He doesn't listen to audiobooks or podcasts while lifting in order to make PHYSICAL and MENTAL gains at the same time

>he doesn't listen to audiobooks or podcasts while lifting in order to make PHYSICAL and MENTAL gains at the same time

Explain yourself.

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Because I like japanese anime music.

I Do.

Hardcore History FTW

I do too. But I have limited data and dont want to pay for an audible membership.

I tried listening to political books while jogging at night but it became really creepy and scary i was scared ok im not stupid...

kek i used to run outside at night but then i started getting more and more scared of the dark

Im not scared of the dark i run in the dark all the time but i was listening to the communist manifesto to gain perspective but then karl fatass marx said there is a specter haunting europe and i became scared because i thought there were ghosts nearby and i had the heeby jeebies so i went back to listening to music

I want to laugh at you but at any point after 9pm I become extremely scared that a spooky ghost is going to pull me into an obscure nightmare realm. I literally stopped sleeping on my back because it can cause sleep paralysis.

I don't listen to audiobooks while I'm weightlifting, because it's a more demanding task and requires me to be more aware of my actions. Not to mention it's not pumping me up.

I listen to history lecture series when I'm running, because it's so monotonous that I'm usually able to direct my attention to the lecture. Right now I'm listening to "The World of Byzantium"

Oh no are you ok :( please be safe dont let the ghosts pull you into a nightmare realm your gains will be useless there



There's more to mental gains than just absorbing more content.

Train your mind to find calm/steadiness in just focusing on a workout, and not seeking stimulation playing with your phone and such between sets, and you'll be making mental gains that over-stimulated normies can't even imagine.

TRS, TLPotL, Welcome to Nightvale, Hardcore Histories, and JRE. Binging TRS and all its associated stuff atm to catch up. Once I finish that it'll be catchup game on everything to get to most recent.

I've never thought to do this. I will give it a try this week.

the daily shoah is my jam

What's the best way to access audio books on a smart phone?

tap 'em

>im not scared of the dark i run in the dark all the time
Do this in the wrong city at the wrong block at this time of day and youll be running from ass rapists. Youll learn trust me

>He distracts himself with stupid bullshit while lifting

You disgust me.

This. Uptempo music without lyrics is all that's acceptable if you are actually trying to concentrate on what you're doing

I agree with you on this one. I think that most of these self improvement people on Veeky Forums are more obsessed with the status that reading lots of books gets instead of absorbing the information, along with most other skills. They would get much more out of reading less and pondering on it rather than blasting through 100 classics, or slaving away at some other skill that they percieve as impressive. Most self improvement here seems to just be people wanted to project superiority.

Quality over quantity, wisdom over knowledge.

t. DYELs

Same senpai, I still haven't listen past episode 148 on the daily Shoah

OP we all miss /fitlit/ but you've gotta move on

Yes! I've been listening to Ghosts of the Osfront lately while working out. I enjoy listening to podcasts much more than music when I lift.

>he does not listen to joy division and think how much of a fuck up you are
Explain youraelf

Slow down frank, your power levels are showing.

Not being mindful of what's happening currently in front of you at the moment that you have always and will always choose to place yourself in that moment. Why ruin it with distractions?

Being in the gym is a great way to practice mindfulness. You are focused on your breathe, which is the foundation of mindfulness training.

SHIT MAN, read some books on that instead.

You can listen to music AND focus on your breathing, user.
It's not hard.
If Arnold had mp3 players back in his day, he would have trained with them too.


Fuck sleep paralysis. It traumatized the fuck out of little 7 year old me.

>If Arnold had mp3 players back in his day, he would have trained with them too.

No. Arnold loved to mingle with people and wouldn't want to isolate himself like 90% of the autists on this board.


Listening to the history of England podcast about Anglo Saxon resistance to the danish invasion right meow.

I'm not saying he would have done it all the time, and certainly not in front of a camera.
He could easily grab tons of cash by marketing such hypothetical music players though.
Maybe there wouldn't have been an Ipod revolution in that timeline.

>He could easily grab tons of cash by marketing such hypothetical music players though.

Definitely but I feel like if Young Arnold is how we perceive him to be he'd rather just play his music for everyone else around him to deal with via a boom box or just demanding the gym play his own mixtape. Arnold was alpha as fuck

I like thrash metal, it's high energy and repititive. I count out the beats to the numbers and stuff


I tried to listen to audiobooks while lifting, but I was unable to follow along with the story. Repping heavy weights and trying to pay attention to a story is impossible for me. I'll now listen to podcasts on light days since a overarching story isn't usually being told.

The optimal way to do it is to listen to read a book between sets. It also gives you something the gym cuties can use to start a conversation.

no bitch i only count to 3 and 4. the only time i do 5 is dream theater

Lol, I'm only up to 84. Loooong way to go

i rather concentrate on lifting when i lift and not half ass both things at once unless you are talking about some meaningless audiobooks

If you can process audiobooks while working out, you aren't working out hard enough.

>implying metalcore has more odd signatures than thrash metal
99% of metalcore bands chug in 4/4. the ones that are more "progressive" are usually called mathcore. and some of those are actually great for lifting, the more aggressive ones like converge or the dillinger escape plan.

I only listen to The Official podcast.

Lol same desu

fucking this

muh nigger
ever heard of car bomb? Their shit is great to work out to, but the time signatures are all over the place

If you want true mental gains, find a paper on the ArXiv to read through between sets and stop pretending that podcasts make you smart.

>Death Throes of The Republic
>King of Kings

great series

>not listening to renditions of the Bible

for shame.

>he doesn't focus on one and only one thing at a time to maximize profits on everything

Shitty way to do either

Just breathe, user. Max those OX GAINS

Mah nigga

Blueprint for Armageddon ignites my Prussian blood for leg days.

But I listen to kpop for the cute girls telling me to be a man.

I would agree with you in every way if it was the norm for people to be accessing "classics" at all.

That being said, I'll listen to some podcasts while lifting. I'll even listen to an audio book, but it's going to be something akin to finishing that pulpy fantasy series I started when I was younger. If I'm going to consume Cormac McCarthy, I'm going to sit down and actually read it and engage the text more.

more like bored burgers podcast

Brainlets ITT

You build muscle through working them against resistance, the same goes for the brain and mind
Spending all your energy on just honing your focus to your lifts is SS baby tier exercising. Focusing on a book and on lifting at once requires much more effort.

I do anki flashcard REPS in between sets to learn Japanese.

The weeb phase will die out stop now before you waste a lot of time

You won't be able to multitask as your lifts increase. You're better off just listening to music and reading books after.

>totally neglecting the need of caloric surplus for fitness gains (longterm)

gee why haven't i thought about this earlier. Apparently your interest (or lack of) in certain subjects are not able to influence the memories about the books/podcast read/listened.

Try to think about all the things you learned in school that you can't remember. You can't? Are you a brainlet (lmao not progressive overloading your brain into a library)


I need to enter a animalistic trance of rage and testosterone when working out

It'd be nice to listen to Marcus Aurelius in the gym but unfortunately the ones here seem to have turn into clubs now. I usually try to get in and out as the loud pop music literally makes me nauseous to hear lately.

Big fan of the audiobooks though any suggestions or other boards to find some would be appreciated

I'm gonna start doing this.

This would be a good way to learn other languages. How aren't you tired after your sets though to have enough energy to do this???

Get Pocket Cast for Android (maybe also iOS, dno). It allows you to download the podcast while you're on WiFi so you don't have to worry at the gym.

Its kind of a buggy app. how long has it been around. using it now and its crashing the phone