Climbing thread

climbing thread

why do so many people like to climb? all you do is climb up a wall, and once you're on the top... nothing. you just go down and go home. seems very boring to me.

Other urls found in this thread: murphy

It's like posting on Veeky Forums.
Fun, but futile.

>why do people like weightlifting? All you do is pick shit up and put it back down, and once you're done... nothing. you just shower and go home. seems very boring to me.

Have you ever wanted to get sculpted forearms? Climbing gets you a perfect forearm workout

>why people like to climb ?
>all you do is climb

A-are you retarded ? that goes for every sport.

Climbing is pretty fun, it require a good amount of technique, strength (albeit not the 4pl8 deadlift type) endurance, balance, flexibility and the ability to sustain the pain in your fingers/feet.

Also there is something inherently good about climbing up a wall, just like when you see a big mountain and think to yourself "i want to go up that big mountain and see what's up there" just for the sake of doing it.




stop posting shitty .gifs, this isn't 10 years ago anymore

It's a sport, route planing and technique are more important than anything else. Second most important is grip strength, then come back strength, endurance and flexibility.

>why do so many people like to climb? all you do is climb up a wall, and once you're on the top... nothing. you just go down and go home. seems very boring to me.
That's like saying all you do in car racing is go around the track. You come back to where you've started in the end and then... nothing. You just get out of the car and go home.

why are amerifats so dumb?

whoops got stuck, time to cut my arm off or die.

He wasn't even climbing when that happened. That's a damned walkibg accident.

That monkey shit seems like it's defying gravity, how does he not tumble over

Because girls who climb are usually super cute and freaks in bed.

why lift weights? all you do is pick them up and put them down. sure the task may seem simple but a lot of technique and skill go into both sports. go to your local rock gym and try it out, its essentially solving puzzles that rely on your strength and technique.

>climbing thread
>why do so many people like to climb? all you do is climb up a wall, and once you're on the top... nothing. you just go down and go home. seems very boring to me.
its fun while you do it you passionless cruiton
go do something you love and ask the same question
its all just for fun

climbing is gods gift to man

Yeah I climbed for a while, and then all my gear got stolen out of the back of my car at a train station.
About to go to my local climbing gym for the first time in a while, pretty excited.
Been watching dickloads of Eric Karlsson bouldering, even thinking of trying out veganism.

Id kill to casually climb El Capitan

why do so many people like to play football? all you do is carry a football across a field, and once your at the end... nothing. the other guys carry it back to your end, and you go home. seems very boring to me.

Than don't do it?

But then again everything is better than Veeky Forums

Do you see the girl in that pic

can someone post good climbing youtube channels pls

I watch this guy, but mainly for travel stuff murphy

When you pick up a weight and put it back down again do you then lift it up again? How boring

>what is climbing outside?

I really enjoy climbing but I can't cling to tiny handholds at all
There's a climbing place not far from where I'm staying this summer, so I'll probably get a membership and work on it

why do so many people like to run? all you do is run, and once you're done... nothing. you just go home. seems very boring to me.

26 Replies to the thread, and no comment on the picture?
She's going to kill whoever it is she's supposed to be belaying. Never ever ever ever let go of the lower end of the rope.