Can i build muscle on a calorie deficit?

can i build muscle on a calorie deficit?

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You can't gain weight, but you should be able to lose fat and build muscle. But it's hard as fuck and bulking then cutting is more manageable for most people.

Only with newbie gains to any effect.

This. Also if depends a bit on how much fat you are ok looking to get rid of.

There is a point that you can't think of building muscle but exercising to keep whatever you have.

Yes if one of your body parts is significantly lacking or youre a beginner. Otherwise very rarely but no. Could happen but no.

If you are new enough to ask this question, then probably yes.

It depends on your
-energy availability (aka how lean you are. A fatty on a 500kcal deficit is not in the same catabolic state a lean athlete is given the same deficit)
-threshold for adaptation (if you have little musculature, you are going to gain mich more muscle much faster and easier than a pro bodybuilder at his un-natty limit. So-called "noob gains")

If you are an intermediate lifter below 20% bodyfat (actual 20%, meaning most of your abs should be visible even if not defined), the gains on a deficit/maintenance caloric intake would be so slow and miniscule as to render it a completely ineffective way to build muscle.

But I literally got into lifting as a method of weightloss and I assure you in my first two years when i went from 260-160lb, I made the vast majority of my gains to date.

I would say 85% of my gains were made either during a cutting phase, or during a maintenance phase in between cutting (to wait for my loose skin to tighten, and to prevent/reduce thermogenic adaptation)

Don't just trust rando shitposters on Veeky Forums, have a science, courtesy of Dr. Eric Helms (pic)

Yeah, just spend money to hire workers

How much you eat definitely changes recovery time.

Muscle is matter and matter isnt created out of nowhere.

That being said, if you have no muscle at all, you can absolutely build some in a cut, but it will be pathetic and nothing worth of noticing

Yes, most definitely. You'll gain strength if you get fat but a lot will go away when you cut you'll gain muscle at the same speed assuming you consume the right ammount of protein.

>How much you eat definitely changes recovery time
I didn't say anything to the contrary.
At the time of this pic, 100% of my gains were during my weight loss phase

>you can increase protein synthesis while decreasing anabolism
Not really, bro.
Only if your energy availability is high and your threshold for adaptation is low can you expect meaningful gains in a deficit

Now imagine how much better you would look with a bulk

That was me at 165, currently I am 193 and roughly the same bodyfat%, maybe slightly leaner.

It was still a drastic improvement from being a type II obese DYEL.

And I am very happy for you and I meant it, but that took like 2 years right? Yesterday some dude posted some progress pics, about 4 or 6 months of progress, and he looked better, because he was on a bulk.

But seriously, amazing for you bro, most obese people would have give up

If you are fat as shit, eat a lot of protein, and lift heavy as fuck? Yes.

Also take Creatine.

>in my first two years when i went from 260-160lb

he would be fat as fuck if he bulked instead of cut, youre retarded

Obviously bulking wasnt for him Im just saying that bulking will make more muscles faster

you look like that iron fist actor


Not only that, I still am dealing with loose skin, and if I would have bulked I wouldn't be able to be even as lean as I am now, and who knows how many more stretch marks I could have.

Telling a fatty to bulk is as silly as telling a skelly to recomp or cut.

Get to sub 15%, then worry about bulking

Ottermode >>>>>>> builtfat

Where is that? I haven't gone hiking in so long and it's fucking killing me.

And I agree 100% with that.
Never said or implied otherwise.
Watch that jewtube vid linked earlier

Yes really, bro. It's not impossible to maintain a state of positive protein synthesis while eating at a caloric defeciet.

Matanuska valley, alaska. At the base of castle mountain looking towards king mountain.
Fucking miss that place

It is only possible given an appropriate energy availability and adaptive threshold.

You cannot build muscle while catabolic.
You cannot lose fat while anabolic.

If you are a beginner yes
If you aren't a beginner but your diet is absolutely perfect yes
If you are half assing your diet and lifting routine no

>If you aren't a beginner but your diet is absolutely perfect yes
Even then, if you are close to your natty limit, and sub 15%, you can't even with picture perfect nutrition.

You can't get to contest conditions without losing musculature, regardless of nutrition

iron fist actor /10

Why is the beef that looks worse off than bacon graded as prime?

fattier cuts tend to come from higher quality younger cattle

How long does it typically take to go from 20% to ~15%?

Depends on how many pounds of fat that 5% is, and obviously your deficit.
1% a month is pretty typical, tho