Your Chad moments

story time. tell us about your CHAD MOMENTS
where you get at least a hint of CHADNESS and making it

Ate pizza yesterday.

>at convenience store
>buying milk
>qt at the register
>her hand grazes mine when I get my change

lifting had made me an alpha, lads

Similar story here bro
>buying groceries
>cute cashier
>tells me to have a nice day

I fugged a qt Canadian philipina model in Los Angeles in the airbnb she rented when she visited California.

>used to be guildies on an MMO we both used to play and kept in touch.

>randomly started texting and catching up. tells me she's visiting my state

>decide on meeting up and arranged for me to pick her up from airport

>let's me defile her body that same night. essentially kicks me out the next day. haven't talked since

Still can't believe it lads.

I've cuckolded like 4 guys

>walk to my local community college because I want to take a BS course to get laid since I'm a virgin at 30
>but I'm fit now
>front desk tells me "how can I help you today"

I think I made it Veeky Forums

>be me
>19 frosh in college
>getting drunk at party hosted by school rowing team
>girl iv'e had crush on since highschool is there
>she's started making flirty comments towards me ever since I got fit over the summer and grew a beard
>she has a boyfriend tho so iv'e pretty much moved on by this point
>catch her eyes half way through the party and walk over from my group of friends
>ask her how's she been and chat to her about classes and surprisingly we have a good convo
>get progressively more drunk and start dancing in the kitchen of the house like an idiot with her
>at one point I say "I really need to kiss you right now" and just do it and she fucking leans in
>tells me she can't go further because she has bf
> dont really care and go talk to other sloots

It might not be much to you guys but I was a huge spaz from the ages 13-19 so doing something like that really put me over the moon

>at party
>somehow end up on the sofa making out with one girl and fingering another one
>one is a girl I had a crush on for years
>the other is a girl who I thought as so far out of my reach I couldn't ever imagine even talking to her
>alternate between the two of them the whole night
>they get catty and competetive over me
>basically have a choice between 2 8/10 qts like picking out candy at a store
>end up hanging out with one of them for a few weeks afterwards and gf her

I still regret not going for the girl I didn't pick, but the one I ended up with was being way more assertive. Still, crazy in bed, probably best sex I've ever had.

Funny thing is I was a virgin who only kissed 2 girls up to that point (was 19). The starts must've fucking aligned or something, I was never able to replicate that.

>send pictures of myself shirtless to girls
>get called hot and sexy

>Be me
>Never had a relationship and still a virgin
>Going out of town and share hotel room with friend
>Friend's girlfriend tagged along at the last minute and neither asked me if it's ok for her to come with
>I hear them having sex in the shower in the hotel I paid for in the middle of the night
>Didn't cry

I'm making it user.

So my thing is, if im ever hanging out with a cutie that im genuinely interested in, i fuck it up. I can never keep conversation going and they lose interest.

If i want to get laid or practice my moves, its genuinely not hard because there are girls who show interest, but these girls arent ones i consider particularly interesting or desire fucking. Im so comfortable and feel like a chad around them because i dont want to fuck them, but when im around chicks im actually attracted to, i choke.

Wat do?

Keep in mind, im a decent looking guy face-wise. Im skinnyfat but having been progressively improving on my lifts and my noob-gains are beginning to show. Girls i consider 6-8 out of ten have shown interest, but its pretty much over once we hang out.


people regularly ask if they can touch my arms. AT LEAST twice a day i get complented on my GAINZ and ive only been working out for 5 months. ive made sooooo much fucking progress, i can cuel 50 lbs and bench 190 etc and im new af. feelsgoodman. one stacy even tried to put her hand around my arm and was HELLA impressed that she cant even get her hand 1/3 around my arm

Not mine but a friends that was funny. Happened years ago but I'll always remember this.

>Hanging out talking to my buddy behind school waiting for it to open
>Group of black guys we know come walking up
>They throw a pepsi bottle
>Lands at our feet but doesnt explode
>He gets a pissed off look on his face and picks it up
>Storms off over to them before I can even process what was going on
>He says "hey did one of you niggers drop this?"
>They all shit themselves "N-n-o sir"
>They scatter
>"Yeah thats what I fucking thought"
>Turns around to me who was standing next to him at this moment
>"so anyway bro as I was saying"
>Everyone who was watching busts out laughing

Thats how alphas act.

once at the gym i was doing squats with my friend and this guy came up to me to compliment my tattoo and ask where i got it. he was a cute af hispanic guy, very fit.

best day ever :)

I think you forgot, you see I didn't cry

also checked.

Wow, that's not alpha, that's just insensitive

Implant in your mind that you're good enough. You don't have to be perfect, just better than the other shitlords that are around. You're good enough to date a hot chick, if one happens to not like you, you're probably just not her type or she's in a bad mood or you remind her of her brother etc.

Make the initial effort and follow mutual attraction, but no need to spend extra energy if she's not digging it. You're good enough for her or anyone, but you're after true connection which comes from both directions.

If you can't convince yourself you're good enough, work on yourself until you are, and use the ones you are good enough for to further develop. If you don't truly believe you're good enough, she probably won't believe it either.

>step into the gym
>accidentally trip and fall into the manlet pit
>gym stuff come and rescue me since I'm a chad

I know that feel man.
I made out with a girl I had a crush on for like 3 years in the summer before leaving for college.
Felt real good and is one of my favorite memories even though I lost contact with her soon after (I went out of state)

>"I really need to kiss you right now"
Sounds alpha, proud of you famlam

things that didn't happen

A girl and her friend comes to me and says that her friend likes me. Both girls were like 6-7/10 and I told them to go fuck themselves

>tfw when alpha af

wow, racist much?

I fucked my gf this morning after my sips

>not taking an after sex sip

Never gonna make it

I am very good looking but Ive always been DYEL. Also I am charismatic and never had to approach girls. Girls approach me. Started lifting 3 weeks ago to look like a god.

> Be 5'6"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

>be 18 year old me in a relationship with a cutie
>still fancy fucking this classmate of mine
>one day she was sitting next to me and I just couldn't resist the hornyness and I just randomly started touching her leg
>she was into it! Didn't even flinch and gave me a naughty look
>I was amazed that worked
>she sucked my dick after school

ended up being with both my gf and my classmate, my gf didn't know about it, my classmate didn't give a fuck I was in a relationship, she just wanted to have fun. Best time of my life.

Happened an hour ago

Just finished sober broing for a fraternity event at a bar. Was walking past a group of black chicks when I hear them start giggling and saying that I'm thicc as fuck. Felt good man

We're all gonna make it. You guys give me hope

>be me, ripped skinnyfag
>145 lbs, but lean
>grill who has had a crush on me invites me out for her birthday
>ugly beta dadbod is trying to hit on her all night but she's not into it
>he sees my biceps (small, but very defined) and is visibly jelly
>i end up fucking her
>he mad

>be me, horny and in good shape, but autism, so spend a lot of time on the internet
>on this video cam chat site
>meet qt korean gril who happens to live in my area
>show her my bananner
>she literally falls out of her chair at the size of it
>we meet up the next day in person
>she's into animu, has a bunch of weeaboo friends (who all have a crush on her)
>they all have the weakest most beta handshakes. sweaty, limp, soggy hands. they can't maintain eye contact with me
>i bang
>they talk shit about me

>be me 3 years ago
>go to Ultra Music Festival in Miami with a bunch of friends
>rented a big house with a pool and jacuzzi in the back
>1st day of festival it starts to fucking rain with strong winds
>starts to get cold and every chick wearing rave outfits (read: bikinis)
>camp out in a small ass tent with hundreds of other people
>end up touching skin to skin with thicc brunette girl
>shes with two other girls they all look young, dont have wristbands so I know their not 21 yet
>"you're really warm"
>me rolling hard puts my arm around her opposite shoulder and start rubbing her
>"hows that?"
>"mmhhmm" as she faces me and puts her head toward my chest
>i pull her in and i see her turn to the side and wink to her friends
>our group decides to chill together
>i find out she's local and they'd have to drive pretty far back while cracked out
>offer for them to chill at our place
>we end up in the jacuzzi and feeling her up under the bubbles
>fuck her like an animal that night
>ask her how old she was after
>asks me to guess
>turns out it was her 16th bday that weekend
>mfw I realize UMF didn't have an age requirement
>fuck her again the next two days anyway

one of the best sex ive ever had desu

>tfw my drunk alter ego is Chad.
>sober I am barely Brad.
While drunk I can literally just pull a chick hovering around in my presence and kiss her with 100% success thus far, but sober my confidence is at a barely average.
Was ugly untill 15, so no chad from birth confidence.

Please, at grocery store, cashier talks to young guy next to me, doesn't even look or speak to me the whole time, stares longingly as he walks off.
Tfw you're so attractive girls are intimidated by it.

Am I being trolled?
I thought all cashiers respond like this?

Time for bed, Timmy

Nigga I'm in the same boat but remember, conversations are a two-way street. It's not just up to you to keep the conversation going. The pressure is on both people to come up with something to talk about. If she is asking you shit, and you're giving short answers that kills the conversation, then yeah you need to try working on that.


I can pull like crazy sober
Drunk i'm a complete arsehole and will just insult people to their face

>at rave with friends
>sweat like a pig so shirtless
>have a gf at the time
>female friend that had a crush on me touches my chest
>pulls the front of my pants ~2cm down revealing adonis belt
>makes a "o sweet Jesus" face and shakes her head
>laugh/smile at her
>gives me a sad look and looks me over once again

I'd fucc the lights out of her if I wasn't in a relationship.

>walking in the store
>see a female associate
>I smile
>she smiles back

She wants my dick bros. I've made it.


>walk into gym
>reach into my pocket for my wallet
>start to grab $5 tip for the qt receptionist
>"that's not necessary"
>"y-you too"

That's the first time my gainz saved me cash.

>rape people at the gym
who /chad/ here?

t. cuck lying to himself

>be chad at the gym
>see guy working out with his gf
>jump in, punch the guy really hard at the side of his head, dropping him down
>girl starts screaming
>slap her then hold her down her ass up
>fuck the girl
>bring in the guy
>fuck him as well
>some skeleton boy looks at me terrified, probably thinks he is next
>hes not wrong
>he sprints out of there
>i finish up
>thank receptionist and leave gym

Two girls in a club (one of them is the female cousin of one of my friends who was with me) asked me if I want to go home with them.
I was skinny back then, weight around 72 kg on 1,85 m, that was for 4 years, since I'm weight around 86 kg and lift since 3 years that never happened once again.

This keeps happening to me at my gym

A fat whore asked me to a date

I said no, so literally i'm at the top of the food chain

Got eye fucked by a fit grill

I managed to survive without conversation

A few years ago
>planning to meet up with some friends and go to a club
>two come later, others had to cancel
>knew lots of other people at the club
>go to dance floor, dance behind some girl
>cute girl, long dark hair, tight skirt
>she turns around, starts grinding my ass
>make out 10min, then I grab her arm and we go to toilet
>fuck for half an hour, no condom. so stupid, but nothing happened
>friend with some other girlfriends opens toilet door while im fucking the girl bent over the toilet
>hooked up with her some weeks later
>only talked to the girl I banged after we finished, her name was Julia

>20 years old
>made out with the girl back when we were younger
>prom night, shes 18 and super drunk.
>thickest, hottest girl in class back then. she looks ok now, absolute stunner in her youth though
>go to toilet, she sucks my dick while 2 friends of mine are filming it from beneath and above the cubicle (?)
>one buddy of mine climbs over the wall and fistbumps me while I force my dick down the girls throat

Those are the most chaddest things I can think of because there really was no interaction. Just drunken degeneracy.
Was in relationship with two girls at the same time for half a year, fucked them both on the same day multiple times. First time was on Valentine's lol

how large is your penis friend?


I've got a couple

>first summer I got fit (pic related, first progress pics ever), I was partying with a bunch of musician/artist types in downtown Houston
>one time were at a friends gfs place, her roommate was there
>we get to bullshitting, I didn't feel like driving all the way home (I live towards the coast)
>ask roommate if I can crash at her place, she says yes
>we fuck, she gave insane head btw
>find out dude who was at party was her beta orbiter
>he comes over next morning, she politely declines letting him in
>she sucks me off again while we watched that nature series narrated by David Attenborough
>drive home

Also did this about 4 years ago

>going to school and working at an Italian restaurant waiting tables
>party constantly (everyone who's ever waited tables knows how much degeneracy goes on amongst servers)
>get gf who has a career in bilingual speech therapy
>relationship gets rocky after a couple months
>meanwhile, coworker who is a model for a jewelry company and going to school also invites me over
>insanely fine, the type of chick I can go to my deathbed being proud of banging her
>we start sleeping together, do so for a couple months
>break it off
>at one point ask her why she pounced on me even though I have a gf
>her response: "I think you're hot"

I'm still with my original gf btw, 4 years in a relationship

Oh and the guy in the first story ended up proposing to the girl I was banging in her apartment, they moved to Colorado lol.

Nothing amazing but
>at work
>kicking out a group of girls that are fucked
>King of Manlets steps up to try and give me lip
>he does this at a 3.0m distance from me then stfus when I walk up to them to lead them outside
>he yelps out in a crackling voice 'fuck you' as he leaves

the other day, although this is again, borderline
>at restoraunt with gf's friends
>its closing
>I loudly ask for the bill
>'lol user good thing you asked none of us would have tried to since it'd have been awkward'

oh yeah I also snogged a girl who was apparently with a guy at a club once and I think there's a rumour going round that I cucked him


>Girl at work chats to me occasionally
>She parked at the same carpark as me and we walked to our cars together
>She does food catering on the side and I put in an order
>I had a late lunch and she sat with me the entire time, talked about all the food she could make me, our hobbies and families
>Wants to start running with me

Definitely not a chad moment but I think I got a lowercase c under my belt, probably the best human interaction I've had in 6 months. Not romantic, just someone who seems genuinely interested in talking to me.

>literally so insecure he feels the need to attack people taller than him

Women sticking around means one of two things: they want you to give them the ol' lickaroo or they think you're gay.

Insane progress dude. What was your routine/diet like?

it would have been awkward to get the check and pay for your meals?

I was on an upper lower bro split, lean protein and vegetables. That's basically it, I did a ton of running though on the off days. I'm trying g to cut back down there now, I was in the low 170s. I'm way stronger but want to be shredded again

I think they meant to outright ask since we were the last people there and the servers were getting angry.

>not having her feed you sips during sex

>skeleton thinks he is next
>hes not wrong

My sides are in Orbit.

>good looking


Last time I got a haircut the stylist kept rubbing her leg against my arm

let me guess, all of them with the same girl?

>my birthday (december)
>out at club with friends
>wearing pic related sweater
>hear girl say something
>musics loud so brush it off keep walking
>hear her again
>still keep walking (Im with friends/drunk)
>girl grabs me by arm
>"heyyyyyyy, I LOVE your sweater"
>"oh uh heh thanks, hey Im actually out for my birthday, come take a shot with me"
>danced with her for a few hours, go back to her place and fuck

what are you a 12 year old girl?

>Beats a guy up for calling him short
>Thinks girls are mirin and not being disgusted by dat dere Napoleonic Complex.

>be at frat party
>chat with cute girl
>other girl comes up
>"Hey, that's my sister! She's still in high school so you'd better back off."
>"How old are you?"
>"Well I'm 19, so due to the 4 year variance law, that's her call."
>older sister walks away in disgust
>dance with girl
>pull her in closer
>see older sister staring in horror

very odd to me. are they autism? is this not america also

>Be at party
>Friends housemate spends entire night with girl trying to get with her
>I just play beer pong with my friends and goof around
>End of the night, friend is away for a moment
>Start talking to girl
>End op making out with her and taking her home
>Friends roommate goes to bed alone

Funny part was that I was drunk off my ass and I wasn't even trying.

please tell me you didn't say it as autismally as that

>be 19
>go dancing
>dance with MILF
>ask her out for tea afterwards
>make out
>fuck in the back of my minivan

I was drunk so I don't remember exactly how I said it.

I always feel like a Chad when I make out with two girls in one night.

Put your fucking tampons back in you cunts


>kicks you out
>haven't talked since

Having sex so bad she wants nothing more to do with you isn't very Chad bruh. Chad would have made her a fuck buddy at least.

> be out walking home from school
> See the shortest man ever sitting on a curb with some girls from my class
> Blurt out without thinking "Wow, he's so short!"
> Little man turns purple in the face and jumps up towards me
> Scared, start reaching for my Bugs Bunny backpack to get the stranger danger whistle mommy gave me
> He pushes my knees, and I fall over and hit my knee on the asphalt
> start crying from my booboo, while the little man swaggers off and fondles the girls from my class.
> Call my mom in tears and she picks me up and we get I'd cream
> Scared to go back to school, that short guy always hangs out to talk to the girls.
> Mom says I have to or I won't be able to move on to 2nd grade next year.

> Ask girl out
> She says no
> It's only a little awkward when we see each other before she abruptly looks away


>get talking to this girl in a club
>she's with her bf
>she's clearly more interested in me
>take her hand and take her inside
>kissing etc
>into the taxi
>sex at her dorm
that's how i lost my virginity.

you didnt tip the receptionist you cunt

> Be 5'6"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good. good.

> Be 5'5"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

> Be 5'4"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

Alpha as fuck mate. Ive always wanted to bang a girl in the club toilets, as its on my bucket list. No doubt the girl that saw you and you later slept with told everyone and you immediately had massive social proof.

> Be 5'3"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

> Be 5'2"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

> Be 5'1"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

> Be 5'1/4"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

> Be 4'11"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.

Lemme guess

>and then everyone started cheering and clapping

can you stop retard

> Be 4'10"
> picked on because of my height
> work out more
> buff and girls miring me more
> feels good
> some rando gets jealous of girls miring me.
> calls me short loser
> get up. crack knuckles.
> he's taller than me by a long shot.
> not fit like me.
> kicks his feet on the side and watch his tall ass stumble. struggles to reach me since my height puts me at an advantage of speed and evasiveness.
> punch him in gut and watch him topple over.
> nobody called me short anymore.
> girls mired my attitude.
> they're feeling up my muscles all the time and shit
> feels good.