Want to lose this stomach fat but also build muscle

Want to lose this stomach fat but also build muscle.
Wat do?

Already started doing cardio and lifting 3 times a week


Cut a little, then clean bulk until you have some respectable muscle, after that cut until 10%, then bulk to 15%, keep doing that until you reach your muscle limit

what do you mean by cut a little? whats a little

Well, how much your weight and what is your height? In cm and kg please

calculator says 182cm and 81kg

At least 10kg

Alright I would say cut until 70 - 72 then start the clean bulk

Read the sticky and you will magically acquire the knowledge needed for this metamorphosis.

alright so i need to go starvation mode until i'm 70-72kg asap

should i even lift weights in the mean time or just do cardio?

Well if you loke 1kg a week in 10 weeks you should be good to go. Yeah sure lift a little get some noob gains

alright appreciate it family

any cut plan i should follow?

Why is it nobody on /fit seems to have any hair on his belly? Do you guys shave it or what?

Not op but I shave chest/belly/pits.
Looks disgusting imo.

I honestly don't know why but my body hair is fucking weird.
> Full beard/ thick head of hair
> Absolutely no chest or back hair, smallest happy trail
> Hairy as a gorilla below waist

And I'm almost 30.

Slim milk, chicken, brown rice, beans, lots of veggies, greek yorgut, cottage cheese, protein shake, you know the usual

Just dont fuck up the rice and beans amount, buy a scale and eat around 50 - 100 grams each

>Slim milk, chicken, brown rice, beans, lots of veggies, greek yorgut, cottage cheese, protein shake, you know the usual

thanks a lot bro

yeah i do

honestly, as a beginner you can get away with eating at maintenance and avoiding junkfood while lifting as you do with cardio on off days or after your lift.
After recomp cut or bulk as you see fit. don't over think it.

Yeah he can but its better to start discipline early

do i need any supplements?

Nah supplements are for bulking because eating 400g of chicken everyday sucks

Lift 4-5 times a week, do intermittent fasting, meal replacement with soy protein, high rep/low weight (but instead of 3 sets of 12 in quick succession, do 3 sets of 8 and prolong the reps). Do negative pullups, dips, dumbbell shit, and squats.

Diet most important, pushups randomly throughout the day, jog after lifting. While dieting, make sure to get a daily multivitamin, fish oil, and magnesium.

Do this for 9 weeks and I promise you will see results.

Also do stretching. Lots of stretching. Basic shit that you would in gym class and then throw in some easy yoga shit you can do too.

nice trips

whats my bf% you think from OP pic?

Not him, but I'd say you are definitely under 30%, but probably around 25-27%.

jesus christ
when i used to play football i used to have sixpack abs

i fucked up

Also, don't listen to him about clean bulking at this point. He is a retard. You can cut fat and put muscle on at the same time, just not as much. The conventional wisdom on Veeky Forums is to do strength training to begin with because it is the lazy way for fatasses to get stronger without any real effort or discipline.

Follow . After doing this for awhile, you will get to the point you won't need to ask anyone what to do. You don't just need strength to get bigger, you need overall fitness/stabilizers/form. FORM MOST IMPORTANT.

This magical workout thats proven clinically 100%. Its the one and only medically proven way to lose fat.

You should do them in sets of 12x 3 times a day.

Alright heres the workout.

ForkPutDowns, seriously its that simple. No other methods has been proven as well as this simple daily workout. Start there and once these seem easy for you, try to add lifting into the mix.

I told him to cut until 70 and then clean bulk tho

do you know any good multivitamin and magnesium brands?

Doesn't matter. Just get something. I take Centrum for multi and some generic magnesium and fish oil. Arbitrary choices, brands don't really matter.

I really really hate questions like this.

I look about the same as OP, in my 30's. 170cm and 69kg. I want to lose 5kg in 2 months. What's the best way? I already run every second day and stay around 1500 calories.

cool thanks


Eat at a caloric deficit, make sure you get a lot of protein, lift heavy things then put them down. You don't even need cardio, just maintain a 1500 to 1800 calories a day. You'll lose it. Lift, lift, lift.

>lift heavy things then put them down

can you elaborate

You can sand down your shin bones and femur.

100 grit should do it.

Lift weights retard

was just fucking around

cardio works wonders for weight loss

CICO is a meme

calories in calories out is a meme?
how so?

Hes memeing

this board is confusing

Muscle confusion is key to weight loss too

how do i filter out the memers and the realers ?

You don't. Lifting is a meme and you learn to value the memes in your routine.