I was really disappointed to learn Scott Herman is now on steroids.

I used to respect him because he seemed humble and down to earth but the moment he started making videos about PEDs and shitting all over roiders I knew something was up. Have you guys seen his most recent videos? HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! Can you be any more obvious?!


DOES THIS LOOK NATTY TO YOU?!! Newfags and teenagers need not reply. You still have a lot to learn.

Other urls found in this thread:

I just wish roiding were legal. Misinformation is worse than anything negative roids actually causes directly physically

the ma has been training for like fifteen years if he was on gear he would surely be far far bigger

I have nothing against roids. But I can't stand people who not only claim natural but also denigrate steroids... while taking them.

It's called hypocrisy. Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up?

>le the longer you lift the bigger you become meme

There's such a thing as a natural limit. The fact that he blew up after 15+ years of lifting is he we know he's on roids.

Get real.

he looks natty here. post that pic of him in the carpark

>he looks natty here.
How old are you? How long have you been lifting?

Yes are you trolling? He goes on scale in that video and weighs 180lbs and he is also 5'10.

Bodyfat is maybe ~12% which puts him at 22 FFMI.

Again, everything I see here is achievable naturally. No obvious steroid signs at all.


jeff plz go

not him, but yeah he does look natty here
also consider hes a manlet

Terrible bait. 1/10 made me reply

I have a natty friend that looks better than this pic.
Nothing special here.

His makeup looks great.
Why don't more qt3.14 pies like him wear a little eyeliner and lip gloss more often?
Yes homo.

The funniest part is that I know for a fact that you guys actually believe he's natty, bar the one or two of you who are trolling newfags. It's so cute. The innocence... I remember that. I won't spoil your fantasies, though. He's not even that big so how could he be on steroids, right? Steroids = JAY CUTLER! Ahah... you guys are so naive.

reasons to believe scott is on gear
1. he is publicly against it.
2. he big

I am on roids myself, and I was that big when I started roiding.
With decent genetics you can look like that ez.

You are one of those fucking "you can't gain without roids, natty limit." lmao
to fuckboys like you everyone is on roids because it makes you feel better about your miserable work ethic.

Tell me fucking idiot one sign that suggests steroids in his physique? I know there are people a lot smaller than him that still use gear and they usually have that roided look you just know it.

But Scott, everything is natural in him and his stats are definitely achievable by anyone. 22FFMI are you fucking kidding me? How fucking DYEL are you to think that's not possible without gear?

>he thinks natty gains after the first 3 years of lifting exist


SS fags be like

>anyone with chest and bicep development and any vascularity is roiding

Hey SS fags, try doing some accessory lifts and cutting

>to fuckboys like you everyone is on roids because it makes you feel better about your miserable work ethic.

Ahah... the "hard work and discipline" meme. At least you say you roid and I salute that.

He's 180 lbs at 5' 10". He just has a good chest and abs. His arms and back are okay. His legs aren't very good at all. His physique is very possible natty. He's also not that strong. The most I can find him bench pressing is 275. I see a squat video of 380 lbs, and a deadlift video of 530. That's a decent deadlift, but not outstanding. I'm 193 lbs at 5' 11" and have 455/275/585, and I'm been training seriously for 5-6 years (4 of those years were during med school, where I didn't have time to focus on the gym).

If you think a lean 180 lbs at 5' 10" and 1,200 total is impossible natty, then you're retarded, and likely a beginner lifter yourself. Or you've lifted a long time and still have beginner numbers, because you're lazy, stupid, or both.

>this is the natty potential to some Veeky Forumsizens

Bigger than me, stronger than me, and looks better than me. That's three strikes against natty.

He would only need to meet one of the above stated criteria to lose his natty card.


>Tell me fucking idiot one sign that suggests steroids in his physique?
Besides his huge recent gains, his huge shoulders and his ability to retain muscle mass and gigantic arms while being lean enough to show abs?

Yeah, but that's because I'm not retarded and know what hard work looks like.

>Everyone I don't like is a SS fag.jpeg

>hard work
Ahah... right on cue!


How about you come back after you've been lifting for longer than a year.
Until then I'm pretty sure Reddit has some place for faggots like you

>dat chest roid acne
>huge calves
>literally impossible to attain natural

I actually believe Scott is natty, he has not changed in like 5 years.

wow you sound like a most low test shit genetics baiter ever
Also am natty and am pretty close to having his physique @ 6'2 195 12%Bf




His traps say natty.

This. There is no natty limit, you're either dicking off and need to find/commit to a regimen that fits your body or you're not eating/training enough.

Reasons to believe he is natty
>he says he's natty

Post of the month

There is a natty limit. The infinite gains thing is a lie sold to children.

You can gain slowly but after 5 years of consistent hard practice you're doing nothing but polishing and already finished diamond. Getting it a bit prettier or chipping of a tiny bit here and there.
But it's not going to just automagically grow bigger overnight without some kind of miracal happening.

roiding is legal in my country. kek.

>after 5 years of consistent hard practice

No one does that for their first 5 years though

sick progress you've been making, keep us posted

It does look natty wtf are you talking about

>There is no natty limit


You're a fucking idiot. Dude started eating more like he should've, incorporating a better training system, and bought a new camera lens that will distort things a bit. You really think Scott Natty Herman is on roids?

There's no way to make it as a fitness personality without either being a comedy channel, a drama channel, or taking steroids so people fawn over you. 99% of borderline natty looking guys in the YouTube fitness community are on steroids. Just accept it.

Not watching the video but the thumbnail still looks potential natty to me. If he makes money off of his body let's be honest he's roiding.

>Newfags and teenagers need not reply. You still have a lot to learn.

Shortly after The Frog is released - revolutionizing fitness - Scott Herman gets noticeably larger. Coincidence? I think not.

It worked for Mike O' it's probably what Scott used as well.

Yeah. But the thing is, the constant drum beat of 100% NATTY basically makes everything they say seem like complete bullshit.

If they talk about the risks the problems and what steroids are and are not then admit to being half natty or "youtube natty" and say that it was a necessary evil for their line of work before moving on?

I could respect that. But he's way too into the NATURAL rabbit hole to do that now.

>Down to earth
>Scott Herman

I hated that faggot. I remember he made a vid about healthy shopping and it mostly about some sports car he bought and his Stacy gf

>The TRUTH Behind My Recent Gains
What was the truth?

This. Lol I weighed in at 205 5'10 15% bf natty before I started taking gear. All you pussies that say this is the limit and this and that never really pushed themselves. You got comfortable where you were at and never tried progressing. I know of legit natties at my gym who are bigger than him and lift more.

there isn't
menno henselmans is a pro trainer who has been working out forever. He still makes gains, like 1-2 pounds per year max with perfect diet, training, programming etc. But still gains.

>this fucking idiot
I know some of you retards believe the shitposters from /fraud/ but if any of you ever sat down in a endocrinology and Metabolism class/lecture you'd know this is bullshit. There are natties who have nice rounded delts out there because they have a good shoulder routine and then there are raiders out there who have flat as fuck shoulders because the shoulder routine is shit. Don't even get started on androgen receptors if you have no idea what your talking about.

>menno henselmans

Damn, you fucked OP hard, his insides must be exploding from semen.

the only raisin anyone cares about all this is the legality of it

kek why do you hate scott so much? chill

What endo class you sitting through where they play natty or not with pics of shoulders?

The delts are a giveaway because they're nigh impossible to isolate and are typically sensitive to androgens. So cannonball delts where the adjacent arm muscles are underdeveloped is a giveaway.

>Dude started eating more like he should've, incorporating a better training system, and bought a new camera lens that will distort things a bit.

AHAHAHAAHAH!!! OH MY GOD!!! You guys are cracking me up!!

Yup... and he started eating better as well. Personal trainer for over 15 years but he just now realized "Hey, wait a minute, I should eat more". AHAHAHAAH!!! This is why I applaud fake natties. If there are suckers to be taken advantage of, suckers who shit all over people who try to help them, then so be it. Guys like you deserve to be conned to oblivion. It's the lack of self-awareness, that mixture of both ignorance and arrogance that makes me laugh at morons like you.

86 kg
if you assume 10% bodyfat that is a bmi of 21.99
if you take 8% it is 22.49.

Sounds about right. Very good for a natty, still a bit of room to grow. Just years of hard work, and unreal knowledge.

Look, brother, you are talking to kids and noobs who believe this guy is natty:


After a while you get tired of warning them to the reality of the game and you kinda just learn to enjoy watching them getting ripped... off.

>tfw remembering when people used to argue over whether Zyzz was natty

>There are natties who have nice rounded delts out there because they have a good shoulder routine and then there are raiders out there who have flat as fuck shoulders because the shoulder routine is shit.

AHAHAHAH!!! You don't even deserve to be acknowledged. Not in this day and age. Get the fuck outta here with your
>A natty who works hard will grow more muscle and look better than a roider who sits on his ass all day eating pizza

Are you really this ignorant or are you just trolling newfags? Because you have no idea how absolutely unaware you sound.

And then the natty as supreme health and the roider becomes addicted until women are disgusted by his body. Then the roider dies of heart disease

I don't hate Scott. On the contrary, I used to love him. But now he roids and lies about it. That makes him untrustworthy in my book.

I wonder what caused the roiding all of a sudden. Could it be the youtube crack down on content and ads?

With a gym pump that's within the realm of natty, stop being dumb.

he is completely right though.
Are you trolling or just really stupid?

Or they just low dose test forever, and fuck every women you droll over.

There's a very real pressure to stay on top of the game. The competition is getting steeper and he's not getting any younger. He's 32 now so he understands what happens to your natural levels of testosterone after you reach a certain age. He's basically just leveling the play field. It's hard compete with "naturals" like CT Flesher, Kali Muscle, Matt Ogus, Jeff Seid, Kinobody and Jeff Cavaliere. When everyone is calling you out for not growing, for looking like "shit" after 15 years of hard work, for being a weak pansy unlike their cousin who benched 4 plate after 6 months of lifting, etc. it starts wearing you down and you actually feel like a loser for holding on to the moral high ground. He's not doing anything all the others aren't. It's hard to blame him, in a way. On the other hand, he had his niche. And he blew it. He won't be able to compete with the big boys.

He's like a rap artist who starts singing reggae but then his reggae sucks so he goes back to rap but people are like "Yeah, sorry Snoops, but this gangsta shit doesn't feel right after all those terrible songs about world peace and spirituality".

What's really funny is that shills like claim he hopped on juice sometime in the last couple months and his body was completely transformed. If you watch any videos from 2016 or 2015, you'll see that he looks pretty much the same then as now. He got softer recently from putting on weight during a bulk, now is cutting again.

We're supposed to believe that he's completely transformed in a few months from roids when he hasn't gained appreciable mass or definition from two years ago, as is plainly obvious from his weekly videos. The alternative is that he has always been on juice, but somehow his body has resisted it all these years yielding shitty results compared to people who we know for certain are juicing and for much less time.

We're also supposed to believe he found magic roids that don't blow up dense androgen receptor sites like traps and shoulders.

It's a dumb smear campaign no doubt forced by either a fake natty YouTuber with a grudge or a fan of one. There's no there there.

Scott shot himself in the foot with that video because he doesn't really have any recent gains to speak of. All he did was make an exploitable headline for people who don't like him.

He's having fun again in the gym by doing cheat reps to lift heavier after getting bored of his strict routine. He "feels" stronger, so assumes he's making terrific gains. That isn't really borne out by the video evidence, but maybe over time it will. Either way, somebody working out as often as he does, as intensely as he does, and roiding would look very different from how he looks.

>retardedly mistrustful and paranoid

like pottery

>looks like absolute fucking shit
>"everyone bigger than me is on gear!!1"


imagine being a manlet and having to roid

he'll make an excellent warrior in the manlet pit however

lmfao. Stop. You're a DYEL, or a shill. Just stop.

Nice argument and points made, you sound really educated.
Please do us all a favour and kill yourself.
>The delts are a giveaway because they're nigh impossible to isolate and are typically sensitive to androgens.

Straight out of a men's health magazine. Please cite your sources and reference someone with proper stature and credibility before you spout bullshit. If that were the case then please explain to me how the receptors are non responsive as soon as you come off? I mean if they are just sitting there in the deltoids waiting to soak up all the(insert steroid you claim he's on here) then wouldn't they blow up again as soon as he's off cycle and baselines at normal test levels at ng/L. So basically I just want to understand the myocites which have nuclear/androgen receptors and how they effect specific muscle tissue of interest?

>not even trolling I'm just smarter than you

Not even him but wanna know how I know you don't lift?

fuaaaark that video.. scotty was always dyel in my eyes altho he seemed to be good at the weights.. the way he looks now.. just wow.

this is how you look when u start roiding after reaching your natty limit

Looks like 12% bf, natty shoulders/traps.

He has been lifting for ages, he isn't THAT big or cut. Attainable natty.

Why are you replying to everyone itt? What a stupid fucking moron.

I really hate his accent

You are an absolute cunt. I hope you die soon.

in b4 scott herman g4p picz

Nevah been tah Baaahston?

no homo btw
>but maybe little


learn to greentext newfag

wtf i hate youtube now

Seems more to me like he's "preparing" to roid.
Making more defensive videos and statements than usual, his new training method suddenly gives him good gains, his traps are finally growing (by his own accord). Not saying this can't be done natty, but it's all giving him excuses for the near future if he gets even bigger.
If not now I wouldn't be surprised if he's on a little something in the future. Not all roiders look like Bradley Martyn.

post body

mild kek

that was before he started lifting, come on

lighting + pump, he hasn't gotten much bigger than when I saw his much older videos, those videos don't have that perfect lighting and he states his weight and height and is under 25 ffmi

New here, eh? Lift hard, eat well, and after a few months you'll start seeing some nice results that'll bring you out of that funk.

You're a moron and that's about it; but you're being ironic, while there are actually real dumb cunts in this thread that believe that he's roiding because they don't even lift.

>roiding for this

Thanks bro

He's a fitness youtube faggot, so he's probably on the juice. But his physique is not impossible to attain natty.

just did a pursuasive speech on why steroids should be legal for recreational purposes. Pretty sure I got an A :)