/bwg/ - BodyWeight General

>Overcoming your BodyWeight

>2016 Olympics highlights

>What is gravity lul

>Skinny grills with asses




>Youtube Channels


>Safest Static Hold Progression


>Common Prereqs


>Wrists mobility

Foundation Handstand One

>Bicep Tendon Prep


>Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up


>How to make parallettes out of PVC


>Foundation series (4 books + 2 Handstand + Rings)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39d3d785f7c6df583af2fa846646a74b3d256cac&dn=Coach Christopher Sommer Mastering Gymnastic Strength Training 2014&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.mg64.net:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.sktorrent.net:6969/announce

>Overcoming gravity (v1)


Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/#q=foxit reader play embedded video
gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=Overcoming Gravity&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

Left side is the exercise, right side is the mobility for that exercise, you do mobility after each set

FSAS - Fundamental Straight Arm Strength
FBAS - Fundamental Bent Arm Strength
FLS - Fundamental Leg Strength

the numbers like 5x60s means mastery for the movement, in this case you look at 60s/60rep template and follow that progression, once you hit mastery (can do 5x60s) you move to the next level

for negative movements, 5x5x10s means you descend for 10s each rep

SL progression seems to be different from PDF's

Foundation gives 3 routines:



The original


why aren't any good youtube channels mentioned in the sticky? They are much easier to understand and learn from than some confusing gymnastics program.

Any home bodyweight workouts that don't require rings/a pull up bar? I have no where to put either that would allow full ROM.

You can always do stuff like push ups, handstand stuff and planche work becasue all you need is the floor. But it is highly advised that you do SOME back work. Even if you can find a table and do rows on it its a good start.
There's a guy here that only does rows and curls for his back and he says its working good for him.

Rumour has it that this juicy fellow once did 10 planche pushups on 3 fingers while wearing a 20kg vest.How can I too achieve this?

Sorry but in terms of planche push ups some people are already ahead of him

They have a shitty program to whore user.
Getting fit and healthy with with bodyweight doesn't even factor into it.

Basically any of them.
Just replace all of the back exercises with horizontal rows and lat self resistance exercises.

yeah but whats the point of just whoring out foundation? Most people here don't care about gymnastics that much and find the street workout culture much more appealing.

I have no fucking clue. Might be because it's a complex clusterfuck of words that not even the calisthenics cunts over on reddit give a shit about.
Shit look at the stuff in OP. It's mostly shit.

This board is all about whoring lifting, power lifting to be precise, and shilling gear and supps.

We can have a beyond basic as fuck bodyweight and stretching program that anyone can follow and slap a big old Veeky Forums Veeky Forums on it.

the progressions are such garbage as well
lol 30 seconds of 5 sets of tucked planche

You can be me, but then you need a BB to do rows, at the very least adjustable DB's

samefagging this hard

let me know of good youtube channels, mister frog

>4 reps
>No added weight
>That form
>Ahead of BlG Natty P-didz MlKE Pattôn
Lol, just lol


trying this hard

you do know at some point it won't even bump the thread if you keep samefagging :(

and since some of you have such a boner for gymnasts we can have this

all the people do stuff from Foundation, it's not magic, the worst :


Dominik has good videos, but no structure to his uploads, a mess if you want to find anything

The gymnast channel is more about vlogging than actual BW training

looks the best channel out of all your suggestions, will add to OP, as well as Dominik

sPL PE7 Elevated Planche Bounce [ youtube.com/watch?v=A9eU4moTZuc ]

Where am I supposed to feel this exercise? My hands get tired quicker than my back does. The guy in the video does it pretty quickly.

What do you recommend to achieve Planche?

stop samefagging boi

few things I noticed compared to video from Foundation:
your lean is slightly less than it should be

when you bounce, your shoulders are all over the place, if you look at foundation video, the proper form is to lean a bit forward on legs going up. The idea is to load your shoulders with more weight than lean itself, so you should feel it in shoulders, I believe when you have legs in the air, you should try to limit their dropping speed with your shoulders, that is, try to hold the legs in the air

I removed the SLS progression from my training.

Everything else looks good but that progression just seems senseless to me.
I'm going to integrate with a 1 day/week session of oly lifting and squats.

Aye, I don't do SLS, SL or RC myself.

30 seconds of tuck planche is harder than shit you mongoloid

Get a weighted backpack and add 10lbs once you can do that easier.

that is b8, m8

uh, even SL and RC? Why is that?

I do bent over rows for arms instead of RC and that kills my lower back to do any SL stuff

Doing 5 sets of 30 seconds to achieve full planche is like doing 5 sets of 15 pull ups to reach 1 arm pull up

what is the most impressive thing any of you faggotd can do?

I can do a handstand for 10 seconds

hi /bwg/

I do 2x 45 push-ups and 2x 10 pull-ups every other day. My right elbow has started to hurt after and it radiates over the top of my forearm. It's not an injury yet, but I've had enough injuries to know that's where it's headed.

I was just in to talk to my doc about it and she said it might be tendonitis. I asked her what I could do to prevent it and

>get more rest
>stop doing push-ups and pull-ups

Fuck that. I don't think 45 pushups twice is too many (I worked up to it really slowly too, from 10 over 6 months).

What do I do to keep doing pushups and not fuck up my elbow?

take a week off, if you fuck your elbow up you'll be out for way longer than that

Would doing one hand planks get me closer to doing one hand pushups?

I did. after the workout again the twinge is coming back.

My doctor didn't say to stop for a minute, she meant to stop, forever. She said there was nothing I could do.

I doubt it. Do archer pushups instead.

how to abs? situps are weak as shit.

front lever

Leg raises on a bar

Manna progression in Foundation

no, unless you can't hold position when you extend your arm

what's your push up form?

It's 5 sets of 30 seconds to achieve Open Planche.

Is it possible to become strong doing bodyweight exercises, i'm a poorfag so I can't get a home gym together. Can I make it with just a bodyweight routine?

I use this form:

You can also lift heavy logs and stones and the like if you need extra weight.

You can easily make a heavy sandbag and kettlebell with a gallon jug and some small rocks or wet sand.


you have the videos for foundation?

yea that's bad, after much searching (idiots with shit form) found it finally
you can mute the sound, just watch form, 1min in

it's in the PDF's

how do I make them run?

Smooth muscle up without kip
Strict muscle up
L-sit to handstand
Back lever
Idk which one to pick

Anyone got some Direct Download Links?


click them, no videos in Foundation One, though.

Ur nan lol

How into forearm recovery?

recovery from what

From planche-stuff mostly. Fucking 3 days ago I had a normal sesh, after a day's rest still not recovered, after that as well. I feel it throughout the day, too. Shit get used everywhere, anything I can do? I had the tiniest forearms some weeks ago I started doing finger extensions and wrist PU stuff and they've grown, but I can't have 3 fucking rest days every time.

Put some ice on it.
Also stretch a lot before working out.

doesn't work. What do you use to open pdfs?

For foundations and other pdfs. i want to start some progressions but I'm paranoid about torrenting.

I can upload it to uploadfiles.io or whatever site you want.

Tell me which ones you want

foxit reader, it gives you error first time yo uclick, then you enable some shit

google.com/#q=foxit reader play embedded video

are you new to exercising?

my dick says THANK YOU

I made it to day 7 at least.

Hello, Karen.

Did 5x3 chest to bar pull ups yesterday and today i have some gnarly ass shoulder pain. What do? I retracted and depressed my shoulders on every rep.

The official thenx page is my goat for foundation and routines.

How about megauploads?

but I don't wanna do tricep pushups. I want it to work out everything generally.

This thing? It has a limitation of 10 mb file size. Foundation is almost 1GB

Planche pushups are the closest thing.

Could you guys recommend me a good workout for hypertrophy? I'm 5'11, 134lbs and I'm borderline auschwits mode but I want to change. I already read the sticky and I know how much calories I will have to eat everyday. I was thinking of doing the RR on Le reddit but the progress on most people seem to be very slow. I know some people gain muscle faster than others but how long it will take until I start looking above average?

not yo girl karen, but do you do any other scapular retraction work? pullups kept fucking my shoulders up until i started incorporating inverted rows, face pulls, and face-to-wall wall slides, focusing on spreading the shoulder blades both on the way up and down.

also rolling with lacrosse balls helped immensely

[ youtube.com/watch?v=S_93yIKub98 ] This is for the elbows.
[ youtube.com/watch?v=2_1ylJ-9twY&t=265s ] This is also for the elbows.
Pain might be from the pull ups. Watch the videos. Speed them up or whatever.

And military push ups suck. They are too easy. You can do them, but you have to add weight. You had to add weight a long time ago. Then they wouldn't suck as much. Or maybe you want to be able to do 100 military pull ups. If that's your goal I guess what you are doing will work. How the hell should I know what you want to achieve?

progress is pretty slow with bodyweight honestly cause you gotta build that tendon strength so you dont snap your shit up. reddits's routine is good, foundation is good, honestly you cant go wrong as long as your routine has some form of progression and isnt meme-tier like burpees and jumping jacks.

if you're looking for straight hypertrophy your best bet is to work up to weighted pullups/chinups and weighted dips along with other shit like rows, pushups, ab work, squats, ect.

what you do in the gym is only sparking the process. Muscle building happens outside of the gym. Progress is slow because of shitty diet and sleep. If you can't say you are confident that you are eating accordingly to your goals, than it doesn't matter what routine you chose.

>asking pullup advice from someone who cant even do pullups

you wouldnt ask someone who had no car knowledge about cars would you?

gotta break that ice

If i'm currently doing about 5 sets of push ups and inverted rows for 10 reps how long before I move to chin ups and dips?

Work out every other day.

Still too weak to do negatives.

don't you follow a progression guide?

Nah. Got one?

you can go about it a ton of ways honestly

honestly, i started doing pullup negatives at 3x8 inverted rows, so if you're at 5x10 i don't think you're too weak to start.

but if you do feel too weak, just start doing active hangs off pullup bars, and attempt negatives when you can.

same with dips, i feel like 5x10 pushups is enough to move onto negatives, but again, if not, work on your support holds, just holding yourself up on p-bars. also you can progress to diamond/close hand pushups first if you're feeling that.

important that you practice good form now and properly retract/depress scapula so you dont have problems later

Just upload wherever you like, and I'll follow.

ufile.io/zewkr this is foundation.

gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=Overcoming Gravity&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def this is Overcoming Gravity

Nice filename


Are yall bois doing decline crunches? This this is the king of AB exercises. Seriously tho this shit helped me get my front lever.

This is my list of under utilized exercises which aid in BW tranining, thoughts?

weighted decline crunches

bench press

weighted pull-ups

weighted dips



someone got source on this?

I'm gonna be enjoying Florida from a week and worst case scenario won't have any gym access. Any basic bodyweight routines for maintaining gains, otherwise I'll just program it at random.

Hitomi takana

Pull-ups, dips, and BW squats.


you are auswitz (unless grill) so first you have to aim to look 'normal' TDEE lists you ar 2kcal maintenance, so eat around 2.5kcal to gain weight, as you gain weight you will have to slowly increase calorie intake as said, you might find better luck with lifting for looks, there's also an option to do bw stuff for hypertrophy, but you will need to add weight to exercises, instead of progressing to harder variations


>implying a good engineer has to own the device

Yes, Foundation RC progression

sit ups are bad for you, desu


Going to sounds pretty dumb but I have a bulge disc so I can't use weights my physical therapist said body weight would help instead of weight lifting for an hour. If I do pull ups can I gain muscle mass if I am extremely skinny and eat and drink protein with just bodyweight exercises instead of weightlifting?

you can do pull ups to gain muscle, to a certain point, at which you have to either move on to more difficult variation or add weight

No thx Jeff
I could do sets of 90 back in the day, waste.

Great and I can also do chin ups for muscle too?

close grip pull ups for biceps, wide grip for back
don't forget to do dips or triceps push ups, you need muscle balance

I appreciate it, once my back heals I plan to get back in the gym. I am enjoying close grip pulls alot.

I think I remember someone saying in some previous thread, how superman holds help with bulged discs

Great that is something that helps alleviate the pain, thanks for letting me know I appreciate it. Have yoy gained muscle from bodyweight? I am only 145 and I am super scrawny.

I can't really say, user, I gained strength that's for sure, also my tendons are much healthier now. Just this winter slipped on ice and fell, took the blow on my right hand (hit the ground with palm) felt slight tingling in my right triceps, but no wrist problems *happy*
I do curls and rows with weights, so I attribute my 'looks' to those, also I increased my protein intake recently, which also seems to help in looks department (I'll be sure to come and brag here when I get a visible sixpack, desu)

I find BW more rewarding progression wise, I do Foundation, so when I start a level, I can barely do 3x3, then a few months later I'm doing 4x12 and that is really satisfying
>I can barely do 3 reps, fuck this is so hard
>time pass
>fuck ye 4x12

What are your go to come backs when idiot gym bros say you can't build muscle with body weight training? I always say your muscles don't know the difference between body weight and the weight of a bar, they just know weight.
And saying "so I guess all those gymnasts have no muscle at all then?"

autistic answer: you build muscle with protein intake, while resting after a work out
normie answer: why did Arnie do some BW then?