catherby and eventually moving to the guild
>99 wcing and 99 fishing

I have a year+ playtime on this game.
Literally 1 year of my life logged in to a single game.

>tfw you will never be this involved in a game or community ever again... the ride is over.

This thread fucked me up

Guys.. ;(

this thread is sad

If you left your humanity behind then you wouldn't even be considering this.

You're making me feel sad by bringing back happy memory's.

I swear to dog kids should be taught the importance of taking care of your ears. I don't even remember what total silence is like anymore.

Please stop, guys

I'd rather play the 12 gauge guitar than any 343 piece of shit

Any BF1942 dudes on here?

umm chips are unhealthy?

>tfw you will never play mw2 and gta with your Xbox buddies late into the night, desperately holding in your laughter to avoid waking up your parents
>me and 4 other guys on Xbox became literal best friends
>years go by
>we all grow up and eventually stop playing xbox completely
>only still in contact with 2 of the dudes through snapchat but we rarely speak

I can honestly say I had some of the most fun nights of my life just joking around with those dudes.

I miss it.

>Find Veeky Forums in middle school a long ass time ago
>See cp for the first time, gore, and fucked up 2d porn( dick shitting nipples is personal fave).
>Get super scared the cops were gonna kick down my door any second.
>vow to never come back
>Throw myself into tf2
>All the hot summer nights gaming away and browsing Veeky Forums (here 4ever)
>The comfy feeling of having no care in the world, seeing everything that could possibly be seen on /b/ and gaming
>Gain weight but don't care
>Got over fear of police in 8th grade, relaxed and enjoyed the endless summer.

I will never forget the feeling of encapsulation I had when I found this place and tf2 for the first time. the world melted off my shoulders, my youth spent for the most part joyful.

So much has changed in my personal life, so much has changed on Veeky Forums. Thank god there's no cp threads anymore.

But deep within my heart of hearts I long for the carefree wild west, where everything truely felt new.

I stayed in the forest a lot eating hoagies. Was a good time. Still go to the forest a whole lot.

>playing pokemon in friends house
>get kicked out for not being active
>go to next friends house
>get kicked out
>my house
>kicked out
>play pokemon in park with friends
>come back to house 1 and re-start cycle

pokemon soundtracks make me sad

If that mattered, the whole board would be Whole Food Vegans


I'm too old for this website

For me it was Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Snowboard Kids

8th grade, 2011 was my golden year

> 4 player zombies on Xbox live
>never being able to call friends in party fucking faggots when they call me a little bitch because apt is tiny and moms home
>waiting til friends mom is asleep so we can sneak out and smoke cigarettes with the cuties down the block
>smoking weed in buddy's garage just talking about girls at school, guys we think are tools, listening to shitty house music and dubstep
>living in constant, irrational fear of friends finding out I play runescape
>long boarding to the grocery market and sitting in the cafe
>sneaking into girls houses to get high and watch movies

Fucking kill me brose. I touched the face of god and he turned his head away.

>Spent all of last summer on Veeky Forums and the Titanfall 2 beta and BF1 beta
>sleep schedule beyond fucked, waking up at 8 at night and going to bed at 1 in the afternoon
>thinking about it makes me nostalgic as fuck
>summer of 2015 I got my Xbox One and Elder Scrolls Online
>Spent all summer playing it with my friend
For the past 3-4 summers I've always said I would get jacked and tan, but it never happens, I'm still an anorexic lanky pale smelly faggot. When I wasn't playing Xbox I was browsing Veeky Forums in my bed.
>mfw thinking about all that time I wasted that I could've spent on bettering myself

>tfw too busy for video games

>tfw lost the passion for video games

Literally the only games I can enjoy playing now is GTA, XCOM, and Civilization

everything else I just get so bored and turn off after 30 minutes

>tfw but still only 19
>maybe have friends again in college

tfw Halo 1 games
tfw bansheeing yourself to the top of the map in Blood Gulch to destroy the enemy with your LAN friends
tfw taking breaks to play Monster Hunter on PS2 with your homies and using one of these bad boys in that pic related to pump up homies on another network

I do miss it. But then I try to play online games and can't stand them for long. Most I can do is play league of legends with some old friends for a couple games before I get bored and frustrated regardless of how we do.

Growing up sucks dick. I'll never have the benevolent joy of my youth where I could blow triple digit hours on Diablo II or Pokemon Red (blue was fOR FAGGOTS) and have the time of my life.

At least I find joy in other shit like lifting, parkour, and skateboarding (literally the only thing from my childhood i like because I can justify it as cardio) when I'm not at work. And it almost feels the same as far as joy is concerned.

But sadly..

None of it feels like the personal adventure these games were to a young me, y'know?

I never had anything like that

Story of my life, boyo. 25?


Kill yourself

We are the same, you and I.

Lifts, height, weight?

I wanna see if you're just me posting drunk a couple minutes into the future or past

I honestly miss the old days sometimes
I would often stay up, 50-60 hours doing NOTHING but eat. Literally just eating and drinking trash food for 60 hours straight. I used to call these things 'Weight Maintenance Weekends' because I 'didn't want to be a skinny freak' (I was near 500lbs and may have tipped over that once or twice)

Typically they would go like this

>Finish work on Friday
>Go to the store
>Buy all the food that appealed to me, lets say, 3 boxes of chocolate cereal, 30 candy bars, 6 or 7 bags of chips, microwaveable pizza etc
>Go home
>'prepare the space' in my room by laying down some card and plastic for me to shit and urinate onto, place 2 microwaves on the side of my bed, some forks and plates on my bed etc
>lay the food in a circle around me
>go to bed
>wake up in the morning
>start eating
>sit and eat for a few hours moving as little as possible
>every 10 hours or so take a 'microwave nap' by putting some foil in the microwave then letting myself fall asleep
>burning foil would wake me up
>assumed I was burning calories by jumping up out of bed and rushing to turn the microwave off
>would usually use the warm foil to melt chocolate to eat and smear over my body
>would do this, rarely slowing for 2-3 days (worked only tuesday, thursday, friday)

I do miss it sometimes.

I miss my old life style of playing games, drinking alcohol with friends and not being aware of how much of a skinnyfat fuck I was.

I wouldn't want to go back to it now though; I tried last year during a period in which I think I had a bit of a breakdown, but I was just miserable.

I came out of it stronger though and now I'm back to competing in boxing and training 5 nights a week for 2 hours a night after work. It's funny because when I stopped I suddenly discovered I had all this free time and energy and nothing to do; alcohol, hiking, games... all of these were boring to me and I knew deep down I should be spending my time more productively.

You sound like a real bro Bro. Wish I had friends like you as a teen.

This hit me hard

3am Xul Aman runs with the guild bros...damn. so comfy. TBC was the peak of WoW.

Literally about to have a halo MCC party with my friends, were gonna do 4 player split screen in big team battle on Xbox live. Halo 3 multiplayer is still really fucking fun, probably best multiplayer game of all time and I'm very excited to play.
I am 24
I know that feel, I stopped at 49 too


Plenty of people play Halo MCC, and in multi-game playlists, halo 3 gets voted most of the time

>grew up a sheltered kid
>only really had one friend on the street
>never played multiplayer games
>never did any of this because sheltered
>never smoked weed
>never had gf
>breezed through high school because all I really did was study
>ace exams
>currently at a top university
>moderately socially awkward though

Feels alright tbqh

My nigger...

>mfw 99 fishing, woodcutting, cooking, firemakinh

Warcraft 3 with the lads
>will never experience amazing evenings with HLWL ever again.

Fucking hold me brahs

I fucking hate you

Stop, it hurts

and here I am worrying about diabetes after going over 100 grams of sugar in 1 day. the iron pill is a hard pill to swallow anons

>grow up poor, no PC, no games
>hear all about WoW and its huge world and endless places to explore and new gubbins to find
>by the time I got around to playing it, it was already WotLK
Gaming-wise my biggest regret is that I didn't get to be a part of WoW when it was fresh. Say what you want about its effect on the gaming market, but it was something really special. Now the age of MMOs is over and every last nook and cranny of the game has already been explored, the mechanics "streamlined," and strategies and builds optimized to the hilt. Running an instance means your buddies are going to be running forward all the time, executing the same plan they've done a million times already, and you won't even have time to look around or think about what you're doing. It honestly fucking hurts that I'll never experience what it felt like to be one of the first players seeing everything for the first time.

kek i would rather become jeff