/Making It/

who else /making it/ here?

> meet a qt3.14 in one of my classes
> eventually invite her back to apartment
> get drunk and hook up
> she comes over in a couple days and we fug
> now I have a sexy high test gf
> tfw I'm not even working out anymore and it doesn't matter

Never gonna make it.

He'll learn eventually, give it a couple months

how am I not making it?

>After you hook up and break up with few qt3.14 you'll realize how normal and meaningless it is
>self improvement is the only real thing

Its like thinking you made it just because you got your first job. At first your happy but eventually you realize how shit your paycheck is, how you hate your coworkers, how its draining your energy.
You improve and get further in your career. IT takes blood, sweat and tears but by working on yourself constantly you get to a better spot.

And then

Some fag at Veeky Forums posts how he got his first job and how he will never have to study or work on himself ever in his life.How he made it
Do you realize how foolish you are now?

> implying this was my first girlfriend or the hottest girl I've fucked

its not difficult to get women

You told the story in such way that it implied its your first girl
>i was merely pretending to be retarded

>tfw gf of 4 years left me 2 weeks ago

I just want to off myself.

but it obviously means the world to you judging from your post you fag

> projecting

you just wrote that you quit makin it.
I will never quit until it is made


OP didn't even hint at an implication, you're just projecting your own shitty existence onto other people like you're the default. Not everyone is in the same situation as you are, you kissless, hand-holdless virgin lol.

There's this girl at my college that's hot as fuck and has an AMAZING ass. I really want to approach her but i have no idea how to do it/what to say while keeping it to the point and honest. I think puafags call it "cold approach" but i don't care i just want to be objective because rambling on for 5 minutes only to get rejected or have the girl walk away sucks so much and i think i'll handle rejection much better if i go straight the the point and get done with it quickly.

Help me with some ideas brahs.

opposite of making it
>deliver construction materials
>pay is 75 cents over minimum wage
>the job will literally break my back the longer I'm here
>me and my gf argue more than we ever have since I got this job
>finding the motivation to train is getting harder and harder

>everyone is projecting
I can accuses you for projecting too. There is no opinion, only projections. Thx man, you should teach psychology

I remember when I got my first gf. Know how I know this? Because you stopped lifting for her. Also she's fat not high test you loser.

Got any classes with her? See her around often? Just try to find an excuse to talk to her and go for it

It only has to be a hey with a smile the first few times while passing her, you don't gotta make awk small talk if you don't want

>Got any classes with her?
>See her around often?
Yes, in the bus stop when we're going home.

>i don't care i just want to be objective because rambling on for 5 minutes only to get rejected or have the girl walk away sucks so much and i think i'll handle rejection much better if i go straight the the point and get done with it quickly.
You need to let go of your fear and roll with it
Women don't respond to "ay gurl u want sum fuk" because most girls are shits who love playing this dumb game
Just play along and make sure to not give off the vibe that you're chatting because you want to be her buddy

What's making it? Fucking? Getting gf? Being happy?

I was thinking about something like:
>Hello, may i know your name?
>(she responds)
>Look, i think you're really cute and i'd like to know you better, what do you think?
And then just roll with it depending on what she says, if she rejects me i'll just say "Oh, that's alright, see you then, bye."

Does it sound too unnatural or cheesy?
I think maybe not saying she's cute would be better, she's hot as fuck and she knows it, she probably gets hit on a lot, i want to stand out.


>Hello, may i know your name?


How should i do it then? I'm out of ideas.

I thought that approach make me seem confident and assertive.

I already stopped lifting before I met her and she's not my first anything, just a fun carefree relationship where I can be comfy

plus she's really not fat she's legitimately curvy (she's right on the brink of being chubby though)

> Hello, may i know your name?

please don't do this to yourself user

have you ever talked to a girl before?

Then tell me a better way to do it, holy fuck, everyone here is quick to criticize but no one helps

Make some quip about something going on around you

shitty examples:
> some crazy homeless guy screaming about something
> look over at her
> geez someone should give that guy a snickers

thats a shitty example, but just make fun of things around you and use situational comedy to your advantage.

If she responds and laughs genuinely (ESPECIALLY if its at a stupid joke) then you can introduce yourself and ask for her name i.e.
> hey I'm user btw, whats your name?
> etc.

its really pretty simple, it doesn't have to be complicated to work

I've recently did approach one girl and used exactly this line of thinking. It went like this
>Hey, what's your name?
>Um, to chat a bit
>No need. My boyfriend is waiting for me
Then I said "its a pity' and bailed. I didnt think much of it until now, but seeing all the critical response I now think we arent doing it right.

its weird to start a conversation off with
> hey whats your name??

the way I see it, before you can be successful with a girl, you have to pass 2 milestones

> 1. she feels confident that you aren't going to kill her
break the ice with a joke or something. starting it off asking for her name is creepy and it automatically makes them uncomfortable, in fact you dont even need to know her name. I once dated a girl for 3ish weeks without knowing her name.

> 2. prove to her that you aren't gay
you can only get to this stage after you've cleared the first milestone. You need to show her that you're interested in her more than just a friend.

Oh fuck me mate, read a fucking dating book or a book on female psychology. It's literally not that hard.

>Hey sorry, I need to know where [insert easy findable landmark within a decent walking distance is] I'm supposed to meet a friend in a few minutes and I'm super lost. Do you know where it is?
>>grill: [insert directions]
>I'm in a massive rush, could you show me? I know I'll get lost.
>>If grill isn't busy she will escort you

Use the escort time to ask her some basic questions about herself. "Do you know this place well?"
"How long have you been here?"
"What class do you take?"

If you're not completely autistic and she's actually interested in you she should respond well to the questions and reciprocate. If she doesn't, she's got other interests.

The key here is to give yourself a bail out. The 'friend' you're supposed to meet will give you the option of either bailing out if shit goes terribly "Oh, friend just texted me. We're meeting at xy place now. I'm sure I can find my way there, thanks for your help."

Or if things go well "Oh hey, my friend is picking me up from xy place now." Make it seem like you're in a rush. "I could use more help in getting around the campus more, could I grab your number?"

Fuck me mate, Jesus fucking Christ.

Also all the other suggestions ITT are autismo level dating.

A primary point to make here is when you're being escorted, make it obvious that you're trying to be flirty but not so obvious you come off as rapey.

>Make thread about making it cause you got a gf
>get called out and say its easy to get women
if this wasnt your first gf then you would have no reason to make this thread

What a hassle, jesus christ.

Can't i just go up to her and say
>Hey, you're cute, give me your number

being happy bro. And truly happy, not "i have a gf and she makes me happy"

if you dont want to ever get a girls number ya

>make her feel confident that you aren't going to kill her
I thought smiling and being neat and clean would be enough. Apparently not. Well, I'll try and do better next time. Thanks for advice!

Not unless you're Zac Efron. Girls like to play stupid games.

I thought they'd love that display of confidence.

They love subtle displays of confidence. If you make it obvious you're flirting with them, they see that as "Oh he's so clever he made up a reason to talk to me". The fact that you're attempting to flirt with her is confidence enough.

There's confidence and there's being abrasive. Being extremely forward makes women feel uncomfortable, vulnerable and they feel under pressure. A girl could even reject you even if she actually liked you because women are generally shit under pressure.

What if i offer to give her my number and say that if she wants to talk to me and see where it goes she can text me whenever?

I'll take the pressure to give an answer off of her and if she doesn't text me i'll know she's not interested anyway.

I suppose, but giving a girl your number is beta. It puts the power into her hands. When you get her number, she will be thinking about you, when you might text? Why aren't you texting her now? Did she do something wrong?

Girls like emotions. It's your job to take her on an emotional rollercoaster. Giving her the power makes it easier for her to simply discard the situation.

>6 years ago i was a virgin (18 years old)
>start lifting
>1 year later lost virginity to some 8/10 i hardly even knew, was only a friend of a friend
>5 months later have f+ with some 9/10
>at the same time seeing some other qt
>one whole summer where i always had one of those 2 with me whenever i wanted
>suddenly the first time some chick i have never seen before hits on me on the lake... later we fucked
>actually went from virgin to having sex with 3 different girls within a few days
>now im in a relationship with the 9/10 for almost 3+ years
>have female friends i know i could fuck with if i would try to
lifting changed everything for me and i am a 6 or 7 / 10 at best

dont be so beta faggot

Beta as fuck. She's got a thousand guys phone numbers, some of whom are probably hotter than you and many are definitely autistic. You have to be decisive and confident if you want to stand out.
Get her number. If she gives it to you, just say
>great I'll call/text you later
Depending on what you plan to do. I prefer to call but that's because I'm a shitty texter. Sometimes girls like that, other times not.
>say "hey! its user from earlier. Let's meet at x time and do x activity.
Already have a place and time and date activity in mind, even if its just getting drinks. if she's interested she'll either say yes, or say she can't at that time but then she'll offer an alternative. If not she may just say she's busy and not offer an alternative. If she rescheduled on you more than once she's trying to get out of it (unless she seems genuinely apologetic and still excited to meet up. In college shit happens and most people's schedules are a train wreck, so use your judgement)

>many are definitely less autistic
This is why I don't text

You see son, she let you fuck her on the first date. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this is already over, just a matter of when.

I'm not even afraid of being rejected, i just don't want to sound awkward

I remember when I thought I made it OP.
I have the body of a greek god, I get bitches left and right. I just need to initiate conversation. Also, countless hours of lesbian porn made me understand the sweetspots and the rumor that I am really, really good in bed spreaded too.

Then I just realized how vacuous and meaningless is the party life and that getting a gf would just mean to settle with a woman that in any second would ditch me for anyone she sees fit as a better replacement. Yay sexual liberation/feminism.
I still don't know what making it is, but it isn't supposed to make you feel empty inside.

And yet, my gym is still there for me. Without the nagging, without the doubts, without all that bullshit which just taught me this: "One man's love is another mans bitch".


Too bad, unless you do this all the time you'll be a little awkward. Embrace it and get over it. You have to stop giving a fuck to get fucked.

so basically I drop my concealed carry and yell no homo?
man this gf shit is easier than I thought

Ok faggot, here's a tip, awkwardly initiating conversation will never, EVER, work. You'll get denied 999/1000 and be more and more depressed every time.

You can get away with it on Tinder or some other dating app where it's expected, but in real life here's the only way to reliably pick up women in public if you're not Le 6 ft tall blonde football player with confidence leaking from every orifice Chad.

>1. They have to show interest in you, you mong.

That means looking at you, dancing with/on you, coming up to sit next to you, etc. They won't fucking talk to you first so take a hint and say hello after you notice they're interested. Ask them where they're from if you're traveling, who they're with, what they do, get them talking about themselves first. That's more important than asking right away for their name. I went to a pool party last weekend at a bath house and you wanna know how I figured out how women were interested in me?

They commented on my tattoo, mainly. Only one was vapid enough to Only care about my body right away. Make yourself interesting enough for people to want to get to know you.

Dress well, get ripped, and have a tattoo or something that's different and special to you but still looks aesthetic. obviously you don't have to do all or even any of this, but the general idea is make yourself interesting and people will be interested in you.

>Step 2. Stop talking about yourself.

Ask questions that get them talking. Only talk about yourself if directly asked a question, then finish with another question to keep them talking. People want to be heard. Letting a woman who's interested in you talk is more important than pointlessly trying to impress her at this point, but don't be rude by any means.

>Step 3. Ask if they have a boyfriend.

This is so fucking easy, after she's talked your ear off for 5-10 minutes to a chorus of your "Oh my god of course, yeah, uh huh." Just ask her if she has a boyfriend.


i've never made it and it looks at this between aging and my constant increasing autism i never will

that being said i've fucked a BUNCH of very sexy women. rawdog and everything. but i'm a complete sperg and it's only getting worse

>Step 4. Compliment them you fuck.

After you know they're single and interested in you, make your intentions clear you cuck. Compliment her, say stupid shit like "How's that even possible you're not with anyone? You're gorgeous/beautiful/amazing/etc.etc.etc"

It sounds stupid but it works. You demonstrated your worth to her already, and now she is saying she wants someone, you're saying she fits the bill, and there's nothing blocking you two from hooking up.

>Step 6. Seal the deal.

Depending on the setting of where you are you can go about this in different ways. If everyone else around you is hooking up and she responded well to compliments, you could go for it right there, get her number, or even just ask her to come back to your place.

If everyone around you is making out she might want to make out. If no one is, just figure out what's most appropriate.

There you go. Idiots guide to having a one night stand/starting a relationship.

I know this feel bro. I had no motivation for shoulder day yesterday bc I'm no longer with my girl.
>Keep you mind occupied with other stuff
Is a good way to forget. At least until you're all alone

>trading exercise for sex

>got a gf
>not working out

>making it


>high test

So you got a fat chick

Not really making it but here goes
>know a chick through my best mate
>she always talks about me according to him
>she is unnecessarily touchy with me
>happened to pass by her group in a festival and she ran up to me to have a chat
>she wanted to see me at the after party

Small things but they do sometimes make your day.

im 320 pounds 6'6.

gonna start lifting after i have lost some weight, right now just trying to lose weight. i hope i will make it

New lease on life faggot.

>hit gym hard
>get swole
>bang gym bunnies
>ex will call back
>tell her to kick rocks

Dont forget to say M'lady. Women love being called M'lady

Jesus christ no.

Women like it when men act like men.

>well here's m-my number y-you can call or text me if you want. O-or not it's ok, I'll understand if you don't.

>noticed you thought you were very (attractive, nice, cool, etc)
>I would like to get to know you
>my name is x
She responds
Based on her response
>can i have your number?
>would you like to go get some (coffee, smoothies, lunch)
>alright see ya later had to try

I thought I was making it; lots of flirting, cuddling and late night adventures. Then the day after she'd watched a film at mine in the early hours of the morning, and fallen asleep on my chest, clinging to me

>I can't go to mutual-friend's party, other-mutual friend, I have a date.

>high test gf
>not working out anymore

>Hello, may I know your name?

someone cap this


How is quitting for a woman making it?

to be fair, I still work out, and I'm still in good shape (I get the max score for the army PT test), but I'm not cut anymore and my body fat % is at like 20ish%. I can only see my six pack when I flex in good lighting now

Theres a difference between fat and curvy and high test and fat. My girl is right on the brink of that line where my boner is

I just want happiness guys. I don't know where to start. I'm a poor fag neet to boot.

Start with a job maybe

>Theres a difference between fat and curvy and high test and fat. My girl is right on the brink of that line where my boner is

See im calling bullshit on this. People always try to cope with what they have and claim it as better (i.e obese women calling themselves full figured)

And since you say shes on the brink then that more than likely means shes a whale.

Of course i could be wrong if there was evidence

this is the best I got

Was it really that awkward?

>Not digging chubby chicks

OP IS a fag for not working out anymore, though

Ok brahs, i'm going to approach her today like this When i get home i'll post results, now is exactly 1:08 pm in my timezone, i should be home from college at 11:30 pm
I'm going to post in detail how it went

wish me luck brahs, i hope i can forget for at least 2 minutes that's she extremely hot so i don't screw everything up.

>tfw I'm the hunkiest of my friends at 140 pounds, 12% body fat and 5 foot 8
>noticed by girls
I have a long way to go, but compliments i recieve motivate me a lot

the option you chose was the worst possible option

choose one of these:

Keep training. If you stop it will get worse for your back. You need to figure out a plan B to get out of this shitty job. Find some contacts, get more social, don't stop.

Yes. The only way you could make it worse is by adding the "m'lady" we all know you want to.

Just ask if she's a virgin and if she says no tell her thanks but you're not interest in non virgins. Her asspain will be so big she won't leave you untill you fuck her.

>high test gf
>making it
you can only pick one

Getting Veeky Forums is the easy part, i keep telling myself that soon i'll reach my goal body and i'll talk to some girl problem stats when i think about it. I mean jesus christ what the fuck am i supposed to say? How am i supposed to start? Veeky Forums told me i'd instantly get a gf once i'd get Veeky Forums

3 weeks in, how is my blurry body doing?
Plz ignore blur, camera lense is cracked

>start boxing at 18y/o
>start lifting at 20y/o to complement the boxing
>still kissless virgin at 21y/o
>start winning amateur boxing competitions
>start fucking sluts on the weekends
>get QT rich gf
>still training 6 days a week
>still fucking sluts on the side

started boxing when I saw based Golovkin fight, I box and lift for him.

I guess you're making progress but you can't really expect results to show after 3 weeks only. Take a better picture and post in a progress thread in two or three months. We're all gonna make it

>getting qt
>she's fucking loaded
>cheating on her
You're either faggot or i'll take thigs that never happend for 500.

After spending my teenage years on a computer I wanna catch up lost time. If that makes me a faggot then so be it

>i wanna catch up
>so i'm gonna cheat
No you're just a faggot, you're not catching up anything.

Only thing you gonna catch is VD my nigga


Making it has its lows. Take the good with the bad, user.

Oh user.

If thats the best picture youre going to be in a world of hurt when she balloons. Enjoy life being a pleb.

She is cute though so thumbs up

>Overweight but still have come a long way
>Never had a serious relationship and still a virgin
>Low self esteem since my friends and my dad look like facial genetic gods compared to me
>Friends have been through multiple serious gfs
>Always in a state of sorta depressed
>Me and a friend decide to go to universal for the weekend
>Get excited and looking forward to it
>His new gf wants to come along
>MFW I don't want to be an asshole and say no to her coming
>MFW theres just the one hotel room
>MFW on the first night I hear them in the shower because they thought I was asleep
>Second night he asks me if they can have the room
>MFW I got cucked out of the hotel room I payed for and then had to take a nap in the car

I try to convince myself it was to be nice since they been going out for like 2 weeks and didn't want to cockblock their first time but I can't help feel like a depressed cuck when the best weekend of 2017 became the 2nd worst weekend of my life.

Being this self aware of not ever going to make it is so heart breaking.

>Being this self aware of not ever going to make it is so heartbreaking


>"b-b-but user I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life!"


>"b-b-but user! I don't want to be some dyel permavirgin for the rest of my life!"




Lol thanks user this made me smile and feel better.

Truth be told it's more about the cucked feeling I was getting because since I never really had a relationship and know nothing about being in one but I know how to make myself happy.

Anyways this got me slightly pumped gona go workout again. Veeky Forums can be a darn good place sometimes...