Recovery tips

What does Veeky Forums do to maximize their recovery efficiency?

Foam rolling seriously saved my back, I do it for about 5 minutes before and after my workout. I used to wake up with a stiff back and pain in my right lat but now I wake up with no tension.

Foam rolling and stretching for 30 minutes at the end of every day. I was shocked at how much this helped.also 8-9 hours of sleep a night.

whats the difference between foam rolling and getting a legit massage

Massage will be able to hit more areas

I was told by my one physical therapist to foam roll my lower back. But I was also told by another orthopedic surgeon not to foam roll my lower back what should I do

Have them fight to the death and see which one is left. Follow his advice

You can foam roll your lower back just don't roll the spine. Roll the muscles next to it.

Okay the quatam? The muscles beside my right side get tight and hurt my hip. They said my rotated hip could be fixed by rolling it.


Idk what you mean by the quatam, just that you roll it leaning slightly off to your side like if you were leaning on your elbow. And maybe this is similar to your case but when my right hip was rototated forward due to an injury I released it by stretching the hip flexors doing the kneeling hip flexor stretch and tfl stretch. I also did hip circles stoppong to stretch bending further in the opposite direction wherever I felt knots and tightness.

Also the standing forward Ben really helped a lot. It compliments the foam rolling

*standing forward bend

Thanks very much. When yoy said saved your back, what happened?

No idea what your asking but I'll attempt to answer anyway. Back in highschool my coach had me try long jump with no Training whatsoever. I had shit mobility so when I landed I did so with practically straight legs. Naturally something had to give to distribute the energy and it ended up being my hip moving up and forward. I had pretty bad pain running up the muscles of my lower back on that side, and I limped for like 5 days. I tried physical therapy a couple of times but they couldn't identify the issue. Eventually with a lot of Google searxhing I stumbled upon these stretches and foam/lacrosse ball rolling and they helped bigly. My shit was so tight that after the stretch was hard to do until the scar tissue snapped and my hip was released suddenly. This happened like in 5 min. I was pretty sore for the next few days but after that my hip was all loosened up and rotated back. There is still a little bit of weakness and I get a little pain at times but it isnt really a problem.

Can you explain what stretches you do other than the lower sides of the lower back? How is your pain now?

Cold shower

As I said before I did the kneeling hip flexor stretch, the tfl stretch (very similar to the kneeling hip flexor stretch), hip circles (with further stretching by bending in the opposite direction of the tight knotted areas), and standing forward bends. If you Google the names of these stretches you find out how to do them. And like I said in the post above I get some light pain here and there but it isn't really too much of an issue.

Apologies I am having issues connecting to the Internet so I had to post it again. I'll look up those stretches. Thanks

anybody use a vibrating massager? (no homo, no magicwand)

I was debating getting one of them or a theracane to get my anterior shoulders/pec minor, but I can't justify paying $50 for a fucking oblong piece of plastic (theracane)

I have a vibrating massager bug I'm not sure how effective it would be for what you want. Why not just try rolling with a lacrosse ball or golf ball? Cheap and they are similar to the rounded edges of the therucane

you can get a theracane-like object from bb&beyond for like 25 burgerrands

Pain killers and sleep
As a lot of determination

I have a baseball I usually use to roll out specific areas, but it becomes cumbersome when rolling around my shoulder and chest. It's like I'm humping the wall.