Why the fuck don't Chad's and Normie's accept that women are shallow? Chad's never admit that girls like their muscles and face its all confidence bro. Why the fuck don't they accept the fact that their looks help? A skelly or Chad and Chad wins cause of looks fucking Normie's why don't they get it Veeky Forums REEEEEEEeE

WWE warped my perception to how big guys should get, I remember seeing John Cena around normies and notice how goofy he looks because he's so big.

Chads dont get it because one reason they are Chads is they are not perceptive. They have some hobbies that keep them in shape, don't doubt themselves because they are to shallow to do that, and so when women see their superficial confidence they just see confidence.

That is why Chads and Stacys are meant to be together.

Because people want credits for their success. Someone who gets a shit load of girls wants to believe that they are attractive because of the amount of work they put in themselves. When betas point out the fact that it's mostly genetics that is responsible for it they are actively taking away their credit, which they dislike.

Personally I am aware that I have a shit character and that the sole reason I get girls is because of my good stature and face. I'm fine with knowing they see me as a piece of meat because I see them the same way.

Post pics
When women see confidence they just see confidence? No they see the face and body. Chad's are oblivious but WHY? And normies as a whole. How can you be so fucking deluded to think that your looks aren't helping you and that women aren't as shallow as men?

I've asked a few girls if a body is important when I had no muscle mass, they all said "noooo, personality is the most important". I actually believed them because they liked me and still slept with me. But, I didn't realize how much my learned charisma/social dynamics was helping me. Staying mentally on top for so long wasn't sustainable. It wan't until I lived with a chad roommate with a shit personality that I saw how far looks could get somebody. This guy was pounding a rotation of Stacies every night, all of them using him like meat. I started learning from him and hit the gym. Girls are definitely noticing a difference.

chads know exactly how shallow and insecure women off. that's exactly how they are so successful, because they play off of those insecurities.
normies are a combination of blind, in denial, and in fear of social ostracization for misogyny

YOU'RE shallow you fucking pussy. of course everyone's attracted to attractive people, but the biggest difference between you and an attractive "Chad" is the fact that you judged yourself ugly early and life and now you're fucking autistic from the social anxiety and sexual frustration. Chads see you literally shitting your pants in front of Stacy and think you'd pull a few girls if you weren't dripping spaghetti. And they're right, kick the victim complex and you'll realize that

exactly. women aren't shallow. not wanting to fuck a fat piece of shit doesn't mean you're shallow

It's possible to be fit, good looking, confident, and fun. In fact it's more likely that a fun and relaxed kind of person would be fit and good looking. Positive traits tend to cluster in some individuals, they cause each other.




Am I on fucking /r9k/? SHIT guys please keep it where it belongs. Chadposting should be bannable, its a funny meme but you fucks take it too far

It's not about fucking a fat piece of shit or ugly mug, it's about at least greasing the wheels of the conversation a bit. Quid pro quo.

You fuckung piece of nigger shit. Women say looks don't matter then they fuck the Chad so obviously they are shallow. Guys are shallow too because they're drooling over sluts all the time. You fuckers wanna move the goalposts that's fine but you shit for brains need to get that there's a lot of immaculate information out there, namely that women don't care about looks. I'm asking you motherfucking shit suckers why normies don't admit this. Fucking retarded inbred nigger pieces of dog barf.
All of you should get ebola and die you fucking shit sucking retarded fuckfaces.

Simple empathy answers this question user. Chad's don't believe they've lived a blessed life. They've been hurt and struggled too. The worst thing they've ever experienced may not be as bad as the worst thing you've ever experienced, but it's still their "worst thing". As a result they think their experiences in life are normal, and that most people are like them, or can be if they just did the same things Chad does.

okay women say looks don't matter TO YOU because you're ugly and they feel bad. happy?

Fuck off you cum guzzling faggot. Your face looks like a truck ran over it fuckface

Then they're fucking delusional. Some introspection would do them well.

so simple empathy says that Chads are retarded and can't use simple empathy to realize they've lived easy lives? it's a bit cliche for the awkward dude to desperately cling to the idea that the Chad has some kind of mental defect, and even more cliche that a dude hasn't legitimately suffered because you're mad he looks better than you. sounds like sexual frustration talking desu

you're abandoning the truth user, don't fall victim to the feels in your head

All I'm saying is they believe their looks don't help them. Their looks do help them. I don't know why everyone is spewing bile.


Nietzsche wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, autist
And an ubermensch wouldn't be so full of bitter ressentiment at everyone around them

his facial hair looks gross wtf

Damn straight. Clean up your house, Fritz.

You people don't get it. I'm not pissed that there's hotter guys out there. I'm angry that they don't accept or acknowledge the fact that their looks help them in life. It's all just confidence bro. How do you people not get my point?

Why do you need to have them acknowledge it?
I acknowledge it. People are nice to me because I have pretty eyes and I can be charming if I want. Neither of our positions have changed because of this admission.
That's one disadvantage you begin with, but rather than overcome it and live a good life anyway, you take the /r9k/ approach and cling to a single excuse to the point that every other problem in your life is easily explained away. Harden the fuck up and live in whatever way you can, you whiny piece of shit.
Actually read Neitzsche instead of posting edgy out-of-context images, he would hate you and all your faggotry.

i think most of us are getting your point, but the fact that you take what they say for face value is kind of telling. "i get more girls than you because you're ugly and autistic" is an awkward fucking conversation, and most people would rather encourage someone to be a more confident/pleasant human being, which would help them get laid anyway. I'm saying that attractive people with social skills would probably rather lie by omission than be a dick, and that doesn't make them retarded


> projecting

Chads and women are not obligated to stoop down to you level

You're not getting what I'm saying. I've repeated myself a thousand times. If girls wanna fuck Chad whatever that's the market. I'm angry because Chads act like their looks have nothing to do with their success with women.

>Your level

Says the fycking neck beard on Veeky Forums

Pic related

have a (you)

People in the bubble generally aren't even aware the bubble exists since they've never known anything else. Just look at how bitter beautiful women get when their looks fade. It isn't the loss of beauty that screws them up, it's the realization of how differently they were treated because of it.