
Fine considering I will live a long and healthy life unlike this demotivated piece of human trash.

Other urls found in this thread:


>posts 'that video' for millionth time

> Calling us cucks

Pretty sure Boogie and his partner literally live with a black stud.

Also weird that as such a liberal leaning person he's adopting the far right terminology.

Also weird that he visits Veeky Forums.

Also he does have a good chance of dying during the surgery, complications caused by obesity during surgery is a statistically significant way to go, if he lives it's literally only because his surgeons are amazing, nature wants to kill him.


That guys gay you fucking mongs. Although it is hypocritical as when he was younger he was in an open relationship

yeah, sure, "gay", if those are the mental gymnastics who require go for it

Atleast I don't loose 8lbs in 6 years

Oh fuck off you can even see it

Go away boogie

How does it feel knowing that Jason Genova, a literal retard, could cuck you?

>The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

wife creating that as a joke is clever af. she is probably fucking him on the side or someone else

>nature wants to kill him

he's wearing fucking eyeliner dude

Boogie do we really drive up your view count so much that you have to annoy us with these threads

Surely other boards have more viewers

He's bisexual. There's a difference.

i dont know.... i dont hate the guy, i dont really know how i feel about him desu

i think its great for him, for anyone really, to make a easy life for themselves being a internet star. must be nice. im jealous he gets to experience intimacy with a female while im a 26 kv

if he wants to eat himself to death who am i to tell him not to. i dont know him or understand him

and dont call me fat either. i went from 210~ pounds to 156 pounds at 5'11" barefoot naked today in the morning. soon after some chiropractor shit to adjust my back and get the foundation for lifting done right, ill start lifting and shortly after im sure ill start some beginners cycle

is he physically repulsive because of his obesity? sure.... but im sure theres acts of filth that some very physically beautiful people commited that even their own mothers wouldnt forgive

ahaha I never would have guessed he actually visited Veeky Forums he is truly a masochist. sorry boogie I love you but you are mentally ill. I hope you get better.

>someone as fat as boogie visits Veeky Forums
>doesn't read the sticky
>thinks losing weight is difficult
>only participates in pity threads

Whatever you say Boogie

If he's so fat how does he have a beard like that. I would have though his T levels would be abysmal

If you're going to blogpost, at least use proper capitalization and avoid reddit spacing.

Looks thin. he's probably been growing that for literally years. Low test fat bitch.

stfu faggot, go be a spelling nazi somewhere else, i dont respect faggots like you. i bet you had amazing grades in english class like the rest of them faggots

this entire thread is blogposting

>omg look at boogie hes so fat XDDDDDD hahahaha eggsd
>this is okay and anything negative against boogie is okay but a neutral opinion isnt

kill yourself

Iron your shirt, boogie

Manlets are hilarious. This fat fuck is only pathetic, so why should I give a fuck? Can we please stop talking about him? Any topic is more important than this.

Yfw he eventually has a heart attack and does from his obesity

Here's mine

*when he dies


You seem to know an awful lot about how formatting works in reddit, u/Anonymous ;)

I hope the man dies on the operating table.

My healthcare costs keep rising. Fuck these """people""".

Boogie hate thread? Boogie hate thread.

Good lord this man is pathetic

lmao you guys get triggered so easily who cares what this fat fuck says

I just don't understand why he has to behave like a pig.

relay makes u think

This fucking picture. I have epilepsy, and other problems that make it impossible for me to hold a job for more than about 3 months. And I am going to lose my insurance soon. I bust my ass every fucking day so the parts of me that I can change are at peak performance. Boogie doesn't know the real struggle, he's a piece of shit and doesn't accurately represent those of us who are young and need some kind of health care from the government. My life is fucked because of things I have no control over, and his is mainly due to his weight... I'd love to get my hands on him.

"Muh metabolism". Apparently he thinks he is so fat that he breaks the laws of Physics.

calls us beta cuck yet :

>he shits himself over his chair and makes her wife clean it
>wife beg him to do something
>he promises to lose weight
>gave up and just get a shit bag
> still doesnt empty it and makes her wife empty the bag
>his bag explodes in a comicon

Oh the joys of the alpha life

What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*


*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

*Gets 10000 likes*

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!

Now he has "survivors guilt" because his healthcare wasn't axed.

this guy is braindead

>Boogie is such a lazy shit that he literally shits himself sometimes while sitting at his PC because he's too lazy to haul his massive form over to the toilet.
>His wife has to clean his shit up for him and wipe his ass whenever this happens.
>Boogie gets all depressed and says he'll definitely make an effort to stop all this, but never does.
>He got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>Wife begged him to stop but he didnĀ“t care
>Finally, the wife has had enough so she forces Boogie get a colostomy bag installed.
>He never, ever emties it. says it's "too depressing and that it triggers his ptsd"
>One day, it explodes while he's at a convention. The air reeks of rancid shit a mile around, and Boogie tries to play it off as a joke while rushing as fast as someone like him possibly can to get to the nearest toilet to clean himself up.
>His wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>Was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal
>We learn in a future video, this fast dash to the bathroom did major damage to his back, making any attempts at weight loss in the future futile

i wanted to read more about "boogie shitting himself" horror stories. google was 1 step ahead of me.


so lazy he pays $ to remove the weight from his body. He'll gain it back nice and slowly and afterwards fucking die.

If he survives the operation. He is even too fat for the operation. He has been losing weight for the surgery for 2 years and still isn't the right weight. The surgeon will take quite a large risk operating on him. I bet his wife will sue the hospital if he dies, even though he himself wanted the risky operation.

can I just be legit for a second here

on that Nov. 26, 2014 one where he has the bowl of reddi whip, that entire bowl is like 200 calories at most

the 2-liter of Mtn. Dew is worse

Nope, he eats the whole container: 555 calories, (37 servings of 15 calories)

Still not that bad if he stayed within calorie budget for that day

I don't think he did

if that's the larger size can, which it looks to be, that's 74 servings per can. 15cal per serving = 1110cal consumed if he eats the whole can (of course he did).

The fat/carb/sugar count is impossible to calculate because they're all "1g", but that shit is never accurate when it's near 1g. Could be anywhere between 40-140g of sugar consumed. It's likely around 1-liter of mountain dew.

>already forgetting that prophecy confirms he will die on the operating table

>boogie actually browses Veeky Forums

What do you think booger's estats look like?

whats his height and weight?

>bench .5pl8
>curl 40lbs
>squat 600

don't buy shitty food, man. how hard is it? there aren't drones shooting big macs on fatties mouths

it's like an alcoholic having a liquor cabinet in the house


I can overeat anything, but I'm not that fat anymore.

I literally had 5 eggs and 5 small-medium avocados for breakfast yesterday.

why is boogie a thing anyway... .like does he talk about video games or something?

The internet has not shortage of fat fucks with self control problems.

Everyone pays more because insurance companies cannot deny him health insurance, even though he will obviously consume way more in costs than he'll ever put in.
Meanwhile he makes 6 figures from stupid internet videos.

Fuck his spelling and grammar is awful, especially for a guy who tries to frame himself as an intellectual.

Gotta love the fatlogic though

> Eat complete shit that cause all your organs and bodily functions to start to fail
> Metabolism slows down as a result
> "Ohh, muh metabolism, it's not my fault I gain weight"

It's a chicken and egg scenario, except that we know his weight gain came first and the metabolism slowing down came second

>nature wants to kill him

Bro wtf that many avacodos is like at least 120 grams of fat, that's like 1000 calories from fat.

Yes, and the cholesterol from 5 eggs like like 500% of your RDI

I'm trying to show that I'm easily able to overeat "healthy" foods

Guys stop hating on him he is not fat, he is bulking ffs. You will get jelly when he is gonna start cutting (which might be soon)

You ate twice what the normal person would eat.

You can also die from drinking too much water, retard. What's your point, dumbass?

What are you talking about?

That guy was clearly making a joke about boogie overeating and you said "you ate" as if he was boogie

He couldn't even squat 600 if you included his body weight. In fact I doubt he even can do a squat without any weight.

Your metabolism actually goes way up when you're fat.

It's hard work pumping blood and oxygen to all that fat

Which is common knowledge. That guy is either an autist or trolling.


Jokes have to be funny

Surely you understand that missing a joke would make it not funny to you?

Here's an inside joke that my friends always get a massive laugh at -- "You're acting pretty hostile toward me right now"

Not funny, right? It's almost as if jokes are only funny if you get them.

you are a nice guy user

reddit format identified, fuck off you betanigger



he has extremely low self esteem and finds it liberating to self-handicap because it gives him a sense of control in his life

nice try boogie

Goddamn, can you imagine the cost of healthcare if the entire US switched over to single payer? With that many fatties and druggies it would be a shitshow.
>have to wait years for a knee surgery because of all the fatties in line before you
So glad I'm not a leaf

It was estimated to add 18 trillion to the national debt over 10 years. I hate to sound edgy but honestly fatties need to just be left to die. Democracy was a mistake.

That on top of free college too...
What a nightmare if Sanders would have won. The whole point of insurance on the company's end is "betting" that you won't die.

Veeky Forums cucks BTFO!

When will you all recover?

I just want legal weed

if the U.S. wasn't cucked by the 2 party system I think the plurality of Americans would vote Libertarian

i want a person's bodyfat % to be calculated annually.

15% and below get free healthcare, weed steroids.

15-25% pay a fairly low amount.

25-35% pay a high amount of money.

40% and above have all of their assets frozen, gubment assistance is revoked for life, and they are involuntarily placed into a medical prison where they are force fed a strict diet until they are an acceptable weight.

no they wouldn't

yes they would. republicans care most about guns and taxes. democrats care most about social liberalism. independents are a larger voting bloc than either democrat or republican at the moment.

>wearing eyeliner makes you gay